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Everything posted by Bryy

  1. Yeah, this ain't true. Let's not fantasize that just because this is a Kickstarter game, that everyone here is nice and decent. Since when liking consoles is equal to being nice or decent? I'm just saying that using the Not Me Fallacy is just that... a fallacy.
  2. Yeah, this ain't true. Let's not fantasize that just because this is a Kickstarter game, that everyone here is nice and decent.
  3. While I won't argue the fact that Obs has console fans, as they most certainly do, don't lose sight of the fact the OP asked what stretch goals would make you pledge more cash. While I have nothing against consoles, ports to other platforms would not be something that would tease more money out of me. This is what many of us are saying. Not that there shouldn't be console versions at all: just that we wouldn't pledge more money to make them a reality. The entire reason I pledged more to Mighty No. 9 is so it could hit the console stretch goals. Really, are we going to be so petty as to be "why should THEY play my game?". One person posts that they'd pay for more platforms, and everyone jumps on them for it?
  4. And my post still stands: there's absolutely no reason for them not to make a console version down the line, with the stretch goal money. The PC version would still be done. If they threw up an 80 bajillion goal for a PS4 version that they stated would start work after PoE PC, then I don't see why people wouldn't pledge.
  5. No takers, huh? Too bad... Would have been cool. That's a nice idea. I hope it works out. I'm starting to think that it will be nearly impossible to convince 4 of the 50 or so pledgers who threw a grand at this project to get together in a team instead of designing their own ninja item. Plus, I have no idea who the others are aside from who checks in here... But until I learn of a deadline for this, I'll keep the request open. If I had an extra grand of Fun Money just lying around, I would join like a rabid dog.
  6. Why would I pay more money for the game to be availiable in other platform? Especialy that on the android the performance of the game may be less enticing Because other people play other platforms, and it also only makes sense financially to port it to other platforms. I hate to repeat myself but Obsidian has fans on other platforms, too. Just because PoE is primarily a PC games doesn't mean it would stay that way. They plan on making a sequel and an expansion. They just have the luxury right now, because of the Kickstarter funds, to make a primarily PC version.
  7. Not a single one of those would get a single dime from me and many of them go directly against the vision that backers payed money for You mean other platforms, right? Obsidian has fans on consoles, too.
  8. No takers, huh? Too bad... Would have been cool. That's a nice idea. I hope it works out.
  9. I mean, come on, this is the obvious answer. (It's rather disturbing how many people think this is actually true)
  10. While I agree with you, and I do in no way think (like a lot of backers of other projects do) that they should have all the time in the world, they are doing this face-to-face with us. You don't think publishers ever say "I wish devs would be more realistic with their timelines"? Why do you think nobody works with Shafer?
  11. So you're saying you'd let bad VO slide just because it was a sentence?
  12. Yeah, the SAG is really, really, reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally strict about what projects their actors can be a part of.
  13. Well, yes and no. Sometimes you Kickstart to avoid the BS.
  14. Steam really needs to up its game. Amazon and GMG have figured out that people want new stuff at a much lower price. I got AC4 on 45% discount during the Black Friday Sale.
  15. But I already gave all my money. No, seriously, last time I already did that.
  16. Same problem, but Chrome with Win 7. Java is enabled. Also, now I know how much Hiro paid.
  17. Feature Creep is not something that exists only in a publisher-bred game. It exists in all projects: book, game, move, etc.
  18. I would assume that it would be ASAP. I just got home from work, gonna contact support now.
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