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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. http://nichegamer.com/2015/05/denis-dyack-interview-part-2-gamergate-the-igda-and-censorship/
  2. I'm not a hothead. "We can't tell you what we've been doing and won't show you, but trust us it's all ok." You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. I don't care how you try to dress up invasion of privacy, it's still a violation of rights and morally wrong. No it doesn't. 1984 wasn't an instruction manual Bruce. Real wages have stagnated since the 70's, with real wealth for the poorest declining. Wealth for the poor is not declining; it's improving. While wages have stagnated, the cost of living and of luxuries have been lowering. Just about everyone is getting wealthier; just some are getting wealthier much faster than others. Huh? Most data I've seen seems to contradict that. Especially considering that real prices of gas have ballooned to ridiculous amounts, taking a much larger chunk of spending than previously. Granted Videogames and streaming have gone down in price, but printed works(especially comics, but no one pays for that) and cable seem to have risen faster than inflation. Only thing a quick search could turn up: http://gabriel-zucman.eu/files/SaezZucman2014.pdf If you have some data I'd like to see it. KP I'm clearly not explaining my point properly because you don't seem to get it So firstly yes, there are some things you just need to trust us on But this is not a pig, this is an adoption of a strategy. The same methodology that is used to track the communication of extremists can also theoretically be used to spy on people ...but that is not its intention. So you are right about its potential use but wrong around the practical use of it. Big difference You're explaining your point fine Bruce, your point is just wrong. I have to say what never ceases to amaze me about these forums is the lack of support from our American friends towards these types of initiatives ...like Prism Its designed to protect you and your families yet you only see the negative and criticize it....it boggles my mind It's because I value liberty and don't want a government spying on me, despite any claims of how much they're protecting me from the boogeyman they can't tell me about.
  3. I'm not a hothead. "We can't tell you what we've been doing and won't show you, but trust us it's all ok." You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. I don't care how you try to dress up invasion of privacy, it's still a violation of rights and morally wrong. No it doesn't. 1984 wasn't an instruction manual Bruce. Real wages have stagnated since the 70's, with real wealth for the poorest declining. Wealth for the poor is not declining; it's improving. While wages have stagnated, the cost of living and of luxuries have been lowering. Just about everyone is getting wealthier; just some are getting wealthier much faster than others. Huh? Most data I've seen seems to contradict that. Especially considering that real prices of gas have ballooned to ridiculous amounts, taking a much larger chunk of spending than previously. Granted Videogames and streaming have gone down in price, but printed works(especially comics, but no one pays for that) and cable seem to have risen faster than inflation. Only thing a quick search could turn up: http://gabriel-zucman.eu/files/SaezZucman2014.pdf If you have some data I'd like to see it. KP I'm clearly not explaining my point properly because you don't seem to get it So firstly yes, there are some things you just need to trust us on But this is not a pig, this is an adoption of a strategy. The same methodology that is used to track the communication of extremists can also theoretically be used to spy on people ...but that is not its intention. So you are right about its potential use but wrong around the practical use of it. Big difference You're explaining your point fine Bruce, your point is just wrong.
  4. "We can't tell you what we've been doing and won't show you, but trust us it's all ok." You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. I don't care how you try to dress up invasion of privacy, it's still a violation of rights and morally wrong. No it doesn't. 1984 wasn't an instruction manual Bruce. Real wages have stagnated since the 70's, with real wealth for the poorest declining. Wealth for the poor is not declining; it's improving. While wages have stagnated, the cost of living and of luxuries have been lowering. Just about everyone is getting wealthier; just some are getting wealthier much faster than others. Huh? Most data I've seen seems to contradict that. Especially considering that real prices of gas have ballooned to ridiculous amounts, taking a much larger chunk of spending than previously. Granted Videogames and streaming have gone down in price, but printed works(especially comics, but no one pays for that) and cable seem to have risen faster than inflation. Only thing a quick search could turn up: http://gabriel-zucman.eu/files/SaezZucman2014.pdf If you have some data I'd like to see it.
  5. At FanExpo Vancouver, someone asked John Barrowman what little known project he's done that he would like more people to see. I don't remember what it was called but he talked about how he thinks its stupid that its taboo to study homosexuality and that he actually wanted to find out why he is the way he is and did a program regarding that. Supposedly its looking like its mostly early fetal development conditions that causes it. Estrogen levels, the mothers stress, etc. So they are born that way, but its not genetic. I think he did do something like that, the making of me or something. That might be interesting. Thanks for the tip! ...and Cassandra looks really off for me for some reason. The face simply do not look feminine enough. But each to each own i guess. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m27Awmlgi38 And DAI was awful. I would've taken a Cassandra that looked like an ogre if the combat wasn't ****.
  6. In order to keep the derailment going, I'll answer accordingly: But what if base needs can't be met concurrently with self-realization? If most of your time goes to work to generate funds to pay for base needs, can you achieve self-realization? That doesn't mean those plans will work. Real wages have stagnated since the 70's, with real wealth for the poorest declining. As long as they don't **** on my rights, those ****s can do whatever they want. That's because It hasn't even begun. It's too late. We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine...and the machine is bleeding to death. Enjoy the negativity darling.
  7. "We won't use this data we've collected and stored on you without your consent to do anything wrong, we promise!" Are you seriously arguing that because terrorists so inept that a bomb they sowed into a man's underwear failed to detonate after he successfully boarded a plane haven't been able to pull off a 9/11 the NSA(and other authorities) are doing an excellent job? So spying on citizens does "an excellent job" but they still aren't going to be able to stop a couple of guys who made bombs in the garage? I'd hardly consider that a justification for invasion of privacy and would instead consider it proof that the war on terror failed badly.
  8. No, my disdain for the state and limits on my rights influences my view. The government monitoring communication is an infringement on natural rights. The usage of the internet by some to commit cyber-warfare does not excuse the invasion of privacy by the state. The war on terror is a failure. Spying on citizens under the guise of protecting them is the hallmark of a police state.
  9. Should I only care about the curbing of civil liberties once they have directly effected me? Should I cease caring about the impact of racism and sexism too? Come on you are too clever to make silly comparisons Being opposed to bigotry is not the same thing as your government passing laws to protect its citizens from the threat of attack? My government passing laws to trample natural rights people is worse than bigotry in many ways. Yes it can be but its not like you live in Russia where there is real pressure on the free press ? The problems of another state does not negate the problems with my own. The fact that I or anyone else in the US can be spied on without consent concerns me greatly, as it should anyone who favors freedom. Its interesting how that type of thing doesn't bother me..but I do sell and implement eDiscovery software so it would strange if that type of thing did bother me Your distaste for liberty and love for the state is well known Bruce.
  10. Should I only care about the curbing of civil liberties once they have directly effected me? Should I cease caring about the impact of racism and sexism too? Come on you are too clever to make silly comparisons Being opposed to bigotry is not the same thing as your government passing laws to protect its citizens from the threat of attack? My government passing laws to trample natural rights people is worse than bigotry in many ways. Yes it can be but its not like you live in Russia where there is real pressure on the free press ? The problems of another state does not negate the problems with my own. The fact that I or anyone else in the US can be spied on without consent concerns me greatly, as it should anyone who favors freedom.
  11. Should I only care about the curbing of civil liberties once they have directly effected me?Should I cease caring about the impact of racism and sexism too? Come on you are too clever to make silly comparisons Being opposed to bigotry is not the same thing as your government passing laws to protect its citizens from the threat of attack? My government passing laws to trample natural rights people is worse than bigotry in many ways.
  12. At FanExpo Vancouver, someone asked John Barrowman what little known project he's done that he would like more people to see. I don't remember what it was called but he talked about how he thinks its stupid that its taboo to study homosexuality and that he actually wanted to find out why he is the way he is and did a program regarding that. Supposedly its looking like its mostly early fetal development conditions that causes it. Estrogen levels, the mothers stress, etc. So they are born that way, but its not genetic. I think he did do something like that, the making of me or something.
  13. - Wealth inequality- Unsustainable resource exploitation - Poverty - Racism - Sexism - The continued erosion of our civil liberties Sure those exist in society but most of those points will always exist in some form...we can never eradicate them completely so lets not get too depressed But we have more SJ campaigns than ever before that help people and general global poverty deals are down. Also most Western countries have laws that reduce blatant racism, sexism and homophobia. I also think you guys get confused with laws that are implemented to protect us from new threats like Islamic extremism and cyber-terrorism with your civil liberties being eroded? Can you give me an example of that so I understand the context ? Patriot Act and TPP. But we know why the Patriot act was implemented ....it was probably justified at the time. But Baro lives in Oz so this shouldn't have impacted him? So I am interested in his examples of how his civil liberties are being attacked? He'll be impacted by TPP. And Patriot Act being justified? Hell no, spying on people because they might do something is unjustifiable to anyone who considers privacy a natural right.
  14. - Wealth inequality- Unsustainable resource exploitation - Poverty - Racism - Sexism - The continued erosion of our civil liberties Sure those exist in society but most of those points will always exist in some form...we can never eradicate them completely so lets not get too depressed But we have more SJ campaigns than ever before that help people and general global poverty deals are down. Also most Western countries have laws that reduce blatant racism, sexism and homophobia. I also think you guys get confused with laws that are implemented to protect us from new threats like Islamic extremism and cyber-terrorism with your civil liberties being eroded? Can you give me an example of that so I understand the context ? Patriot Act and TPP.
  15. - Wealth inequality- Unsustainable resource exploitation- Poverty- Racism- Sexism- The continued erosion of our civil liberties So Capitalism?
  16. Really, it seems my research abilities are terrible then. Your time management skills are terrible. You should see my dating history.
  17. This forum is terrible, it doesn't let me edit posts after 30 minutes.
  18. Which is why I just ignore those discussions. It's a waste of time to get sucked into it again. What exactly was Volo right about ? That Anita wants to separate the genders? He has repeated for 9 months that SJWs are really racists in disguise. Okay he has indeed repeated this I agree but how does this Twitter link support this? All Anita is saying is studies have revealed that same race classes have improved studies, I'm not sure I agree but is it racist ? Most people would consider segregation racist. Bruce is from South Africa, i do not think that he understands those nuancesheywaitaminute Well KiA in there efforts to prove how they're not right wing go on about how this authoritarian left have the same solutions as the authoritarian right so maybe we've come full circle. The only SJWs on /leftypol/ are Stalinists or Maoists so there may be something to that.
  19. What exactly was Volo right about ? That Anita wants to separate the genders? He has repeated for 9 months that SJWs are really racists in disguise. Okay he has indeed repeated this I agree but how does this Twitter link support this? All Anita is saying is studies have revealed that same race classes have improved studies, I'm not sure I agree but is it racist ? Most people would consider segregation racist.
  20. No the ninja is more weeabo stealth magic. The group has one person who wants to do the swordsage and another who wants to do warblade.
  21. http://nichegamer.com/2015/05/denis-dyack-interview-part-1-yellow-journalism-and-what-really-happened-with-x-men-destiny/ I was right, it was Dyack.
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