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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Well, if Capitalism worked as it should then there wouldn't be any need for affirmative action. Capitalism is working how it should, those who control production, distribution, and exchange of money are being enriched while those that don't control must sell labor in order to subsist with any leftover currency being used for entertainment or purchasing capital in the longshot hope they can utilize it to enrich themselves.
  2. I don't care, I've got thick skin and don't hold any love for the US. But trolling them is pretty funny.
  3. How is any sane person not a Capitalist under that broad definition? They weren't blessed with ownership of production or distribution. Thats just an excuse to not work hard and achieve something meaningful....yes KP no one is going to give you wealth or success , you will have to do it yourself I'm glad to know that working 40 hours a week while taking care of my sick mother and going to university isn't working hard.
  4. How is any sane person not a Capitalist under that broad definition? They weren't blessed with ownership of production or distribution.
  5. Fixed it for you. If we're defining capitalism as "an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth." how is Hillary not a Capitalist?
  6. Well ****, I bet $20 that this wouldn't be released until 2020.
  7. Call me when Sanders produces something as good as It's happening. Then I will consider his meme force on par with Paul. Until then he's just a social democrat who has a better record opposing infringements on privacy than the other mainstream candidates. He is also endorsed by Lil'B.
  8. After getting some sleep on it, I believe Chaffe will be the first to drop out. He got the least amount of speaking time and while he did praise Snowden and call out Hillary on Benghazi, but his explanation for voting to repeal Glass-Seagal or authorize the PATRIOT act was weak as hell despite being honest. Webb looks to take the mantle of "moderate", but he needs more speaking time. Would have liked to hear more of substance from him, but he handled what time he had well. O'Mally positioned himself as a different flavor of Clinton with more focus on clean energy, but I don't think he managed to differentiate himself enough to compete with the frontrunner. And the grid talk was more annoying than anything. Hillary was what I expected, an attempt to look tougher than Sanders and hyping her status as a woman. Will probably absorb half of Chaffee's support and will have to be called out to do any damage to her lead. Sanders was a disappointment. His unwillingness to challenge Hillary on anything might raise his appeal to democratic primary voters, but it made his points look muddy and lack definition, and him not wanting Hillary to be held accountable for her actions(real or imagined) was weak. Will probably be spun as Stalin 2.0 when in reality is Tsipras. Overall boring and uneventful. The best option would be for Trump to destroy the world economy and throw everything into chaos, but it's pretty clear Trump is a Hillary shill so the most likely outcome is Clinton 5th term or Bush 3rd term and the only difference between those is that the government wears a smiley face mask while spying on people and fellating the oligarchs.
  9. You need a twitter account dedicated to vegan crossfit.
  10. Anderson looks like he's just going to say "**** it" and grab a bottle of spirits.
  11. I'd be happy with Trump because the world will crash and burn. And then I can use all the ammunition I've been hoarding.
  12. Not really, mostly enemy of the state(aka political opponents) sort of thing for Stalin and Mao. Hitler's was more racial/ethnic, although it's arguable that religion was a motivating factor with a certain group.
  13. So you want an honest debate without moderators ****ing things up?
  14. To be fair, she's also got ties to the financial sector and is pretty hawkish so that scratches his Neoliberal itch pretty well.
  15. Links to "tweet not found" kiro. https://twitter.com/Snowden/status/653724738280386561 If I had to guess, that would be the reason why.
  16. Market crash. Although by the time he hits retirement age(I assume he's 20-something) chances are those islands will be flooded.
  17. I'd say conservative means something very different from what it is used to describe in US politics, but words get meaning from culture so it's stuck being shorthand for class cuckoldry, hawkish military policy, and adherence to certain parts of Christian teachings instead of "slow to change".
  18. I never thought I'd see it all come crashing down in my lifetime. All hail our new corporate masters!!1 "New"? We've been in a cyperpunk dystopia for years.
  19. But the bosses are being bullied. If executives have to pay decent rates for labor, they can't buy a third house or a yacht! Can you imagine not having a yacht because some greasy actor wants to be paid better for his time in the studio or an agent not scheduling their actors for an audition the studio demanded? Utterly monstrous.
  20. Good on them and I hope their demands are met. More likely the scags will be bussed in though. Say what you will about the VAs, but I doubt everyone else would have the balls to ask for better conditions. More likely they continue to lube up and say "thank you master" while they take what pennies they get.
  21. Will the blacks be going back to Africa in this scenario? If so, is the true desire of the SJW to see blacks back to Africa, because that would explain San Francisco and Portland.
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