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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Kind of like "The Shining" only with water instead of snow. Let's hope it ends better! Found some chocolate stout so I think I'll be ok.
  2. I'm flooded in and have no alcohol.
  3. As Bruce, he was an Olympic athlete and married and divorced the Kardashian mother. He was involved in a manslaughter incident where video seems to show it was carelessness that resulted in a woman dying. A few months later Bruce declares that he will be living as a woman and takes upon the identity of Caitlyn Jenner. The result is a reality, being declared a hero by certain individuals, and the drowning out of the manslaughter incident. Her life since the transition seems to be largely improved, which as you said earlier is quite different from the experience of most.
  4. The problem mof today so called RPG is there is actually no role to play because class have no meaning and there is no class anymore. Even though Skyrim fans always keep saying they are role-playing, but the only role to play is a Dragonborn actually. You can join all factions in Skyrim despite your character build. Similar in Dark Souls, you may join covenants despite your character build. Let's compare with DA:O, yes you can choose Rogue class for any origin other than Mage origin, but it justified by your faction in your origin. Human Nobles, Dwarves and Dalish, all have their own warriors and rogues. Mage itself is a class and faction. When you become a Grey Warden, you belong to this faction and that is the role you play that is the last Grey Warden in Ferelden. This makes no sense. The notion that you need a class to roleplay discounts every RPG with a classless system, such as the Fallout games from almost two decades ago. If you're complaining about reactivity in a Bethesda game you're not going to be saying anything that hasn't been said before.
  5. A Train Called Love. It was damn good and leauges better than the cape**** being pumped out.
  6. I'm not a big fan of vanilla Skyrim, but it's a strange argument that they don't allow role-playing because they allow deviation from the original character skills. Not only must you accept that role-playing is purely a stat system, but you must also discount various multiclassing mechanics from various games. As to title/class, it all depends on the lore and mechanics of the game you are playing. Rogues for instance can be skillmonkeys with little combat utility or they can be deadly warriors focused on hitting vulnerable areas. To the specifics, similar concept builds vary dramatically between each other even in the same games. It is best just to call it what you think fits best.
  7. Unsurprising, given that standing clearly against "video game misogyny" consists of lip service and doesn't require any action. A bit sad a self-declared feminist isn't pointing out the acceptance in the UN of several states with terrible records on women's rights or the lack of opportunities for working-class women in Canada, but I suppose those aren't very important.
  8. Actually I think PerkusMaximus (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59849/?) replaced that one. Anyways chilloutman, I'd use either PerMa/SkyRe or SPERG. The former completely revamps the perks and combat system while the latter tweaks skills and revamps perk trees. The Unofficial patches are absolutely a must. Immersive Weapons and Armor adds a lot of new stuff to use. None of it is really OP, but it looks pretty good. Immersive creatures adds more variety to encounters and I highly recommend it. Imperious Races balances the races by giving all of them two passive abilities, one power, and a quest to unlock another power. If you're not using PerMa, Wintermyst is a great mod that adds a lot of new enchantments to the game. Classic Classes and Birthsigns is good if you want to start a little more specialized. Take note that you will start off with 40 or 60 less total skill points though. Apocalypse Spells adds a lot of new spells that are more interesting than the vanilla spells. Forgotten Magic can be cool, but the spell abilities can be op. Thunderchild(?) adds new shouts so I'd give that at least a glance. Better Vampires is good if you're interested in playing a vampire. Not only does it add optional buffs, but it has several options that allow you to change how it plays such as vampire hunters spawning to attack you.
  9. I hear Lincoln Chafee is doing the same. He says it's his first time and his father just died.
  10. Well a corporate puppet politician keeping their word would be a rarity, but it would be nice to get a look at the TPP before you guys get in a government who will pass it. But voting gives us the chance to accelerate as fully as we can.
  11. Oculto Beer. It is damn good stuff. Tastes kind of woody but it goes down easy and can get you there if you down 6 or so. I'd recommend chilling some down and downing then while watching Desperado because you will be buzzed and Robert Rodriguez killed it with that movie. Only 6% but is worth it if you got a ten. I also drank some chocolate stout. It was sort of weird because it tasted very chocolatey but I enjoyed the **** out of it and it's a light 5% so you should be able to hold 3 or 4 before getting tipsy. I finished everything off by drinking some Powers straight, how it was intended.
  12. Who'd you Canada bros vote for? Anybody but those TPP supporting bastards I hope.
  13. Yeah you're not making much sense to me. I understand what you mean about a stronger start(BG was kiting and resting after every battle at level 1-3), but that can be accomplished with better progression design rather than gutting out progression. IMO a great character/progression system would be somewhat similar to an idealized Fallout, with stats being derived from attributes, a skill system that doesn't lock you into a set path, and a robust perk system that allows players to specialize their characters.
  14. When I see someone talking to Bruce, I imagine them shouting at a brick wall with a smiley face painted on it. The latest is the most outrageous of all! And the most obviously false.
  15. And why to people who continuously insist on lecturing others about empathy, while consistently abandoning it (or lacking it to begin with) themselves when it suits them? Truly a puzzle. Clearly he does it so you can fill your signature with choice quotes.
  16. I don't see the big deal about TB getting **** on. It's certainly a **** thing to do, but it is pretty much edgelords beating their chest and it isn't like they haven't done similar stuff before. And at this point, I think the guy has much bigger problems than some idiots on the internet. From what little I've read, that is Adorno's take on music at least.
  17. Trying to make sense of Skyrim's lore/gameplay discrepancies will just result in a migraine.
  18. So feudalism? It's the GG thread, there's going to be drift.
  19. I'd rather be that than be blindly accepting of the USA Freedom Act or TPP. Are those the only two options? No, I hear being snarky on the internet or cynical apathy are also popular.
  20. Well, if Capitalism worked as it should then there wouldn't be any need for affirmative action. Capitalism is working how it should, those who control production, distribution, and exchange of money are being enriched while those that don't control must sell labor in order to subsist with any leftover currency being used for entertainment or purchasing capital in the longshot hope they can utilize it to enrich themselves. No, ideally everybody can become a capitalist. You only need to subsist under your means, work hard to increase the value of your labor and purchase capital. It is not rich people's fault that those lower class plebs have no access to the best education, the money required to start your own business or the connections to make it work. They should had just been born into it like they did. The ideal is a nice sales pitch, but it isn't reality. In current practice, Capitalism tends toward concentration of wealth and stagnation of social mobility. I'm sure someone has an all-new all-different Capitalism that doesn't, but that ain't gonna be implemented peacefully any time soon.
  21. That's terrible, I hope his wife and stepkid are alright.
  22. I'd rather be that than be blindly accepting of the USA Freedom Act or TPP.
  23. Can I ask you a question, I have to be honest I don't understand how you can live in the USA but not like your country? I am probably misunderstanding you ?Because there is a lot to dislike. Off the top of my head: 1) I don't like being spied on by an increasingly authoritarian state. 2) I don't like the power private corporations wield, such as getting laws made that benefit them at the expense of people such as TPP or PIPA. 3) I don't like having money taken from me to support foreign wars and drone assassination. 4) I don't like the political process being blatantly controlled by corporate powers and billionaires. 5) I don't like the tendency to intervene in other countries, usually leaving them worse off, while abandoning citizens here.
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