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Everything posted by mstark

  1. Obsidian has confirmed that all KS backers will get the pre-order specific items (space pig and that other bracelet(?)), in addition to the yet to be revealed backer items. If I were to guess, I believe the digital keys are for redeeming the base edition of the game (you can choose either Steam or GOG), and all your digital extra add-ons will be delivered through the Obsidian portal based on your backer level. It just seems like the easiest solution without messing with who gets what.
  2. You will very likely be able to run it just fine.
  3. Would be very nice to have for 220dpi+ screens. Ideally, I'd like to see even higher res area/UI renders, but I realize this might be unfeasible.
  4. ^could you give us non-beta players a run down? I'm interested in Expert Mode, but if it's not pulled off nicely I might just customize settings myself
  5. MAD props to you for the dedication you've shown in making this game the best it can be Thanks to all the other beta testers, too!
  6. Bears reiterating. Emphasis mine.
  7. Is it still completely out of the question to just centre the log?
  8. Awesome. Do you experience any FPS drops, mouse, or menu lag? Do you have to make any concessions in the graphics settings in order for it to run smoothly? I'm on HD 4000, so I'm curious.
  9. Oooh, and will there be an extended version of the theme?
  10. Justin, may I ask what speakers, amps/dacs, and headphones you use when mixing?
  11. I'm flying over sunlit, grassy hills and forests, at dizzying speeds, on a crisp, early summer morning. The air smells of sun rays and woodland. I'm flying. That's kinda awesome.
  12. Very much this (emphasis mine). Things that worked well in your panel: - Showing off divergent play styles and how empowered the player is in creating their own adventure/characters (skeleton army, other extreme examples - very interesting, and shows off one of the richest parts of the game) - Allowing audience to choose conversation paths (kill all, rescue...) Things that didn't work very well: - You didn't always seem/sound sure where to go next, or what to do. If you want to involve the audience, ask them a direct, 2-alternative question, but don't ask open questions like "what should we do next" or "I'm not sure where to go now".
  13. Looked great, and the music was fantastic
  14. Your best bet is to email support, they should be able to get you an answer.
  15. I would really like to see this change.
  16. This one is huge in my book. Make it a grid, and sort them by type using easily glance-able headlines. Allow us to minimize headlines we're not interested in for that particular character. Possibly give us custom options for sorting them, like by which skill point they are associated with, or class recommendations.
  17. From the day they first revealed character models in screen shots (I remember hats), I was looking forward to killing NPCs if only just to strip them of their epic looking clothes. Looks like it's not going to happen.
  18. I was under a very strong impression that loot was WYSIWYG in PE... if it isn't, it should to change. I always hated RPGs where that's not the case. I like the idea of my enemies wearing and using the very same items I have access to, and adhering to the same rules as my own party members. If I then beat an enemy who is more well equipped *cough* than myself, I'd like to pick up his items, and effectively turn myself into a better version of him.
  19. It warms my heart to see there's still some level headedness left on these boards! While I appreciate all the effort people are putting into the particular things they would like to see in the game (I know I've been one of them earlier in the dev cycle), it's good to sometimes take a step back and put things into perspective. Great write up. My favourite posts/threads as of late have been those of newcomers, or those by people who have not involved themselves too deeply in niche issues. I think it's because of the different perspective they have.
  20. I'd like to say I agree with Hormalakh regarding context sensitive hotkeys, and add that it might be a good idea to have the F1 - F12 keys be the default ones rather than QWERT (I assume we'll eventually have more than 5 hotbar items / 5 spells we want to use). I guess I just like using Q for Quick Save, and still sometimes sit down at my computer with my left hand resting over TAB - Q - Spacebar (the way to play IE games). I really like the idea of being able to press a button to cast Fireball without first having to somehow open the appropriate spell book level. Either way, definitely a step in the right direction!
  21. CTRL/Shift clicking/dragging to select and de-select isn't in yet!? Or does it just straight up prevent you from deselecting the last character? Either way, I agree we need this.
  22. That is not necessarily true, but yes, it's very unlikely that there will ever be one. That might change if the sales of the game go far better than expected, but, even so, it would arrive long after the digital release. The only way to be sure you get your hands on a boxed copy is (was?) to back the game at the boxed copy / physical collectors edition tier.
  23. Please consider removing speed penalties from armours entirely, and balance it in a different way! It's incredibly punishing, and, frankly, removes a lot of fun.
  24. I think this seems like a pretty neat feature, giving us the option to not have the party formation auto rotate towards the direction of travel. I also don't think it angles the party "towards the corners", it seems like it angles the party formation relative to the travel direction from your starting position, aligning the formation to a vector drawn between the two.
  25. Neat, cheers for the 1080p Paradox link, the GOG version only goes up to 720p.
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