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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Send them Milo Yannopolous. He can cross-check them all personally and write a snarky article about it to boot. If you can't go gay for Milo, then you cannot go gay at all. No. Just... no. What? No "I banged 10 000 Syrian males and now all them are my bitches" or "Why are muslims so gay for ass? An introspective article on the hyper-macho culture of the Levenant" Seriously? I'm sorry to break this to you, but I'm pretty sure he's a bottom. "How 10,000 horny Syrians crossed my border" is the most likely outcome.
  2. You need to be more accepting of their values. Sorry, stepped out of my programming there, chief. I meant that she was culturally enriched. Again, sorry. You should be apologizing to those two asylum-seekers. Brutalizing women is a key component of their culture and judging them by your values is bigoted.
  3. I doubt it, Turkey has been supporting ISIS for quite a while now and it will take more than Putin to pull the heads of those unaware of this out of the sand.
  4. You need to be more accepting of their values.
  5. Illuminati mayonnaise, Jewish mayonnaise, Jewish Illuminati mayonnaise, Templar mayonnaise or Alien mayonnaise? I forgot which ones reign over your government.Unrelated, is there such a thing as imbecile mayonnaise? It's the Hibernianaise.
  6. All Muslims should convert to Scientology.
  7. The bacon is terrible in that and they should feel ashamed for wasting bacon. I had barbecue for lunch and it was great. Edited for accuracy.
  8. Very true. We have the McKroket (it's a burger-shaped wad of ragou covered breadcrumbs and then fried), Germany has the McBratwurst. France has the Royale with Cheese. I'm still looking for a Big Kahuna Burger.
  9. Its some freaky speedmetal xD. I much more prefer irish punk The Druids continue to spread their influence.
  10. Threadly reminder the Irish are behind this.
  11. State funded health care, higher minimum wages, expanded Social Security with private entities being more tightly regulated and higher taxes. Essentially pay more in taxes, get more benefits, and Wall Street will be kept on a tighter leash. Okay so that doesn't seem unreasonable ? What does expanded Social Security entail....the only real criticism I have with what you posted is I get concerned when people talk about things like " more regulation in Wall Street or the Private sector " ...there is already enough monitoring and government intervention IMO But where will the money come from to provide all these services ...or is that not a consideration? Expanded social security means higher payouts to recipients. His idea to fund it is to eliminate the limit on how much income the 4.2%(?) SS tax rate is based on. He wants to tax Wall Street more(likely a combination of eliminating loop holes and adding new brackets) and break up "Too Big To Fail" banks.
  12. State funded health care, higher minimum wages, expanded Social Security with private entities being more tightly regulated and higher taxes. Essentially pay more in taxes, get more benefits, and Wall Street will be kept on a tighter leash.
  13. Democratic voters respond very positively to the European Social Democrats welfare initiatives and think of it as "socialism". Bernie is using this to run as an alternative to Shillary and if poll numbers are any indication it's far more successful than whatever O'Malley is doing. In addition, Sanders is doing better than Shillary among voters who would normally vote Republican, so either poor rural workers are secretly socialist or saying you want a higher minimum wage isn't a toxic position. Americans don't have a good understanding of political labels, as can be evidenced by the misunderstanding of "liberal", "socialist", and "communist". As for naivete, the top Republican candidates believe that building a wall along the US-Mexico border and making Mexico pay for it is feasible and that pyramids are actually giant grain silos. It seems naive positions are the best received. A conspiracy theory about a Jew infiltrating the government to implement communism? Qisinta is that you?
  14. Interesting, is the most recent thing a dissertation written about him from the 80's? He's a politician, being a liar is part of the job description.
  15. He also supports private businesses, which isn't very anti-capitalist. If you can find where he has come out in favor of worker control of production, I'll even give you co-ops for this, then you'll find a statement of him supporting socialism. North Korea says they're a democratic republic, do you take them at their word? Obama says he's pro-freedom, do you take him at his word? Based upon his proposals Bernie Sanders is a Social Democrat, he critiques capitalism from a socialist viewpoint, but does not put forward an alternative to capitalism instead advocating reforms. Mutalism and Technocratic fit alternatives not occurring in a post-Nuclear Fallout world. As to what he believes in, Capitalism with a social safety net. His "socialism" is capitalism with government providing more benefits and regulating industry, not public ownership of production.
  16. http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2015/11/21/whatever-the-heck-bernie-sanders-is-talking-about-its-not-socialism/ The senile old man is confused, or more likely lying. He says he's against capitalism, so he has to be a Socialist, what else is there?Mutalism, Primitivism, Feudalism, Technocracy.I mean besides sci-fi and ancient past. Feudalism, really? It's an alternative system to Capitalism and Socialism. Which you asked for. At any rate, Bernie is a capitalist. He believes in private ownership of production, albeit with a safety net bound to trigger liberals and aynclaps.
  17. Jews are Islamic terrorists? That's just what the paddys want you to think. You've been blinded by the mirage of Zion to the true dangers of the Hibernian Druids and their plot to enslave the world.
  18. http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2015/11/21/whatever-the-heck-bernie-sanders-is-talking-about-its-not-socialism/ The senile old man is confused, or more likely lying. He says he's against capitalism, so he has to be a Socialist, what else is there? Mutalism, Primitivism, Feudalism, Technocracy.
  19. And of those still alive, it's arguable that they will be the biggest victims of the response to the attack rather than the attack itself. His point still stands. I don't see how Neonazis and antisemitism are relevant here. Qisinta is ranting about Jews somewhere else if that's what you would rather talk about the dangers of antizionism or whatever. Which was over 50 years ago. China today is quite different, with a government built more around Austrian economics than Mao's peasant fetishization. And that also happens to be where power in China resides. The peasant countryside is about as relevant to China's power structure and economy as the Quakers are to the US economy and power structure. How so? Does the transference of control over production from private control to the state, democratic organizations of workers, whoever is strong enough to seize it, an all powerful AI, every individual, or whatever other special snowflake idea for production control necessitate a severe drop in productivity?
  20. http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2015/11/21/whatever-the-heck-bernie-sanders-is-talking-about-its-not-socialism/ Don't say it, to name it is to give it power Really though I wonder how much more consideration some of his ideas what get without the labels He does better than people who would normally vote Republican than Hillary does. Whether it's because they like his ideas or he's just more likable is anyone's guess.
  21. http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2015/11/21/whatever-the-heck-bernie-sanders-is-talking-about-its-not-socialism/
  22. It makes sense that a rich guy who works in the financial sector would support such institutions.
  23. Assange isn't a Marxist. Is there some sort of hidden chapter in Das Kapital that I missed excluding hat/ unlockable/ collectible based economies from other petit-bourgeois/ worker oppressing approaches or is Varoufakis not actually a dirty commie either? He's kind of got that reputation because he loathes the ECB etc, but that's called having a brain, not being communist. Indeed, I'm pretty sure Marx would hate steam- dress Gabe up in a pin striped suit with a cane and top hat and he'd be the epitome of the 19th century capitalist, plus he's head of a global religion- and would amend his most famous tenet to "Religion, and gaming, and probably sports too now I think about it are all the opiates of the masses". He'd have disowned Varoufakis over his association with it. Varoufakis calls himself a "libertarian Marxist"(some sort of less devoted anarchist perhaps?), but in practice has suggested mostly Keynesian ideas. Not sure what that makes him, but my opinions come more from his actions trying to prevent Greece from taking the austerity pill than whatever he calls himself.
  24. My grandmother was born into a Jewish family and none of them thought a Jewish state was a good idea. Jews are hardly a monolith and it's a bit deluded to assume they are. This message has been brought to you by the Hibernian Druids, you dirty sasanachs.
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