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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Stop blaming the market, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and pay the EU off yourself.
  2. I did read it as a whole, it's just easier to reply to spefic points by breaking it up. First of all I don't think multiclasses should be more powerful, rather I think they should be more versatile and equally powerful. Secondly yes, Cipher's Soul Whip is good for a damage dealer as a passive, but it's still more complicated making a cipher/rogue specializing in melee attacks and shred spells than making a straight rogue or cipher given you have to choose from two different ability trees and manage two different resource pools. Complication is built into multiclassing itself. I agree passives are an issue, so I like Boeroer's suggestion of having passives be A + b(powerlevel) instead of a flat number like 50% sneak attack or 15% like weapon specialization. That way single class gains a quick and consistent lead over multiclass both in powers of individual abilities and in terms of their passive.
  3. Given that the major disadvantage of multiclass characters is not being able to get those abilities, it very much does matter. Single class characters are easier to manage and get higher tiers quicker, which is better for new players than a more complicated multiclass. They already are better and for most cases there is already little incentive to pick up a lower tier ability when high level abilities are available. The only situations I can think of right now are some of the passives, at every level in the Beta I find myself picking an ability of the highest available level because they are better for what I need.
  4. I guess something like -50%Damage and +50% Healing for Kind Wayfarers and -50% Healing and +50% Damage as Corrode for Bleak Walkers would be cool. Ultimately I think the cosmetic change is most important because I got used to seeing my Bleak Walker give off black flame and it's a little weird to see the blue return. Only if it's in their contract.
  5. Playing PoE right now I noticed how the flame animation of Sacred Immolation doesn't match the Bleak Walkers or Kind Wayfarers Flames of Devotion color with their talent, but rather the default blue flame. In Deadfire could Sacred Immolation(assuming it appears), and any other potential flame oriented ability for Paladins, be changed to match the colors of their Flames of Devotion given what was a talent is now default for the subclass? Not necessarily in terms of any mechanical alterations, but just for aesthetics?
  6. In the current beta no, but that is mostly because synergy between martial classes is better than Level 4-5 martial abilities and that casters suck with their casting times being too long to be useful. In the main game it depends on if Level 8-9 abilities are very good(Level 8 PoE spells were good imo), if they manage to get casting speed to decent levels through patching, and the (probable)changes to levelcap made by new content. Given that we're playing the second iteration of the beta and how different PoE was from the early beta, I would hesitate to make assumptions on what the release balance, let alone final balance, of Deadfire is.
  7. Stalker. I liked it a lot and need time to think about it.
  8. A few weapons have +5 Accuracy as an inherit bonus, some have higher base damage, and obviously the quality enchantments play a role. Proficiency isn't meant to imply mastery or focus on it's own in PoE2. If you want proficiency to affect accuracy, damage, or do anything but give you a modal you need to take the talent which afaik is only there for Fighters and Barbarians right now.
  9. But the question still remains, does the modal come from a supernatural ("essence") source or as a result of training? Joe Training except for implements which are magical in nature.
  10. Winds of Winter will never release.
  11. In game it isn't a particularly long amount of time, far shorter than normal attacks and more than enough for both to count as sneak attacks. I don't see it being particularly game breaking to hit with assassinate(or backstab) with a full attack when dual wielding, especially considering the same balance issues vs 2h or 1h still exist(hopefully with a balance to make 2h better) for the full attack itself. Which imo is a problem for those spells. Assuming a similar power level and no awful balance, there would be no reason to use a multiple projectile spell over a single attack spell with assassinate, backstab, or any other single attack modifer. With the very limited spell selection, this is a potential for a bad build. No, which why I'm against that. I'm for things like Necrotic Lance getting a single attack roll for both initial damage and damage over time. Necrotic Lance and many other DoT do in fact only get a single attack roll for both initial damage and damage over time. However, their DoT is dependent on the caster's state at each tick, so an increase in Resolve after the spell is cast will increase the DoT. Which is what I object to and would prefer the state at hit be what determines DoT power for spells like that.
  12. Aside from Assasinate, Dual wielding already is better than 2H at special full attacks. Dual wielding doesn't need a damage penalty, 2H needs a penetration boost. That would put the trade offs as similar to PoE as possible. I heard dual wielding is much above other styles but maybe i was lied to. Assuming i wasn't, if you boost 2h there would be 2 styles way better than other 2. Nerfing DW's damage would be better for balance. We already have two syles better than the other one(not counting shields because they exist to help with defense instead of offense), last I looked at data crunching Dual-Wielding and Single-Weapon both out DPS Two-Handed. Dual Wielding had higher potential DPS in PoE, but single handed had an advantage in accuracy while Two-Handed was able to do significantly better against targets with high damage reduction. With PoE2's armor system Penetration vs Armor has replaced Damage vs Damage Reduction, since Two-Handed weapons use the same penetration values as one-handed weapons Two-Handed no longer has an advantage over dual-wielding for actual DPS with armor factored in and is outshined by single-handed because 12 accuracy seems to be more beneficial to combat than the higher base damage. My solution would be to have Two-Handed weapons have 2 higher base penetration than single-handed weapons, this would restore the PoE tradeoffs by making Dual-Wielding the highest potential DPS, Single-Handed the most accurate, Two-Handed the best against high armor enemies, and Shields for avoiding damage.
  13. In game it isn't a particularly long amount of time, far shorter than normal attacks and more than enough for both to count as sneak attacks. I don't see it being particularly game breaking to hit with assassinate(or backstab) with a full attack when dual wielding, especially considering the same balance issues vs 2h or 1h still exist(hopefully with a balance to make 2h better) for the full attack itself. Which imo is a problem for those spells. Assuming a similar power level and no awful balance, there would be no reason to use a multiple projectile spell over a single attack spell with assassinate, backstab, or any other single attack modifer. With the very limited spell selection, this is a potential for a bad build. No, which why I'm against that. I'm for things like Necrotic Lance getting a single attack roll for both initial damage and damage over time.
  14. I don't in the case of Assassinate with projectile spells or dual wield full attacks, given that the attack itself is executed at the same time it onlly makes sense for both weapon strikes or simultaneous projectiles to benefit from it. Otherwise I think it's a case by case, something like Necrotic Lance that relies on an initial hit to work I'd want Assassinate to buff the whole thing while an ability that creates an AoE that rolls for each hit I'd only want the initial hit to matter.
  15. Assassinate only applies to the first projectile from a spell (unless it's changed very recently). Likewise it doesn't apply to jumps from spells. (However if a spell attacks multiple targets simultaneously in AoE---fireball etc---it will apply to all those attack rolls.) It was showing up for me on the minor missile and the bounding missile. Regardless, if it applies to AoE I think it should apply to all projectiles hitting one target and all attacks in a full attack. Tested it just now, Minor Missiles and Bounding Missiles are currently applying Assassinate only to the first projectile. I reinstalled and got the same result. Maybe a bug or using that invisibility ability. Regardless, I think projectiles all should benefit from assassinate.
  16. Assassinate only applies to the first projectile from a spell (unless it's changed very recently). Likewise it doesn't apply to jumps from spells. (However if a spell attacks multiple targets simultaneously in AoE---fireball etc---it will apply to all those attack rolls.) It was showing up for me on the minor missile and the bounding missile. Regardless, if it applies to AoE I think it should apply to all projectiles hitting one target and all attacks in a full attack.
  17. Long cast time is a problem of spells, I'm only talking about the subclass passive bonus here. And I think all wizard subclasses except Evoker is pretty lame. A subclass should have either heavy penalty/heavy bonus or light penalty/light bonus. Wizard subclasses restrict themselves from using spells of two schools, and recovery penalty. Imo this penalty is pretty huge, but the bonus for them except Evoker is minor. Power level affects evocation spells nicely, but it is less effective on other school spells. The Enchanter/Illusionist bonus is either too situational or too flat. Same as Conjurer's familiar, it is just horrible to lose two school to get a useless familiar. And for Transmuter, if I remember correctly they lose access to Enchantment spells. A transmuter who turns into an Ogre and a normal wizard who buff himself with a lot inspiration and summon magic weapon, which do you think is better in melee? I'd voted for a normal wizard. I don't argue that a Enchanter, an Illusionist or a Transmuter will perform nicely on level 1, but the higher level you becomes, the worse they becomes and the penalty to lose 2 spell school becomes so obvious. I generally agree, and given the lack of Level 0 abilities for Wizard(the only class that has this), I think Wizard subclasses should be forced with only one benefit being a passive geared towards the types of spells they cast. Evocation is good, but think longer duration for Conjuration, more extreme buffs/debuffs for Transmutation/Enchantment, and a larger AoE for Illusion spells. It'd fit in with the other 5 subclass classes and be balanced around the Wizard's Grimoire. If you want a longer duration for Conjuration, a larger AOE for illusion, they do have it, its called +1 power level. I think they need some more unique bonus than just +1 power level. Those were just examples, Conjuration and Illusion provide some problems because they seem more broad than Evocations damage spells, enchantments buffs, and transmutations debuffs. I can't think of any offhand because I don't like most conjuration spells and I mainly stick to displaced image for illusion.
  18. Long cast time is a problem of spells, I'm only talking about the subclass passive bonus here. And I think all wizard subclasses except Evoker is pretty lame. A subclass should have either heavy penalty/heavy bonus or light penalty/light bonus. Wizard subclasses restrict themselves from using spells of two schools, and recovery penalty. Imo this penalty is pretty huge, but the bonus for them except Evoker is minor. Power level affects evocation spells nicely, but it is less effective on other school spells. The Enchanter/Illusionist bonus is either too situational or too flat. Same as Conjurer's familiar, it is just horrible to lose two school to get a useless familiar. And for Transmuter, if I remember correctly they lose access to Enchantment spells. A transmuter who turns into an Ogre and a normal wizard who buff himself with a lot inspiration and summon magic weapon, which do you think is better in melee? I'd voted for a normal wizard. I don't argue that a Enchanter, an Illusionist or a Transmuter will perform nicely on level 1, but the higher level you becomes, the worse they becomes and the penalty to lose 2 spell school becomes so obvious. I generally agree, and given the lack of Level 0 abilities for Wizard(the only class that has this), I think Wizard subclasses should be forced with only one benefit being a passive geared towards the types of spells they cast. Evocation is good, but think longer duration for Conjuration, more extreme buffs/debuffs for Transmutation/Enchantment, and a larger AoE for Illusion spells. It'd fit in with the other 5 subclass classes and be balanced around the Wizard's Grimoire.
  19. All Proficiency does is get you a modal with the weapon, if you aren't using a Devoted and don't have any abilities or talents(if they get put in) it otherwise doesn't make a difference. I'm fine with that if talents are in and some of them are about proficient weapons tbh, I just wish modals weren't so extreme. For example Savage Attack ends up being Savage Graze, Half-Sword is asking to be crit, and the recovery malus is pretty much casting slow on yourself.
  20. Aside from Assasinate, Dual wielding already is better than 2H at special full attacks. Dual wielding doesn't need a damage penalty, 2H needs a penetration boost. That would put the trade offs as similar to PoE as possible.
  21. Having played around with the Assassin, I've noticed that Assassinate only works on the first attack when dual wielding, even if activating an ability that is a full attack such as Blinding Strike. Given that Assassinate apparently applies to all projectiles from a spell, would it make sense for it to apply to the first full attack from stealth instead of only the primary attack in order to be more useful with dual-wielding than with single-handed or two-handed weapons?
  22. I disagree with the Devoted, being stuck with a -10 accuracy to weapons(it's even worse if it applies to spells and stuff as well) penalty outside of one weapon type is pretty big. Especially without metagame knowledge if you pick a weapon that has subpar choices. You are correct about the modals, but that's an issue with modal balance as opposed to the subclass. My opinion on the Wizard subclasses is they need to be forced like Paladin and Priest subclasses and give just a passive ability that synergies well with their school while penalties and benefits are removed. Evoker is the only one I feel does this well, Conjurer and Transmuter both have subpar spells and Illusionist and Enchanter seem to be situational. Of course spells themselves need to be tweaked heavily, particularly the casting times.
  23. I think all Wizards are pretty lame because of the long cast time. I'd make the Wizards go the way of Paladins and Priests and make specialization required, take out the penalties and power level boost because penalties are disproportionately bad, power level boost seems to mostly benefit Evokers, and I've always thought school restriction was dumb since D&D. As for benefits, I'd make it passive stuff like that meshes well with the types of spells being thrown. Evocation does this well, but think more duration for conjuration spells, improved aflictions/buffs, increased accuracy, etc.
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