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Everything posted by Tartantyco

  1. Welcome to another edition of "Why doesn't this game play exactly the way I want it to?"
  2. Pretty sure BAdler said the review copies are delivered and reviewers are free to publish their reviews now.
  3. lol. I think you've pretty much conceded with this statement.
  4. I'm going to laugh when everyone running around with naked ranged characters get whooped by enemies burrowing, charging, and teleporting past their frontline.
  5. Those are the blasphemous EE versions. Baldur's Gate had actual cinematics:
  6. Having a dedicated kit, as opposed to just being able to choose a ranged weapon, is considerably different, Voss. I'd say that highlights this aspect of the Ranger archetype considerably.
  7. God damn it! Still just the 18th. I could swear it was the 16th six days ago...
  8. Does the initial splash screen(Obsidian, Paradox, Kickstarter) use the movie player, too? That runs fine.
  9. Except, you know, the Archer kit.
  10. Yes, melee characters generally take more damage than ranged characters. That's to be expected. The ranged characters still have to rest at the same time as the melee characters. It's a symbiotic relationship where the ranged characters depend on the melee characters to keep them out of harm's way. Your "three weaknesses" don't mean that you can just build an all-ranged party and pwn everything with 720 noscope. They'd get trashed. If you're in a fight with heavy AoE(Crystal Eaters, for instance), you need to approach that situation with a different tactic than if you're fighting the ogre and bears. It does not mean that the devs should buff melee characters. To me, it sounds like you just want one tactics to work in every situation.
  11. Unless, you know, it costs a ton in the release version. In which case, it won't be very de minimis.
  12. Don't assume that beta prices reflect release version prices.
  13. I did a search beforehand and didn't find anything. I apologize if the post is redundant. The focus of this post is for how you plan on RPing your character. Oh, I was just seeing if anyone remembered where that thread was. I'm sure people's preferences have changed since then. I'm leaning pretty heavily towards Chanter right now, by the way.
  14. A map like the one at http://www.forgottenwars.com/bg1/
  15. Increased crit and accuracy for 1H.
  16. I would hope and assume that it works the same as in BG, where it's scaled based on what level you are when you encounter them.
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