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Everything posted by Mannock

  1. Yes, give a character "my" weapon and run free. Run free with the wind!
  2. Packers signs Mercedes Lewis.
  3. It's a very cool item. Which item did you create in PoE if you don't mind me asking. Thank you! The item in PoE1 is called Jêna's lance. It's a pike. It can be found in a store in the first town you enter in the game, where you hook up with Aloth. Been so long now that I can't even remember the name of the town. :/ Guilded Vale I think? It's been a while. Do plan on doing a playthrough of it soon tho lol Yeah, that is correct I think.
  4. It's a very cool item. Which item did you create in PoE if you don't mind me asking. Thank you! The item in PoE1 is called Jêna's lance. It's a pike. It can be found in a store in the first town you enter in the game, where you hook up with Aloth. Been so long now that I can't even remember the name of the town. :/
  5. Yeah, that's the one. Glad you like it! I'm very fond of it too.
  6. I created an item for this game, just as I did for PoE1. For Deadfire I created a warbow called Frostseeker (was actually meant to be a hunting bow, but I managed to screw that up all by myself by missclicking in the forumula submited to Obsidian). It was great fun and surprise when I found the item at an encounter (my item for PoE1 was located in a store early in the game so I expected more or less the same for Deadfire). What I really like with the item is the visual effects that go with it, which is really cool. I also like the upgrades it has. So really nice to see it in the game. The only thing that feels a bit embarrasing is the item's description. In PoE1 I wrote a long description which I thought a lot about and was satisfied with (I'm not saying it was good, but I put some effort into it atleast). Then when I found the item in game I noticed Obsidian had changed the text a bit, which was totally fine. I wanted it to be consistant with the other writing in the game, so it was no problem. Jumping forward, I was writing the item description for my bow in Deadfire and I thought that it was no point in putting to much time into it, since Obsidian would be editing it anyway. I wrote a brief text and upon finding the item in game I could see that they had kept my text intact.
  7. Browns will be featured on Hardknocks. Could be interesting.
  8. You actually might feel disappointed, because in my mind (or rather so far, which is some 30 odd hours into the game) Deadfire is not as gloomy as PoE1 was. That doesn't mean the game isn't serious or pandering to some sort of teen crowd, but it feels a tad more humorous and with generally more vivid surroundings I think this is a heartier game. Which in my book is good cause I found PoE1 a bit too gloomy to the point that I only played the game once. I definetely see myself playing more Deadfire even when I have finished the game.
  9. Sidekicks are lesser versions of companions. Sidekicks don't have complete story arcs. Sidekicks are more like the companions you had in BG1 if you played that game.
  10. You don't. Or atleast it has never happened in my game.
  11. Are you sure about this? Because when I have full ammo for the ship, medical supplies and repair supplies, and pick up more of that, I haven't seen the exess stashed at some other place.
  12. But also compared to contemporary benchmarks, like DoS 2.
  13. This is a non spoiler part of the forum. You should probably ask elsewhere.
  14. A broken game is a game that won't start, or that starts but which you can't finish because it crashes or gets stuck because of bugs. Deadfire is none of that. It is playable from start to finish. Personally I play on relaxed difficulty setting because combat doesn't interest me that much. To easily kill a dragon is not deal breaker for me. However, I do get that you, and a lot of others who mostly play the game for the combat mechanics, are disappointed, angry, frustrated, etc. But that still doesn't mean the game is broken. It needs balancing in regards to the difficulty settings. So you can either ask for a refund or put the game down for a while and come back when it's been patched a few times.
  15. I think you are trying to say the game is unbalanced. And if difficult combat is your sole motivator for playing this game, I understand that you are very disappointed. However, the game is not unplayable or "broken" in a general sense.
  16. Took me a minute to figure out what St Drogga's skull was in game. So yeah, seems basically like it's a "cool torch" more or less. I'm thinking insta sell.
  17. Do you realize that for some that means at major plot points their immersion will be broken? Yeah, this is one heck of a game for all the snowflakes out there.
  18. I thought the narrator voice was nice. In any event, it's just there for the beginning of the game and on a few major plot points later on in the game, according to Josh on twitter.
  19. I don't think it has anything to do with dislike. I just think people in general prefer to play other races ahead of the dwarves.
  20. A review is one person's subjective opinion about a game. It can't be wrong or right in an objective sense. The things a reviewer dislikes can be the very things I enjoy in a game. If you are on the fence about this game, read several reviews (both professional and non-professional) and weigh them together to get a feel for the game.
  21. I'm only four hours into the game, but the first four hours of Deadfire have been a lot more fun than PoE1. Less gloomy, more vivid and humorous.
  22. Oh, didn't see that he requested it himself. Is this common practice by players? To ask to be released I mean. I guess he felt he didn't have a chance at making the team. But still, sends an odd message, doesn't it?
  23. Yeah, it's just a spike because we are a lot of nerds trying to do the same thing at the same time. Mine initially said it would take more than 1 year. But it's cool now. It'll be done in 20 minutes or so. Or as Aaron Rodgers would say; R-E-L-A-X... Relax.
  24. Mine spiked initially at "more than 1 year", but calmed down after that. Been moving between 10 and 20 minutes. So it's all okay I guess.
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