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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. In their case it would be paternity leave. But yeah, probably would be for the best if that was standard.
  2. Got a source for this? Just look at writers on staff.
  3. 'But why do you suddenly now feel the need to play a white person in every game? Its only since GG that this view has now become vociferous in some circles. And I'm sorry to say I question its real motives and sincerity I don't.
  4. Still more non-whites than the Witcher, but given that these sites are (mostly) based in the US, far behind in terms of representation based on racial makeup. I guess diversity doesn't apply to them.
  5. It doesn't? Then what does the doctrine of capitalism say? AFAIK unless there's some newfangled definition, Capitalism only states that means of production, trade and industry aren't controlled (or aren't majority controlled) by the State, that generally private ownership and accumulation of capital are expected. There is wage labor, competitive markets and negotiation of prices. There's actually nothing in that that inherently says anything about profit (or for that matter, treating people ethically). Well he did say "doctrine of capitalism" so I assumed he was talking about something different than the definition. Granted I have a hard time understanding what Bruce is on about most of the time.
  6. It doesn't? Then what does the doctrine of capitalism say? It can also create large swaths of people enslaved by various debts who are required to spend most of their earnings paying off those debts. This is compounded in low-income areas, where payday loans keep people in a cycle of perpetual debt. A few people becoming millionaires because of a lucky investment doesn't negate that.
  7. So playing an animuized japanese is playing a white person?
  8. Paying a decent wage is worse than importing workers to work for low wages? Especially considering that quality of service can go to ****? Disney is a publicly traded company, their only loyalty is to the bottom line. If you want better conditions and protection for US citizen jobs look to legislation, not Disney doing the 'right thing'. I understand that completely, I take issue with theidea that the alternative of paying workers more and delivering better service being worse than using cheap labor.
  9. Paying a decent wage is worse than importing workers to work for low wages? Especially considering that quality of service can go to ****?
  10. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/last-task-after-layoff-at-disney-train-foreign-replacements/ar-BBkE3Ud?ocid=HPCDHP
  11. http://adexchanger.com/publishers/ftc-publishers-will-be-held-responsible-for-misleading-native-ads/
  12. I especially liked the comment on how poorly her post was written and that Bethesda would never hire poor writers. "A world class developer would not write this garbage. very amateurish and stupid." "Curved Swords"
  13. It's funny, in the US blacks are a huge portion of the fighting game scene. In the times I've gone to tournaments, I've never seen an overall bias towards playing toons that matched the player's race. Honestly, this stuff from Polygon reads like something that comes from someone whose interactions with non-whites is practically non-existent. And as to placing non-white characters in the Witcher, how would you go about this? Almost every established character is white, and I don't really see making some random quest-giver with three lines a mestizo will be a deal breaker for someone ho just wants to kill monsters. I guess all non-whites I know have internalized something because they don't seem to care about the racial diversity in fiction.
  14. There's been plenty of games based on Asian mythology/fantasy featuring Asian characters without many non-Asians, so I'm not seeing the issue.
  15. Of course it won't be the first, that was Fallout Tactics.
  16. Have you ever run across an ex a few years after you stopped seeing them frequently and looking at how lackluster their life is feel a small amount of disappointment? That's how I felt about this trailer.
  17. Is it, though? To be told that their unique culture and background is just white stuff and nobody would care if it got replaced with cooler black stuff because there's already so much white stuff? Pretty much, yeah. Which black stuff are we talking about? Caribbean culture, American black culture, or something else? Or do the bloggers think that's all the same and just want a token shoved in?
  18. European culture is uniform and whites don't discriminate against whites.
  19. Yeah, and then there's the method of determining average. So games journalists. Everyones favourite, Nathan Grayson, finds the whole thing problematic https://archive.is/FJTVd Then it's guaranteed to be a good thing.
  20. Yeah, and then there's the method of determining average. So games journalists.
  21. Not if you want a refund on a 30 second game. 2 hours is fairly reasonable, you have plenty of time to get a feel for gameplay and have a better idea if this is something you want to play for a while. My problem with your suggestion is that with multiplayer mainly games that have a 4 hour single-player campaign, 5% can be eaten up by cinematics and tutorials.
  22. 30 second game? I'd ask for a refund If I spent more than a dollar on something like that. If anything, wouldn't gamers be more likely to buy a game from Steam if they knew they could return it if they didn't like it or it doesn't work on their PC?
  23. http://store.steampowered.com/steam_refunds/ Steam is now offering refunds for games played less than 2 hours. What do you guys think?
  24. I'm looking for something to watch, any recommendations?
  25. This one? http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2015/05/31/why-feminist-frequency-is-dead-wrong-about-the-witcher-3/ Seems fairly mild IMO.
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