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Everything posted by Romiras

  1. Ahem... Fallout 1,2 had the best world maps in my opinion. Make them fantasy beautiful but the same functionally and it'll do the trick.
  2. I'd love to hear more on monks. Seems nobody but me is worried, but I wonder how this oriental themed class will fit into Eternity...
  3. Lake of Drowned Drows? Best name for the lake ever!! )))))))
  4. I'd say - forget Japan, China and Korea. Trying to make game suitable for these guys can kill PE for Americans, Europeans and Russians. This should work the same way as Final Fantasy - when Americans and Europeans loved the game made for Japanese purely. Translations - yes, but no oriental content please! Take a look at the Mysts of Pandaria - an addon for WoW, made purely for Chinese (yeah that's personal opinion, I know). I believe it will have the worst results of WoWs addons so far.
  5. My personal favorite = mana resource, which should be refilled by rest and by (extremely rare and expensive) potions at higher tiers. In computer games encounters happen WAY more often then in pen&pencil ones and I always feel a bit lame when my great and powerful mages spent their spells on some wayward goblins and arrive to some mighty dungeon with only say "vocalize" memorized. Mana mechanic allows you way more control over your spells and in my personal opinion makes your mages more fun to play. You CAN cast those three fireballs in a row. That will leave your Mage with NO mana at all, but you CAN do that.
  6. If their only purpose is fanservice I'd rather have them left. Eternity should be a unique world and the start to something entirly new. No I see those guys as a full scale characters fitting well with PE world and story. Fanservice, as you named it, is just small but pleasant part of them. It is not necessary but nice addition to the game. And I seriously doubt there are that many of us who remember Jan from Fallout 1 here. But what few of us left will be happy to see old sidekick getting a new life...
  7. Happy birthday Chris! Thank you for some of the best moments in my life with your games! Regarding characters - it would be very cool to have some great companions from the past, like wounded caravan driver Jan, or grim jester Morte. They should be fully developed characters fitting to PE (Morte won't be a flying skull and Jan won't have jeans) but their names and personalities referring back to beloved guys will please some RPG veterans (like meself and buch of other supporters) to no ends. Just saying.
  8. I want a hardcore oldschool happy ending to be one of the possibilities
  9. Speak with the dead. I want to kill them and then tell me where did they take the girl.
  10. Don't shed no tears for me, I know what I did and did so in full consciousness. No tears, no regrets. It's done. I'm with the Obsidian Order now. Romiras - Super Mutant of the Obsidian Order.
  11. - Statement that players will be able to transfer their "history" into the next title ("final save" rules!). I'm not speaking about direct party transfer - but about some "key" information - what characters made it, key choices player made etc. So that this "history" will influence the whole series experience - Announcement of something similar to a car from Fallout - unique upgrade-able object that will allow you to travel faster and hold your wares - Announcement of a pen and paper RPG rulebook available with the collectors edition above $100 - Figure of one of the characters in collectors edition above $100 - Soundtrack available for download on iTunes - Jan makes his comeback as a tough NPC (former caravan guard and adventurer, who had to retire because of a wound before it became a trend). Seriously!
  12. Hey guys, just imagine - party ventures towards some important point in the story and all of a sudden Narrator starts to speak like in this video: Of course this should not be for the WHOLE game like in Bastion but this approach will provide a fresh type of narrated sequence - letting you hear it all without taking control from you
  13. Russian27.30% Mwa-ha-ha. All your bases are belong to us! Just saying. Will be playing original English version myself.
  14. Please NO. Oriental thingy doesn't fit well into this ancient Celtic myths based world, so PLEASE - NO
  15. No other country - save Australia for obvious reasons - got their own option. Why would Russia? Well, maybe because "continent" style poll does not make much sense here? Russia lies both in Asia and Europe, but we are different from both Europeans and Asians. And there's a LOT of diehard RPG fans here. The "region" style will give way more perspective on who is actually interested in this forum. Just saying
  16. Ah, again no Russia or Middle east in the poll. Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
  17. Just make a poll with a lot of options for romances and noromanceforme
  18. Please, please play Bastion. I'm not asking for anything else, just give it a try! (if you haven't already)
  19. The best narration I EVER saw in the computer game was in "Bastion" (from http://supergiantgames.com/) and believe me I saw A LOT of computer games in my life. Simply nothing compares to the way that Stranger comments your story in Bastion. I haven't been THAT immersed in the game for years!
  20. I hate pirates and everything associated. Please make this thread a poll so that everybody can vote.
  21. Great thread! Morality is definitely an option in a game which lists Chris Avellone as one of its creators =)) What troubles me in most of the RPGs is that the "right" choice is almost always the best (most effective) both in a short and in a long terms. You get the best prize (best item, best prices) by doing what is "right". And whenever you go "to the dark side" life is getting hard. In real life its vice verse most of the time. If you spend the huge amount of your money to help some orphan house all you will have for yourself is knowledge that you "did the right thing". No magic sword, no treasure chest - just feeling right. If you steal from those orphans you're one pile of crap of a person... but richer then you were before you did what you did. In the short term doing "good" should not be profitable. In the long term - maybe, but not necessary. In my opinion playing in a world with no immediate reward for being "good" would be WAY more interesting than in a standard "kill bad guys get your gold" fantasy. For example, being a paladin in such a world would be one of a kind experience =) Yeah I'm a hardcore roleplayer. And I'm proud of it
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