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Everything posted by lolaldanee

  1. loved the little stories that came with the pre made parties in IWD2, those were some cool backround stories right there
  2. I dare you to go to BSN and express that opinion there. /evil smile that's not an opinion, that's a fact, by any sane definition of "something being the same, or very similar" my OPINION on dragon age 2 is that it is one of the best computer games ever created, easily in my personal top 10, and does have the best characters and dialog besides the mass effect games together with the best choice and consequence in any game i have ever played, with the one exception of alpha protocol, which is just as good in that regard even thinking about the characters in DA2 makes me smile, this game has some of the most clever lines of dialog ever written, at the very least as far as comical relief is concerned i have very high hopes though, that obsidian will outdo themselfs and deliver an even better game with POE, at the very least in regards to choice and consequence! everything we have heard so far in that direction sounds like a dream come true and that's the reason why i would possibly back any further kickstarter they could possibly run, although horror wester sounds like one of my least prefered scenarios can't we leave the "horror" part out of that?
  3. The disappointment was mostly based on the fact that DA2 wasn't exactly like DA:O. DA:O was a CRPG, DA2 was an ARPG. People who got over it enjoyed the game (like I did) and people who couldn't get over it whined. And whined. And whined. And some are still whining even now. if you ask me DA2 WAS exactly like DA:O.. the only two major differences in the combat system i noticed are the slightly reduced maximal camera zoom, and the lack of long casting times those are stupid changes, but very very minor in the end in pretty much every other aspect DA2 is a improvement over DA:O - especially the fact hat DA2 is much less stretched out than DA:O, which is at LEAST 20 hours too long for how much meat there is to it boss battles sucked in both titles...
  4. a helmet is the one piece of armour everybody absolutely always wants to have in some form - it is by far the most important piece of protection gear they should actually have the most influence on armour, if anything - them not having any boni is just ridiculous
  5. i for one love me some IWD2 icons, they are fluffy
  6. all gear is a bit too oversized to really look good, but that's ok, and we know why it is that way stylewise everything is spot on, maybe excep all furs, i'm not really sold on these yet
  7. the combat music is ABSOLUTELY horrible, it hated it after something like 1 minute, way too loud and pronounced, way way way too hard trying to sound epic - why must combat music always be so annoying in this kind of game? i rememberd turning off the music in BG2 at some point because the combat music is so annoying, and that's something that i rarely ever do, but in a game with that length, having to endure such painfull sound for such a long time is just too much if a game makes you shy away of combat just because of the music then played, it is doing something WRONG *end of rant* the rest of the music (and sound design) is awesome!
  8. noone has ever complained about no combat xp in games that have it (or at least i didn't ever see anybody complain) not in alpha protocol, not in bloodlines, and deus ex i think had the same system bloodlines is in fact widely considered one of the best roleplaying games ever (not by me though, i love the first chapter, but not so much the rest) and the xp system is easily one of the better parts of the game, because it really really really drives home the ROLEPLAYING part of the game this isn't diablo or icewind dale, this is a roleplaying game god dammit q.e.d.
  9. most a very good, a few select ones only medicore the only thing i don't like is how they are head only, but i knew that for months, so bad luck i guess one thing i'd like to note: all the full body portraits that we were shown during the updates look even better than this ones, both in artistic style and, well, because they are full body
  10. the writing, reputation system, and dialog in general masters at work, obviously enough
  11. i absolutely love what you are doing with the skill checks in all possible regards - this is the future of CRPG indeed
  12. wait for the pathfinding, auto attack and disappearing item fixes - before that, any criticism is wasted breath, those issues influence everything else way too massive
  13. i agree, but also still think making grazes not do any health damage, only stamina, would solve a part of that problem just fine - and it would even make sense from a logical perspective
  14. slowmo is a great idea btw! love it
  15. i really couldn't care less, that means i'm with fine the way it is i guess
  16. female human cipher i guess, if anything else she will be human moon godlike or maybe the class will be a melee oriented Sorcerer
  17. His legendary failure at Gamescon must be immortalized somehow. If not as a pet, anybody still have a gravestone or such that they don't know what to do with? Here Lies Adam, Killed By Beetles. yes please :D
  18. i for one loved adam's performance, so much more entertaining than if everything went well
  19. i am completely in love with josh and adam right now :D great demo, really great i'm so glad i backed this
  20. haha awesome, i bet they didn't plan THAT i love it this game is not going to be easy^^
  21. it's starting YEAAAAAAA, and they are showing some actual gameplay!
  22. are you sure you are not caring a bit too much? :D this game could still suck in the end, we wouldn't want for you to die of heart attack
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