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Everything posted by Bryy

  1. I love how people always assume devs are ****ing idiots when something they don't want is brought up, but treat them like unfailable Gods when they something they want is brought up.
  2. Goddamn best line in the game so far. Perfectly executed by the VA, too.
  3. I thought you could build your ships as in customize.
  4. 6:35pm here in California, so we're most likely getting keys tomorrow.
  5. The first one is a glorified artbook.
  6. Never gonna find an end of ways to say "I don't like it that other people are playing with my toys", aren't we?
  7. Enjoy your loading times. Q_Q I LOVE my solid state drive, one of the best investments I ever made. Yeah, one of the few items on my computer that was actually worth paying a ridiculous price to upgrade for.
  8. It increases sales because instead of just reading about someone playing the game, you see it. "I have not read an opinion I agree with so you all are wrong!"
  9. why? Game looks harder than in beta? Just my personal preference to have my main be a support unit. With a Chanter, I can customize my spells. Plus:
  10. I know it sounds ridiculous and counter-productive and even like lazy design, but shipping a technical product is all about whittling the bugs down to as small as unobtrusive as possible. It's not that the devs don't QA or don't care, it's simply fact that when you're making a large product with millions of lines of code, things will fall through the cracks; and it is nowhere near as simple as just "finding" it.
  11. Basically confirmed that I want to switch my starting PC from Wizard to Chanter. Gonna need early game buffs.
  12. Sure, just found this video. The sound in the background starting at 4:35-4:44. Its hard to hear since the player is near the coast but if you're not directly near the shore its much more audible. https://youtu.be/PsBcyCYkTJM?t=4m30s So far I've heard it in the Exalted Plains and the Storm Coast. Never heard it in the desert areas. I'm not seeing you do anything differently than use the Occularum and pick up Shards. * Its not my video * You shouldn't see anything, you should HEAR something. And I don't hear anything different than the Shard stuff.
  13. Stay out of Spoiler Threads and you'll be safe. Go into Spoiler Threads and complain about spoilers, well....
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