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Everything posted by TrashMan

  1. There are tabbards for that. you know..rhose robe-like things that have insignia that are worn over the armor.
  2. I don't give a rats ass how you want your character to look. Adjust to the game and the setting. If Leather armor +1 look like X, then it looks like X. Period. You demonding that devlopers circumvent their own world is an insult ot the developers. Pay the price for the looks you want like everoyne else or use mods. Otherwise don't bother others with your vanity.
  3. Don't forget personal hygiene, Charisma goes down the more you forget to brush your teeth/clean your nails... I think there's a limit to the realism of the game. I play games to escape the mundanity (probably not a word) of my life, and giving me a second platform in which to worry about where I'm getting lunch wouldn't be very much fun for me. We should also use toothpicks(too much and you ruin your mouth hygiene) after every meal. Also make sure you always have a pair of toilet paper rolls with you, cause you know... you never know when nature calls. Kinda pointless. Taking a dump can be done at any time, anywere (and oyu don't need toilet paper) so it's no strategic consideration at all. Similar, the basic hygene can also be assumed to be done every tiem you rest (or at east once a week). Those are all very simpel things that do not require special skills or anything. They have no actual choice nor do they change anything, so there's really no need to simulate them. Eating? Well, I don't see you clicking on food to it eat it, but I do see rations being auto-consumed when you rest (again, abstracted that you can prepare a basic meal with the rations you have). Getting rations? That is not that simple - epsecially depending on your enviroment. For hte most part it should be a problem to stock up in any town or village - however, if you are stupid and uprepared, huting (survival) would always be an options.
  4. Hades? Judges? why did this image pop into my mind immediately?
  5. How does how you look not have anything to do with role playing? It's Live Action Role Playing for a reason. If you want to roleplay as Gandalf, would you not want to >look< like gandalf? I dont' see how if it's "live action" role playing means what you look like matters but "Computer" role playing what you look like means nothing all of the sudden. I don't recall Gandalf being able to magicly change the apperance of his clothes. (dying andcoming back does not count) If you want to RP Gandalf, then RP him properly. Gandalf would use whatever is avialable and wouldn't moan about it.
  6. Interesting. I do have one hope for the game (after hearing that it's about life and death), and that is that it doesn't end up being too metaphysical and preachy or too weird (the last thing I want is a NGE like mindf***k). And that it doesn't demistify souls and afterlife.
  7. I disagree. The clock is exactly the thing that is missing from many games. Most fantasy stories and movies have a sense of urgency... this is something CRPG's generally lack. Being short on time means that time managment becomes important. It also means you can't do all quests in single run, as you'll sometimes have to choose. I know completionists and power gamers dislike that, but they want the world to revolve around them anyway.
  8. On condition that you are a sexy magic wielding goddess, but judging from your nick, you are not 2 out of 3 ain't bad. I can get a sex-change ya know In ye olde systemcharacters died at -10..not 0 HP. But -10 ins't enough of a buffer IMHO. Go into the negative as much as half the HP. A character with 100 HP can go to -50 before dying.
  9. Sex and Murder....but mostly murder.

  10. No classes. Just skills/feats to create one owns role and "class". Lately calsse have started to feel more like a restraint..too specilized,..too pushed into a specific role.
  11. MARRY ME! Great ideas. I've sooo wanted a game that handels injuries in battle more seriously. When you actually can't insta-heal back the lost HP and injured require days of rest. Even better if passing of time has actual effect on stuff. It actually encourages you to value your party memebr more and cycle them more often.
  12. What makes a villain a good villain is a such a complex formula that it is impossible to simplify and abstract it. Not to metnion is is largely subjective. We can debate weather or not a villain is well-written, but a well-written villain doesn't mean everyone will like him. Take for instance Kreia and Irenicus. Completely different villans. Some hate one, love the other. For some it's tte opposite. Some hate both, some love both.
  13. You silly man. Dragons are dinosaurs...except with wings..and breathing fire. What we need are ponies. Cute rainbow-colored ponies. ... And a meat grinder machine next to them.
  14. I've seen some of your other posts around the forum now. I understand the problem. I'm sorry but I can't continue to talk to you given what I've seen. When it comes to trying to gracefully run away from a loosing conversation, I'll give your effort a 5...out of 10. **** Mages with a breastplate? Meh, why not... sounds ok.
  15. Badges are nothing more than E-Peen extensions.
  16. Verily, never has a greater turth be typedeth than hath been typedeth on this morrow, by this man.
  17. Depending on the type of enemy, their morale state and presence of allies on the map, a "broken" oppoent can: 1) Run towards the map exit and dissapear (he counts as defeated) 2) Run to get reinforcements. He can either get back with reonforcments of wait for you. 3) Surrender 4) Fight to the death
  18. Party NPC death? Sure. But to make it a bit more forgiving, insted of death at -10Hp, death at - 1/2 max HP. That gives a bigger buffer and it makes it more unlikely for your companions to die.
  19. I'd say it won't be enough. For one thing, dex-based penalties for spellcasting in armor? I never got that.. good armor alows a full range of motion. Also it doens't make sense. Armor requires training to use properly. You might as well remove weapon skills while you're at it. Anyone who is strong enough to swing a swrod is equally good at it?
  20. What if being realistic IS part of the game? How can then realism detract from the game? What you describe above is exactly what I want. I don't wnat to be able to lug and armory with me. I want hard choices when it comes to what I carry and take with me. That magic shield or that magic sword? What do I take? Do I get rid of item X to make room? I know some (pu**y) players would get an aneurysm because they want everything, yesterday.
  21. I love complexity in games. I love realism in games. I know some other people hate it... that's life for you. That said...I'm pretty sure if you have a bank your gold could be stored there and you're basicly carrying a peper recipet.
  22. You know what they say... You can't win romance debates, you can only break even. You can only break even at absolute zero, where all discussion freezes. You can never reach absolute zero.
  23. that literally does not make sense to me. I can't wrap my head around it. To use your words, I think you have developed a very petty obsession. This coming from a guy so obsessed with looking pretty that he wants to mess with the reality of the world to get his character to look FAAABOLOUS... *Starts game with basic leather* *changes appearance to lvl30 plate armor of epicness* *thinks he's amazing* If you want to change the appearnce of in-game items, there are mods for that. The game should be moddable enough. Instead you want the developers to basicly mod the game for you. Frankly if I was a develoepr I'd be insulted. Spending all that time designing armor just for you to ask for an option to ignore it. My loss is immesurable. Really.
  24. Just a STR requirement? To use effectively, armor would require training (skill/feat). After all, it takes traingin to learn how to most efficiently move in armor, how to position yourslf for best protection/deflection. Also to build up stamina and get accustomed to wearing it. Of course, anyone can equip armor if strong enough, but wihout proper training, it's not as effective. Without training you'd get less protection, bigger armor check penalty and bigger fatigue drain.
  25. The Arcane Warrior was horribly broken.... as it is often the case when people want the best of all worlds in one class.
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