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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Today I'm doing nothing until my gf gets off work, then I will meet her parents and get them to hate me. And here I thought you were riding with Immortan Joe on the highways of Valhalla, forever shiny and chrome.
  2. Good. I'm glad we're ignoring Turkey collaborating with an organization that sees keeping women as sex slaves to be a religious duty to focus on the pressing issue of rich women having **** talked about them on the internet. Or the US assassinations with drones and spying on people without warrants. Or the incoming shift of power to corporate with the TPP and TTIP. I think I understand Stalin now.
  3. Turkey is not doing **** to stop ISIS at best and collaborating with them at worst. They deserve any ass biting coming to them.
  4. They'll be free from misogyny and the patriarchy. Isn't that all that they wanted? Apparently not. Otherwise this would be celebrated, i wonder why.... Maybe because "a significant portion of the general population is now shagging robots" in no way necessitates the elimination of "misogyny and the patriarchy"? Get real. With the sexbot 3000 package that includes "making a sandwich" DLC, the patriarchy would not even have time for their thursday meetings in the woodshed behind the pub. Women could be dancing naked in the streets and no one would care. But isn't the goal of the patriarchy to get women to dance naked? Or did I go to a different meeting?
  5. I thought Paul was still keeping his mouth shut about the whole thing?Anyways, mildly amusing: On the TPP yes but he is against the USA Freedom Act, on paper at least.
  6. But he would have won President of the Internet.
  7. How did the last two moderates do? Besides, even if he won; he'd be a terrible president. America needs real change; not the same old same old. Vote Bernie, only he is willing to stand against the TPP and the FREEDOM ACT(PATRIOT ACT 2 for those unaware). And Rand Paul. He is opposed to both as well. If Paul is against Hillary he'll have my vote then, but I don't think he's got the fervor support his father had to pull off winning the primary.
  8. How did the last two moderates do? Besides, even if he won; he'd be a terrible president. America needs real change; not the same old same old. Vote Bernie, only he is willing to stand against the TPP and the FREEDOM ACT(PATRIOT ACT 2 for those unaware).
  9. Messhugger..you funny :DGermany is raising GDP of EU, this means the economy is getting better ? Oh you silly willy, of course capital has increased. But it's just that the labor gets a smaller share for each year. All you globalist should be happy, the labor pool is not anymore constrained by those pesky things like nations or borders. In the future no one will be able to tell each other apart because all ethnicities, cultures, laws and morals have been intertwined through supranational trade deals. One day you are a gold-miner in Ulaanbaator, the other day you are investment banker in Montevideo, same rules apply to everyone! Now, who will enforce those deals and how you should manage the armies and the police is nothing to worry about, we're thinking about privatizing them and we have mercenaries with their best interests in their hearts protecting private property. Surely it will work, trust us! [KaineVC]Messhugger I don't think you've thought this through ? Surely what's good for businesses and entrepreneurs is good for workers ?[/KaineVC]
  10. No one gets in the way of me owning a Fisto. Not for me of course....just my uh clients.
  11. Posting quotes from The Notebook is going too far.
  12. Messhugger..you funny :D Germany is raising GDP of EU, this means the economy is getting better ?
  13. No, I went to the gym and was at home waiting for the gf to get out of the shower.
  14. I went to the gym and cleaned my mom's house before she has chemo on Wednesday. Currently drinking a stout while Maria takes a shower.
  15. Is Jonah Goldberg his real name? It sounds like something out of /pol/'s fever dream.
  16. Sorry for the new thread/topic but the old one is locked. I'm assuming for length. Why did he even bother running? Publicity for a book and/or potential senator or VP.
  17. New update with more goals: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/larianstudios/divinity-original-sin-2/posts/1349217 Still no MCA stretch goal though.
  18. I'd say yes. It seems to me a big portion of the.."anti-GG media types", for lack of a better term, largely rely on outrage and controversy to sell their brand. Making wacky statements such as that are bound to get a reaction and drives angry clicks and solidarity retweets and clicks(mostly the latter due to archives) to the media type's twitter account or media outlet.
  19. Exactly. Do this and everything else takes are of itself. I consider myself to be in good shape, not just for my age but period. I don't exercise but I am very active, I do a lot of manual labor around my home like wood cutting, garden work, etc. I think I'm what you would call "farmer strong". I sympathize, but please understand, this is simply luck on your part. Your own experience is not sufficient to establish a general principle that can be extended to other people, which is compounded by the fact that it's based on something as unspecific as "moderation". Not trying to be an ass here, but that's not really helpful. As a counterpoint, I could use my own example: if I eat everything in moderation, I shed weight FAST. This is bad news because generally, less lbm = less strength. And I'm not even hardcore about training. Perhaps because what you view as "moderation" is different to my own idea. I have also met people who had weight problems and were honestly convinced that they didn't eat that much. They simply weren't aware of the mistakes they were making. Others thought they could offset their excesses at the table with more exercise. Ask anyone who's serious: the hard part isn't what you do in the weight room, it's what you have to do once you step outside. I'm thinking that you also probably have a good idea of what's healthy and what isn't, and especially what not to go overboard with. Odds are you also have access to high quality, satiating foods. Start changing parameters, and moderation just doesn't cut it anymore: you are going to need help to get your eating habits sorted out. (not a sales pitch in any way, just sharing a different perspective...) I'm going to have to agree. As a former fatty(was 5'10'' and 260 pounds at my worst) it was incredibly difficult to get healthy and I would have failed if I didn't have help. Planning a healthy diet requires information sorely lacking from the public education system here, ditto with the exercise routine, and maintaining the willpower to go through with it when you are bombarded by desires to fall off the wagon and feel uncomfortable(to out it lightly) almost all the time is an incredibly difficult thing to pull off. Not to mention work, school, and various life maintenance **** eating up those precious hours you need to pull off getting into or keeping in shape.
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