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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I am doing nothing and somehow I've got As. You can too if you embrace nihilistic hedonism.
  2. What is so hard to understand about the fact that jobs demand is strongly inelastic? You cannot survive without income, and if you have no capital, you cannot have an income without work. So you're not "free" to choose whether to sell your labor or not. You must sell it, at whatever price the market is willing to pay for it. Or live off the grid. You only MUST sell and pay the price IF your wanting what they are selling. Don't wanna pay for power? Go off grid and adapt to not using power. Want to pay for your toys? Get a job or realize you don't NEED those toys. Want food? Grow ur own and hunt, trade for food. You don't HAVE to sell yourself at all, your perfectly capable of living without doing so. BUT if u want things that u did not make nor have the knowledge of making, then don't bitch when u gotta sell ur soul and time for modern COMFORTS. The vast majority of people could not live off grid, even if discounting skills or equipment needed because there is simply not enough public land to do so. Sure going off grid and living like a woodsman would be nice, but if you get thrown off where you try to settle it's not a viable option. So to realistically live off grid as you suggest, you have to labor enough to afford to purchase property, which brings us back to the numbersman's point that if you do not own capital you have to work or you will starve. This is indisputable, which brings us to the issue of choice. The choice is ultimately an illusion because of economies of scale. As hinted by our elite friend, demand for jobs is inelastic which means as much as I wish I could land a sweet union gig in manufacturing there's a limited amount of them. I can not wish myself a position there by choice, so to eat I must seek work elsewhere and go down the ladder to whatever I end up on. If it ends in a job I can always quit, but then it's back down the ladder to a likely worse job or unemployment. Now while in this job I have the choice of learning new skills which simply lands me on a better ladder assuming the skills I learned weren't learned en masse and my competition is largely the same, in which case I blew a lot of money and time for nothing. The other choice is to work for years, take out some loans, and start my own business, which if it works is great(technically it did work for me), but in the likely event it doesn't work I'm out a good amount of money and back on the old employment ladder. Last I looked about 96% of businesses fail within 10 years, and while a 4% success rate is fine and dandy to some I'd call a situation where failure is 24x more likely than success to be regarded with some suspicion. If this is truly the best of all systems that have been tried, than something new should be tried.
  3. Masculinity depends on the context of culture and time, if John Wayne were to imported from his prime he'd be called a skinnyfat and told to do starting strength. It could absolutely be toxic, just consoder the example of Wayne being a possible homosexual, such a thing is today considered feminine and would have been even worse back then. If this was the case, it would have caused Wayne a lot of grief. For a more modern example consider the toxic effect virginity has on men over 16, I challenge you to look at various incel forums or /r9k/ and then make an argument that failing to meet percieved standards of masculinity is not harmful.
  4. The sad thing about Alien is how the sequels never match the horror. For all its extreme faults I enjoyed Prometheus much more than Aliens or Alien 3/4. Anyways I'm setting up a watch list for next week, so far got Pan's Labyrinth and TheWind that Shakes the Barley.
  5. What is so hard to understand about the fact that jobs demand is strongly inelastic? It doesn't jive with ideology.
  6. I'm struggling to think of five at the top of my head because I start focusing on what I dislike about them and how they could be better. Ideally there would be no all-time top 100 because there would be continuous improvement, which I'm not optimistic about tbh but there's some things I'm looking forward to. Did he win?
  7. Like the character models, but wish eye color got a slider or something and hoping for a facial hair like the rough beard from New Vegas. Also think a lot of wizard buffs should be transmutation and not enchantment, was confused there. And multiclass levelups could use some work when you pick more than one class ability. Overall looks cool and can't wait to play more.
  8. Yeah, but you don't like anything. I can't help my refined taste.
  9. I thought Fifth Element was dumb and not even David Bowie could save Labryinth.
  10. Turns out mental illness can predict politics. We agree comrade, why should your boss get 85% of the value you produce? I'll see you at the next IWW meeting.
  11. Look at the caption next to the clergy. I saw that, just thought corporations would be more fitting. Though these days, televangelists would fit right in there. Corporations are already at the top. These days Kardashians or reality TV would take that spot.
  12. Look at the caption next to the clergy.
  13. Absolutely. The rest of his apocalypse trilogy is worth checking out as well.
  14. There Will Be Blood. Loved the long takes and everything else. Sympathize with Daniel's desire for solitude. I like They Live but have to agree, they could have cut ten minutes or so and not lost anything important. The Thing is much better and his whole apocalypse trilogy is worth a look, In The Mouth of Madness is probably the best Lovecraftian film out there imo.
  15. What's the difference? The Democrats don't get past 2nd base.
  16. The Democrats will make the same mistakes they did in 2016 and push tonedeaf candidates, their success depends on how badly Trump ****s up over the next year.
  17. Flat Iron steak slow cooked and a pint of Halo Top ice cream.
  18. Well it's not being blamed on muslims yet so I assume it was a white guy.
  19. I wonder if the next one will happen before Christmas?
  20. I'm torn between Mindhunters and Stranger Things, which should I watch first?
  21. I'm unsure if I'm supposed to think this is cute or a warning that kids will **** up group themes on a whim. I go as John Constantine because all I have to do is put on a trenchcoat. Sometimes I like you Ben, but you've got some **** taste.
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