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Everything posted by TrashMan

  1. no way to satisfy everyone. Make a action movie and horror fans are dissapointed. Make a horror and comedy fas are dissapointed. Make X and Y is dissapointed, Z hates you and doesn't want to speak with you ever again, A will name his child after you while B is planing your murder.
  2. I cna say with 100% certanty that I definately hold the undisputed oppinion of Maybe.
  3. Bloody hell - again? Just how many people played D&D without udnerstanding anything abotu how magic works there????? Small adivce - learn the underlying lore before proclaming the system makes no sense.
  4. Urgency where it makes sense. Penalties for failing where it makes sense. Sometimes you will fail the quest if you don't make it in time. Oteh times the quest will become harder OR.. the quest objectives will change. However, when you do get tiem limits they should be generous enough that you usualy l don't have to run like crazy (unless it makes sense to run like crazy). For example, you have to sabotage a bridge so the enemy army cannot pass. You have 3 days to do it. You get there too late, the enemy troops passed. Maybe you got there just as they are passing over, and you decide to try and buy time by holding them off. Or yo ucna go back to report. Or you get a new objective, to try and slow them down in antoher location. Village dying from a desease and you have to find the cure? The longer it takes the more people die. Take too long and everyone in the village is dead - quest failed. Etc ,etc... a lot of thing can hapen. From enemies becoming stronger to the situation changing dramaticly. Heck, sometimes you may want to DELIBERATELY fail a quest.
  5. Interesting concept, but hard to pull off.
  6. This is untrue. How much sense a magic system has depends on the setting and how magic works. You cannot make such blanket statement...well, you can but blanket statement have a tendancy to be wrong. Vanican makes sense..in D&D. In any other setting..not much.
  7. God Hand: The Heavens part and a gigantic hand made of pure energy bit**slaps the enemy into the next country. My Little Friend Summons a Vorpal Bunny for the number of rounds equal to the caster level. If the caster doesn't have a carrot to apease the mighty doombringer he too becomes his target.
  8. In tabletop games, the "Vancian" systems do make strategic gameplay more important, but a lot of that is lost in a game with reloading. Especially if the choice of spells has a dramatic effect on efficacy (e.g. did you memorize dimensional anchor before fighting creatures that are constantly teleporting all over the battlefield), failure to select the "right" ones can result in catastrophic failure. In the absence of information required to make informed decisions, those choices aren't strategic; they're just guesses. After a reload, they're meta-strategic, but I doubt most players feel clever for making a retrospectively obvious choice. Well, that is certanly true if the game gives you no possible way to know what is ahead. Usually you can have a pretty good idea what you're facing....usually. That said, while I like Vanacian, it certanly isn't perfect, nor do I think it's perfect for PE (it is impossible for me to make that judgment call) I'm going to semi-quote myself (with edits) from the previous page, as this it (to me) the best idea I can come up with... I'm sure you devs can do better.
  9. Knowing what your'e about to face does not equal metagaming. After all, if I'm going into the trolls lair, it's not metagaming to prepare fire spells.
  10. It often hapens that classes are made for one role and one role only. From class design, skills and feats avilalbe to them and so on they are almost pidgeon-holed into one role and it's hard to get away from that. People start roleplaying a class, and not a character. This severely limits roleplaying options.
  11. Id probably add the option for some wepaons to deal more than 1 type of damaghe (depending on weapon). Just like you can select to deal non-lethal damage, you can choose to deal a differetn type of damage. This wouldn't be as effective as it's "main" damage tough. For example, with a greatsword/longsword you could slash, thrust or try to bludgeon someone. Normally the damage it does would be (mostly) slashing... if combat animations are randomized then I guess by default all damage types would be enabled. You could then "force" the character to focus on one type of damage. Since this limits the option and reduces the number of possible action, it is less effective than how you normally fight with a weapon.
  12. And I have to admit I didn't really like any of them. It may seem odd, but I liek to keep my fantasy "down to earth". Too many improbable things piled up just kinda ruin it for me. When your entire party is consisting of incredible, unique, rare and amazing individuals it just looses all crediblity. What are the chances of one guy gathering together a party like that? Bob, slayer of Ghizna Bob, teh champion of Kirkwall Bob, he weho discovered the lost city of atlantis Bob, he who foudn the lost jewl of hrkaxag (even tough it was 10 feet from the city) After how many titles will you stop thinking "this guy is amazing" and start going "really? One guy doing all of that? C'mon!" It's the same with a overly colorfull party.
  13. ToEE has threat range. Longer-ranged weapons had a bigger threat range. Meaning anyone entering your threat range wasw subject to an Atttack of Opportunity. Which means the spear guy would strike first, with the other guy being often penalized. And if he hits, he would stop the other guy dead in his tracks. This was seriously powerfull when combined with Enlarge Person and Great Cleave and Combat Expertise. Your experet fighter with an enchanted longspear in the middle of the room was a murder-machine.
  14. Spells are exceptionally complex and consuming, so they are PRE-CAST. Think of those long, long rituals. Basicly, that fireball? You cast it before you got out of the tavern, inscribing it in your brain. It is there, waiting for you to release it with the final words/gestures. And a mage can only hold so many at once. Technicly, a mage could try to cast a fireball on the fly, but I don't think your enemies will wait for an hour for you to finish. Makes sense when you look at it like that, don't it?
  15. How about a mix between Fatigue system and Vanican? For those of you who played Jagged Alliance2, you know how fatigue/stamina worked. It got spent during you walking, running and doing strenious stuff (like traveling around the world). Your MAX stamina would only regenerate by sleeping/resting. Max stamina delpletes slowly, while "normal" stamina depletes fast and it regenerates by itself constantly. So you start the day with 100 stamina...you travel to the village of Hax and your max stamina is down to 80. You start a battle there and after some running and spell casting you stamina is down to 30/60. So your max stamina is down to 60. Your stamina will replenish to 60/60 as long as your mage catches a breather. Another fight later your stamina is 10/50....the mages catches his breath for a minute and it's back to 50/50. The lower the stamina gets the bigger the enalties and spell faliure and some spells can't even be cast (or can, but drain your of your HP if you don't have enough stamina) Now, the spells - think of it working as a Mage/Sorcerrer hybrid. You have to prepare spells for the day (you can change spells from your spellbok like a mage) - but once set you can onyl cast those spells, even if you can cast the same spell over and over, as long as you have enough stamina. Sound good?
  16. You can prepare any way you want... that's the beauty of it.You cna use multi-purpose spells. Specilzed spells. Mix of spells. Of cours,e you can say "reload and adjust spells" ... Yes it can be done. But you can also reload if you battle tactics suck. Does that make battle tactics untactical? Furthermore, if resitng is made difficult/impossible in may places, then you'd have to load a far older save game. The only other system I can think off that would work would be fatigue. Fatigue would re-charge normally, but max fatigue wouldn't - you'd have to sleep. Which gives you more leavy in which spells you can cast, but also limits how many you can cast a day. Maybe a mix of the two. Not sure if having every spell avilable at once is a good idea.
  17. Vanician or Fatigue. Something that limits the mage and prevens spamming. I want spells to be powerfull, resources to use wisely.
  18. So exactly what's wrong with these? http://www.mobygames...ure-windows.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot...e_screen001.jpg http://image.gamespo...e_screen004.jpg http://screenshot.xfire.com/s/79816673-4.jpg http://www.mobygames.com/images/shots/l/51774-the-temple-of-elemental-evil-a-classic-greyhawk-adventure-windows.jpg
  19. Oh, I don't suffer from nostaliga...and I'm quite well eduicated on art and game engines. Far more than most people, given that it was my friggin thesis!
  20. What I was trying to say was that they should not make game isometric with 2D backgrounds just because Infinity Engine games were. Every possibility should be taken in fair consideration. Please note that I'm not implying developers haven't thought this through. I'm sure they have and their design choice has been made for good reasons. I was just replying to Aedelrics post. I don't recall anyone was arguing that that was the specific reason why they do it. They have their reasons.
  21. No, I mean designing a game means making a choice. That is not "limiting" in the sense you were implying. What exactly is limiting with isometric?
  22. Well, it DOES give you the most freedom with roleplaying. No skill or items restrictions. No attribute penalties...
  23. In my opinion Project Eternity should not be "about" neither of those. All it needs to be is a great RPG. Limiting your design choices just because "this is what we did 20 year ago" isn't very smart, is it? Whichever style they choose it should be based on what best serves the game they are making, not just nostalgia. Limiting your design choices? They already selected (chosen) the design they are going for. Your comment makes no sense.
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