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Everything posted by AwesomeOcelot

  1. Every 10 levels you get a +20% drop rate increase on booster backs (3 random cards from a set) and +5 max friends on your friends list. Craftin a badge gets you emoticons, backgrounds for your profile, and coupons. During the big sales you get a card from the sale set and more recently an in-game item from selected games when crafting badges.
  2. It's pretty misleading to say every woman you know is a gamer without that context. Almost every guy I know who is under forty owns a games console, the opposite is true of the women I know, most own a tablet though. Anybody whose been to LAN parties, been in a clan/guild, or gaming forum knows there's female gamers, it's just generally not close to every woman they know.
  3. If you'd have lead with "out of the women I've met from my animation classes, LAN parties, and working as an intern for a game developer" then it does sound less extraordinary.
  4. Out of the three dozen minus three that you know? Is it possible that you're seeking out women gamers?
  5. Logically, anything can be predicted if you use the right premises. This premise is not true. My point is, as was the case with solitaire and bejeweled, adult female gamers aren't going to switch to playing Dark Souls or Pillars of Eternity. Knowing two game devs, two streamers, and a WC3 tournament winner personally, male or female is not the norm, and if they're in the same social circle as the other women you're referring to then that goes a long way to explaining it.
  6. This doesn't change console or PC gaming at all, women would actually need to buy the hardware to effect the market and they're generally not interested in playing complex or fast paced, involving games. Time wasters on mobile devices are not in the same sphere of games such as RPG or FPS. One of the largest segments of gaming in the 90's was solitaire because of bored office workers, progressing to bejeweled, this created a new market with new developers. Women were always gamers, even before video games existed.
  7. Two windows side by side, that's what a lot of people do when working. Also for gaming and video, width is way more important than height for immersion.
  8. With that green and pink on the barb, I was half expecting the portrait to be The Ultimate Warrior.
  9. I don't know whether an energy blade that projects from a metal tube is possible, but I'm not at all sold that this discovery is like a lightsaber or could lead to the production of them. Did the researcher say they can make a lightsaber? No. Does it count as a lightsaber if the photons have to be in a medium? Apart from being light that forms molecules does it have any of the properties attributed to lightsabers?
  10. Australia, Japan, Costa Rica, Scotland, and Norway are not even close to being as bad as Saudi Arabia. I'm going to miss Mark Van Bommel tomorrow, the oranje are just not the same without him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECjPsX-gQc8
  11. You're already losing 1GB+ of your RAM, time to get a 64bit version.
  12. Radeon R7 260X. I'm an EU guy and brands like PowerColor are available in my country, pretty much every manufacturer of graphics cards is from Taiwan.
  13. Good idea, not sure how a BIOS would get corrupted apart from a virus but flashing it might fix that. Most MoBo manufacturers supply their own bootable media for flashing the BIOS. Have you tried a Linux Live CD yet? You get those CMOS errors from windows if the BIOS isn't set with defaults. Reflow means heating the solder of the MoBo in the oven. scraping = scrapping. When it gets to this point I usually just get a replacement.
  14. I can't remember whether they said they were going to go early access, but they don't need to do a greenlight, they have a publisher, Paradox.
  15. Yeah, my first option would be try to get a used motherboard. I'm still running a i5 2500K from 2010.
  16. In my experience it's more likely the motherboard than the CPU. I've never had a CPU die on me, they can last for decades. You can actually boot normally and get into the BIOS without a battery, it's just the settings aren't persistent.
  17. Even with a RAMdisk you still have to load from HDD/SSD to RAM at least once, and again if you ever want to reboot.
  18. The conclusion was that the PS4 did show benefits with an SSD but because of the way games were being designed it was no more than hybrid drives which were still very quick compared to HDD. I think it's because games were being designed to cache in a way to get around the slow speed of a HDD therefore they weren't using the SSD as much as would be required to gain the full benefits.
  19. The good thing about the way Fallout did it was that it went really slowly at locations, you don't want to feel you're on a timer in an RPG like this, but because it did progress quickly on the world map it did feel like time was passing, which is a problem in a lot of RPGs. So I would say that it's a good idea for RPGs with world maps like Fallout's to have timed quests, but for other RPGs it's probably a bad idea.
  20. Yes, you should definitely grow a pair. If the person is not physically threatening to you and the violence is not of a serious nature then it's not a big problem and you can just leave, it's up to you whether to accept their **** or not. Calm down princess, and stop inflating petty **** to real problems. To be fair, I've only seen that insane argument presented that one time.
  21. I don't see how it matters who is performing the violence. The context in games isn't even close to domestic violence, it's more likely to be close to the violence perpetuated against men. It makes zero sense to me to bring up violence against women as a problem that effects video game violence, but other forms of violence are fine. My point of view is video game violence is fictional, so it's not effected by real world violence at all. On the domestic violence topic, the problem with the studies that show more female violence is that it's not that big a problem, doesn't result in serious injury or even injury at all, I couldn't give a **** about that. When we talk about domestic violence as a problem we're talking about the minority of cases, almost all perpetrators are men: battering, rape, imprisonment, stalking, murder.
  22. They only started full-time development in 2012, and for lots of games you don't hear about in pre-production as it could be mostly ideas, writing, and concept stuff involving a few people, it's unfair to say they started in 2009 if you don't also take that into account when comparing it to other games. I've never seen anyone complain about Obsidian marketing any of their games.
  23. No you misunderstand me my Canadian friend I said there isn't a societal issue with violence against men. In other words violence and abuse perpetuated against men by women is much less. That's probably the most sexist thing I've read on these forums. Men are the victims of more violence than women and children. Violence against men is deemed more acceptable by society. Men are expected to fight in wars, defend others, and generally be more willing to put themselves in danger.
  24. Backgrounds seem to be prerendered that are rendered as a large 2D object in the 3D engine. So they would be upscaled and downscaled. If it's possible to not anti-alias the background, with a custom rendering engine that renders the background separately, I don't think it's worth the effort because the prerendered background is manipulated in the 3D engine by 3D objects, they'd have to reimplement all that another way. I don't know why upscaling and downscaling would blur the background unless the scaler was broken in some way.
  25. Never had this problem with the numerous Unity engine games I own. Hearthstone caps to 30fps on medium preset but to refresh rate on high preset, and some Unity games cap to 60fps with vsync on.
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