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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Any word on what MCA is doing after Obsidian?
  2. Why is Scientology any more insane than any other religion? Because they believe in a different extra-terrestrial? Seems to me that all religions are soapboxing. It hasn't been around as long and as such hasn't been normalized by large groups of people.
  3. This makes Mark E Smith's music look comprehensible.
  4. I drank a lot of whiskey and an now guzzling water so I don't get hungover.
  5. I'd have to question your sanity if you enjoyed Mark E Smith while sober or the song Buffalo Bill dances to in Silence of the Lambs. At any rate... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SD-uF8uisA
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wPh55DMUyE
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hptKRQcx6IE
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Db4Nds4BOVo
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TR6QuOj-Gw
  10. What stouts were good and can I get them in Houston or Austin?
  11. As soon as this behaviour seeps into the real world and standardized as the social norm i will not be slightest surprised for the rise of extremist movements. Humans always search for meaning in their lives, something greater than themselves. If nothing matters and all norms are gone, then interesting things will happen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcpYPu9M3bw&app=desktop It think that's the reaction to this stuff by the real world.
  12. If "cis" is meant to mean comfortable in skin and the majority are "cis", wouldn't "cisnormative" just be normal?
  13. Prefer the originals myself, but from what I've played of the EEs... 1. No 2. No 3. Not that I know of 4. Not that I know of, and would personally prefer both absent 5. I never experienced an auto-loot myself.
  14. Not much of a surprise really. I don't see why she even bothered writing a letter about it. It's not like her pro-Israel stance is some kinda mystery. It's one of the few topics where I agree with her. Why do you guys have a problem with it? It shouldn't be controversial when a politician is in favour of continuing to support a close ally, and condemns the racist "BDS" hate movement directed against its citizens. Yes, greatest ally(who has never had a soldier die in a war involving America) must be protected at all costs. Never question greatest ally because they fund most politiciansmake great contributions to America. To no one's surprise. Well at least we can't be racist against jews anymore because racism = prejudice + power.
  15. http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/hillary-clinton-tells-israeli-billionaire-and-mega-donor-she-will-support-israel Hillary promising to white knight for Israel.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T7OaDDR7i8&app=desktop One of the few threads that were worth visiting. I agree.
  17. I used to think I was white but now I'm apparently Hispanic. Is there a support group for people that have lost their white privilege? There's Israel, but that's only for Jews I'm afraid.
  18. Well now I know not to bunker with Keyrock in case of an apocalypse.
  19. Sharktopus Vs. Whalewolf is a triumph of cinema.
  20. I was talking about the recording quality. I also didn't like the replacements for the cutscenes, but I hate the cutscenes anyways. Possibly. From what I remember from my EE run a year or so ago, the areas just looked off. Could be that the artist had a different style that clashes somewhat with the original game.
  21. Don't you usually roll a custom party anyways? I think the VA on new companions is pretty poor and mod-quality myself. When did they do that?
  22. I too look forward to Frank Miller's final work on Batman. I think that may be the point since Oby's other thread about Jewish blood rituals got shut down in a jiff. Oy vey.
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