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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. It's actually ribeye steaks and I ride a horse to work every morning.
  2. Well actually... There are gators but otherwise that's correct.
  3. I hope Gawker burns down. Between leaking the script to Hateful Eight(which almost caused us to lose Tarantino's last film) to leaking nudes to doxing every gun owner in NY to this recent **** dragging some random guy through the mud it's been proven time and time again that Gawker is disgusting and malicious.
  4. If you define conservative as "slow to change" rather than the vague label that describes a set of political beliefs, it's arguable that Clinton and Lieberman are both conservative. Of course I'd say Clinton is more a chameleon whose positions shift based in what's most politically advantageous while Lieberman is a hawkish Israel first kind of guy rather than conservative, but I find the label useless in regards to political positions.
  5. Will Eisner Jack Kirby Frank Miller
  6. AFAIK vanilla EE works fairly smoothly, but EE introduced kits are pretty OP and Ascension can only be done using BP(which seems to cause issues with SCS). Considering doing a BG saga myself, but probably going to go BGT for older mods and Ascension.
  7. They're going to be hailing it as a triumph of freedom.
  8. http://thugvirals.com/florida-man-arrested-for-having-sex-with-an-alligator/ Florida man arrested for having sex with alligator.
  9. Yes. The point of austerity is to limit growth in order to have a surplus. Which is one thing to do with an economy that is functioning well and another when it is doing very poorly.
  10. I'm sorry if I am coming across as lecturing you, I know this must be annoying Just forget its me saying it and take it constructively. It's not that so much as it's completely nonsensical to use that, a move that confounded almost everyone and was the reason for the departure of the deputy finance minister, as proof to support your opinion. This is on top of you saying that unemployment and standard of living, things austerity usually negatively affects, have no bearing on the success of austerity. I'm going to be honest, I'm almost positive you're a troll and that discussing anything with you is a waste of my time. I think I'm finally going to allow myself to be influenced by those foul anti-west cretiuns Zor and numbers and just start ignoring you from here on out.
  11. We spend a good deal of time on a videogame forum for a developer that makes RPGs, being strange comes with the territory.
  12. The fact that a poltician flipfloped and accepted a bad deal is proof that austerity isn't bad for Greece? .....I honestly can't describe how strange that argument is.
  13. And you have to admit I was right about his view on Greece....its weird to see an American, especially a Texan, supporting and justifying the Greeks failure to implement austerity. Only some people from the PIGS countries and people who are anti-Western would look at the Greek situation and seriously defend there lack of good governance I could lie to you and say " no Greece has a valid reason to not pay back the loans" but I don't like lying to people I respect Bruce not only did you fail to support your position with evidence, you failed to debunk mine and had to retreat to a "agree to disagree". As it stands my position that implementing austerity(most of which will impact workers) when Greece is facing 20%+ unemployment and declining real wages so that Greece can get an extension on a loan it can not pay off in its current state has gone unchallenged by fact, with rhetoric about balancing budgets and the glory of privatization being thrown around instead. Like I challenged you to do in the Greece thread, If I'm wrong prove it using facts.
  14. Yeah, I brought this up three pages ago, but nobody seemed to much care and instead everyone got sidetracked by how Pao was a moderator on an anti-MRAs subreddit...that she actually wasn't. I thought the approach of encouraging diversity by removing wage negotiation was just an excuse to pay workers less, which is the issue I had with her. Though I don't really use reddit and don't intend to for the foreseeable future.
  15. That... wouldn't be much of a progress from an artistic standpoint, would it. I don't think publishers putting out AAA games en masse particularly care about artistic progress. See Skyrim, Madden, and Call of Duty.
  16. Yeah, given the result of the referendum his actions have been odd to say the least. I'm also a bit cynical that the solution being pressed by the Troika will just result in a Greece unable to pay it's debt(can't draw water from a dry well after all) with state owned property being privatized and Greeks wallowing in real wage stagnation and 20%+ unemployment.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dooAjI6yOhg
  18. The Thing(1982) I've decided to watch Carpenter's "Apocalypse Trilogy" in chronological order and started with this. While the effects haven't aged well, especially considering this movie predates my birth by ten years, it managed to entertain me quite a bit. I think the lack of exposition in terms of the alien's history or the various characters works quite well in establishing the feeling that anything breathing may be a facade for the alien, as there are no clues that outright show that anything is not what they seem leaving the viewer to be surprised when something happens. I also thought that the lack of a clear resolution was a good finish. I suppose it's on to Prince of Darkness now, does anyone know where I can find this?
  19. http://www.newstatesman.com/world-affairs/2015/07/exclusive-yanis-varoufakis-opens-about-his-five-month-battle-save-greece Yanis Varoufakis is not pleased.
  20. You aren't misunderstanding. Gawker attacks women, such as posting Olivia Munn's texts and pictures, while related blogs in the Gawker family complain about various things. Won't even get into stuff like the Hogan sex tape, but it seems Gawker is fine with attacking people if they're the right target.
  21. Yes, delusional people exist.
  22. If you had some actual kielbasa on you it might work out in your favor. I could offer some haggis but I think that would go down badly.
  23. Not really. Not only would going to jail suck, but her face looks a little weird to me. If you guys want to try handcuffs that badly, there's easier ways than getting arrested.
  24. I haven't got around to backing this yet and am not sure I will.
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