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Everything posted by mstark

  1. Who knows? You can try, the developers aren't going to hinder you from doing it, but it's most certainly going to be a challenge. That is, until someone figures out the broken/cheesy equivalent of some D&D builds.
  2. Yes, the talents list is currently the cancer it was in the Neverwinter Nights games. Please give us a grid, and if there's at least SOME form of sorting, it'd be so very helpful. Even the IE games did it better.
  3. How does synchronized round timers fix an issue with speed? Other than forcing the player to wait for it. I agree that there's an issue with the speed of PoE combat (I've been following the beta closely), it seems more related to movement speed (enemy and pc), action speed, and damage numbers being unbalanced, rather than the game needing synchronized rounds in order to feel less chaotic.
  4. Only because you had to un-pause in order to sit around and wait for the next round to come around in IE. I'm just entering the final stages of ToB in my BG2 play through, and while I don't have the beta to compare to, I wouldn't much mind seeing the unified rounds removed, if only because sometimes it feels like you can perform 2 actions in a row, and sometimes your units just stand there, doing nothing, for 6 full seconds. How's that for RTS-like unit responsiveness. Though, given that the optimal way of playing is with 6x Boots of Speed + infinite Haste all the time, you don't much notice it.
  5. Watching this makes me so happy. Nothing related to inventories, just the fact that I'm test viewing a recording of the game being played on a 4k screen on a 23" 1080p screen, which simulates playing the game at 4k on a 23" screen without up-scaling. All 2D assets are rendered at a high enough resolution for it to not turn into a complete ant farm at such a high pixel density . My next screen is very likely going to be 24/26" 4k, and the game already looks great at 27" 1440p. (At least I'm assuming there's no up-scaling of 2D assets going on, it's pretty much impossible to discern when viewed on a lower res screen, since the recording is being heavily downscaled)
  6. "So gather your party, venture forth, and embrace adventure as you recapture the wonder, the nostalgia, and the thrill of classic RPGs with Obsidian’s Pillars of Eternity!" Why, yes, that is exactly what I intend to do .
  7. Woah, I'm part of the biggest demographic for PE on both counts. Neat.
  8. I agree very much with your "adventure day" observations. I have nothing against the health/stamina system, but with the old IE health+healing spells system, where we could extend our adventuring day by using up our healing skills before having to rest, made for much better pacing. I think one of the goals of the new system was to make sure we didn't have to constantly rest to reset our party. Right now, resting after every single minor encounter seems required. I also think there seems to be too many minor combat encounters, and very aggressive respawning of mobs. I'd be happy if an area stayed clear for a good while after cleaning it out.
  9. Love the music. Love the ambient sounds. Love the (IE) mouse cursors. Love how beautiful it is. Love the dialogue windows. Love how it feels right.
  10. Adam Brennecke replied to a fan asking about the release time on Twitter, literally 1 minute ago: "When it's ready. we are going to post an update beforehand." Keep your eyes on your inboxes, I guess
  11. Yes, you get a digital copy with the physical box backer tier.
  12. Yeah, he seemed to be focusing on the rock beetles, in those battles. He also seemed to forget some of the characters, at times. Was it the rogue that was left idling most of the time? The rock beetles are burly, but that wood beetle poison will kill a character pretty quickly. If a few of your party members get poisoned it can be tough to recover. We may end up toning it down depending on feedback from the beta. In IE games, poison was one status effect that, if you weren't hauling around antidotes or cure poison scrolls, could easily wipe out your party. I specifically remember a spider infested house in Beregost for example. How many ways are there to deal with poison in PoE? One thing about the poison in IE games, however, was that it affected you MUCH slower, something like 1 or 2 hp every round, so you could finish a fight, mess around for a bit, and eventually decide to drink a potion. Here it seems to knock you out in a matter of 3-4 rounds, you need to be right on top of it to catch it
  13. Agreed. IE text was bold(er) and had a heavier black outline.
  14. Not a fan of the CAPS LOCK CANCER on the headers, especially as it clashes with the title case of the tier 1 menu buttons. It can be used for highlighting titles when they are otherwise hard to discern, but in this case they're already padded with a dark box, it's not really necessary to further highlight them here. I also assume they will be clickable (to minimize Quests when you're not interested to make Tasks easier to see without scrolling and vice versa), I'd suggest making sure you have a global theme for clickable "button" elements, not saying all buttons have to be identical, but maybe all of them could have, say, a similar border.
  15. Something about keybinds: Allow me to bind a key to closing the "sub menu" of a quickbar ability. For example, I may assign ESC. Then allow me to assign keybinds freely to quickbar items, that way I could assign character selection to keys 1-6, first level quick bar items to keys F1-F12, second level quick bar items to F1-F12 again, because ESC allows me to "close" the second level. That way I can hit 1 to select my first party member, F3 to select, say, Spells III, then F3 again to select Fireball--or I can hit ESC to jump back--hit F2 for Spells II instead, then F3 again for Magic Missiles. Finally, it might be a good suggestion to allow us to add a keybind by right clicking any ability. Right click -> hit key - warn me if it overwrites a different keybind (not with a popup, mind you) -> hit OK -> done.
  16. I'm certain it's November 19th.
  17. Would just like to say I agree with you on the Knockdown VFX. It's over the top. There's really no need for a micro nuke to go off when it happens. Some sort of clear & concise visual feedback (like the character falling to the ground...), or even just sound, should be enough.
  18. The opening 2 hours... you mean character creation? I, too, agree wholeheartedly, though. We know quite well by now how the game starts out (since E3), though, and it looks promising . I have a feeling we'll have a "big reveal", followed by a "fight to get out", and then we'll get to the first big city. BG2 says hi.
  19. I hope there's a total of 6 pieces of movement speed increasing gear! That was always my first goal in BG2. Get perma-haste for each of my party members.
  20. This looks far too awesome. The models are really well made! Love the Mindfla... *cough* Vithracks :D How did Vithracks evolve, by natural selection, or by more sinister forces being involved? The lightning/spark animation on the Wind Blight could do with some work. Digital download is preferable anyway!
  21. If they release the beta on GOG, anyone who knows anything about torrenting can download it within a few hours. I'm sure some people would complain with regards to exclusivity and paying for the privilege. If they use Steam, people will complain because of DRM. With regards to updates, it's easy enough to create a launcher that'll update your game before launching it.
  22. Could you give an example of what you have in mind?
  23. Any chance we could get a simple text preview of what the current "text or format" for combat looks like? Do you have comeplete(ish) templates for feedback messages? #thehype :D
  24. A battle axe and a hatchet are two extremely different weapons (weight, balance, or how you swing it), and would require different types of training. Imagine the difference between a knife and a sword. Personally, I really like the type of specialization in Eternity. It's more realistic for a knight to be trained in a variety of weapons of war, whereas a peasant who has turned to the sword, so to speak, would be better at handling weapons of the type that require less formal training, and of familiar shape. Post based on my own thoughts and personal experience in weapons training.
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