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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I think Kreia is a good character because she's an annoying hag who is zealous as hell. Far better than a standard Jedi Master or Sith Lord mentor. Granted the gray path could have used more work(and some mechanical bonuses) and the notion that binary Light/Dark is harming the Force is an interesting counterpoint to Kreia wanting to destroy the Force. But if we're talking about flaws with KOTOR(2) or SW in general we're gonna be here a long time.
  2. But how can a man fish without equipment which he has to acquire somehow or without access to a fishing spot because said spot is owned by someone who expects more than that man has? I agree that being able to produce for yourself(or community) is far preferable than receiving from some outside party, but it isn't like knowledge is the only, or even most limiting, component required for that.
  3. I did cc this morning and it still is pending, so I'm thinking it's the payment method.
  4. Thanks for the heads up. Did it take a long time to process the order for you?
  5. They're edgy teenagers who are trying to beat their parents at Empiring.
  6. Voodoo RPG called Witch Doctor. Players certainly would, but starting development on a game that took them about 2.5 years(foggy on the details currently), it would make sense to start working on it for a 2017 or 2018 release.
  7. One with a turn based combat system, no filler content, and modder friendly. Setting doesn't matter imo.
  8. Just play a wizard for Eldrich Knight. Granted they could do a lot to improve classes in non-standard roles, but a whole new class requiring specific equipment and lore is not the way to go about that.
  9. Yeah, I think the villains weren't very good. Kylo Ren is an edgy teenager who never grew out of larping as Stalin. Supreme leader whatever is just a hologram, although props if it's a WoO sort of thing. Captain Phasma didn't do anything. The General did a speech and got blown up. Granted I don't think Abrams is the best director to flesh out characters in 2 hours balanced with loads of effects and Johnson can probably do a better job with the villains in the next movie. Especially if he focuses on Ren and Phasma while letting the Emperor stand in wait till IX.
  10. Saw it, thought it was a mediocre transplant of A New Hope with most changes being for the worse and heavy handed mary suing and shipping. Will watch the next one for Rian Johnson though.
  11. Oh don't get me wrong, by all means play it because it's well written and very weird. It's just the combat, which does take up a good portion of the game, is really bad and there isn't really a reason to replay the game.
  12. To be honest it's only worth playing once. Go in spoiler free and expect lots of awful combat.
  13. ABC seemingly confirms Hopefully this will give Sanders enough boost to take down Hillary so he can face off with Trump in 2016.
  14. Suicide ain't for me. How? Wave a magic wand and get people to realize what's going on right in front of them? Corporations are able to take legal action against you for pretty much anything? Or has austerity eroded the standard of living so much where women are prostituting for individual meals?
  15. Correct. The extreme lefties vote for Sanders, the rest of the party of big government and no freedom votes for Clinton and the republican nominee wins. Republicans aren't voting for Clinton.
  16. A little bit too dramatic, no? Somehow i doubt this bill is going to be the end of civilization as we know it. Not at all. We have the TPP/TTIP incoming which will require more catering to corporations and less freedom for individuals. The EU keeps pushing austerity and privatization on states whose economies can't handle it and the result is more unemployment and wage stagnation while a few private entities gain control over infrastructure. There is no escape from the march towards dystopia.
  17. "Now"? It's been that way my entire 23 years of life. Better start working on your decker build chummers, because cyberpunk dystopia is what we're on a crash course for.
  18. A "glitch" huh? Sounds really fishy to me.
  19. Did not know about this and I will be picking this up now.
  20. Probably some MMO, likely SWTOR. Will pack in some BGT and Metro as well.
  21. Somehow putting conflating Syrian refugees with a guy known for running a company that pays Chinese workers less than a dollar an hour to make overpriced trash doesn't seem like a good idea to improve their reputation.
  22. Classes could use a rework certainly, and classless would be much better, but dumb restrictions like no armor on mages or monks only using one-handed weapons is pretty dumb. Personally I'd say PoE needs to remove class determined accuracy, defenses, and HP as well as revamp class abilities to allow more intraclass customization.
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