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Everything posted by Elerond

  1. Hiya, I can't find the quote but I'm pretty sure that it came down from on high somewhere (like Obsidian or the moderators) that the Order closes with the Kickstarter. They of course can decide when they stop giving forum titles us on their forum, but we can always grow bigger in secret
  2. My opinion is that all those who pay their membership fee via paypal donnations before they close it up should be welcome to come part of the order, as it is part of same fundraising.
  3. http://forums.obsidi...20#entry1241994 From this example you can see that character takes damage to both of his resources. And number of stamina points don't change damage correlation between stamina and health damage. So one could determine that stamina don't work as any sort of shield against health damage.
  4. Stamina is not shield resource, it don't protect you health in anyway. Stamina is fast consumable combat resource which lose will weaken character combat performance right up nothing (character is unconscious), but character can aslo get stamina poinst back fast via abilities, spells and items. Health is slowly consumable combat resource which lose will lead character's dead/maiming depending on difficulty level. Character can gain his/her/it health back only by resting.
  5. Ah, I thought that you would mention 'Regenerate' spell or special magic item. Even trying to compare this to ordinary health regen is soo fattttt trrrrollling that I can't see my screen from the fat that you generate. What is really trolling is to say that system which Josh told in his update has health regeneration as it hasn't.
  6. Just lol. You should take better look how system in them work for character with high constitution. Enlighten me please. How did High Con cause health to regenerate? If character has 20+ con s/he will get per turn health regeneration.
  7. Just lol. You should take better look how system in them work for character with high constitution.
  8. BG, BG2 and IWD all had automatic regeneration for health points during combat and outside of combat, this game will not have such regeneration. Darklands was one most hardcore rpg ever and it's model for this game health/stamina system Stamina don't protect your health anyway, stamina is independent resource which purpose is to create more tactical combat. Stamina resource can be found from many p&p rpg system which have more depth and are more hardcore to play as dumped down d&d systems which IE games used. Arcanum is not Obsidian's game, Tim Cain is only one in project who had something to do with it. And Arcanum is one of the best crpg ever made. And to reapeat myself Every hit which character suffers decrease his/her/its health points and when health point are in zero character dies. Game will not at least have any common items (like healing potions), or common magic (cure health spells) to easily and rapidly regenerate health points back, and only common way to replenish them is resting. This causes health to become more strategic resource than what it was in IE games and especially on mode where zero hit points mean death sytem will be very hardcore in how it punishes player from losing health resource. Stamina is additional resource added to game. It don't protect character from health lose any way and it decrease more rapidly than health from hits which character suffers. But losing stamina is not as punishing as losing health is, as game will have common items, abilities and spells to restore it rapidly and your character only faint to unconscious when stamina is zero and other characters will have abilities, spells and items to revive unconscious characters. Stamina may or may not have automatic regeneration, but that doesn't really matter in it case as it's per combat resource and it's regeneration rate will not be enough without spells, items and abilities to keep character from fallling to unconscious state. So stamina is tactical resource which you need to watch in combats, but in strategic perspective it regenerates so quickly (via abilities, spells, items and possible automatic regeneration) that it don't matter. But nonetheless it is resource that add depth to game. Best part of this system is that there is no common healing magic to cause major problems with lore of the world.
  9. Gatt9 Stamina health system doesn't work as you described it. Especially in games which Josh tells tha he uses as reference point.
  10. This can be represented by conditions. No need to break health system of IE games that is not broken. In health/stamina system you have similar health system from IE games (character has number of health points which each enemy's hit eat some and when they go zero character dies) Addition to this you have stamina system. Character has number of stamina points which each enemy's hit eat some and when they go zero character is knocked out. Each enemy hit causes damage to both health and stamina, but usually more to stamina. Stamina system also allows more flexible condition system. For example sleep spell could great ammount stamina damage and therefore it isn't any more save check spell, but damage spell. And those characters with more stamina have better resistant against such spells. So it is mechanic that don't destroy anything but add more possibilities using easier approach to things.
  11. In BG and BG2 your health regenerated in and out of the combat. Regeneration speed depends how much your character has constitution, with max 25 you regenerate to full health in minute.
  12. In stamina/health system, stamina represent how dazzled character is by hit and health represent how much actual physical damage hit made. And when you add that there is no magic cure for physical damage. So blow on your characters head may be mostly stoped by helmet this is represented by character taking 1 point damage to his health, but same blow can cause your characters ears to ring and this is represented by character taking 14 point damage to his stamina. So stamina damage is not actual physical damage what your character endures, but fatigue and haze caused by enemies attacks, so recovering your stamina during combat is just what you would except and it also add more tactical depth to combat as you should be all the time cautious to take it as your character will be knocked out if his stamina goes to zero. Health damage is more serious sort of damge as it represent wounds, broken bones and etc. thing that take long time to recover and when there is no healing spells, health become very strategic resource. So my opinion is this sytem will only make this game better rpg.
  13. Love Stamina/Health system As stamina represent how dazzled character is by hit and health represent how much actual physical damage hit made. And when you add that there is no magic cure for physical damage, the over all system sound very good. Exp system is fine by me, as it is always been bit silly in games that you can get 2000 xp if you use sneak/speak/etc. method to get past of encounter and then you get another 2000xp if you came back and kill every body. So encounter+objective+quest based xp system is usually much better even in p&p systems. Because you get rewarded from exploration and killing random encounters but there is no xp mechanics to be exploited that you get encounter xp twice from same encounter.
  14. it's honorary system until kickstarter is ended and everybody's funds are reclaimed.
  15. Adventure's Hall need some balance to it. Because player should not have full party by it earlier than s/he could get hiring companions There should also be some limitations how many adventurers player can hire, via limited number of hires or money. Especially with leveled up characters should be limited. Because it would be bit silly if adventure's hall works as resurrection spell in world where is no such thing.
  16. Chris gave an answer to this in one of his interviews http://obsoletegamer.com/we-interview-chris-avellone-from-obsidian-entertainment-part-2/
  17. In normal mode, PE style games should never ever have save or load restrictions that are not caused by technical issues. Because it only causes discomfort for those who want play game in short periods of time or with experimenting play style. And you don't achive really anything as there is always other ways to cheat (which are usually more efficient). For example player can always edit his/her stats and etc. things if s/he feels like in data files, which is in PE very easy to do as they are made as open as possible to help modders work. And even games which have only binary files you can always use hex editor and in those games that don't save any data to harddisc you can use hexeditor's that run background hexeditors. So if player want to cheat, s/he will.
  18. Art of the combat was not unknown consept in medieval Europe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_European_martial_arts
  19. That is not true, I love Fantasy Wars and Elven Legacy for example.
  20. I must say that panzer don't look good. Its graphics style is at some places I would say awful looking. Of course 2014 they should use more polygons in their character models, but isometric perspective and far looking view will make that less nessecary feature than in those games where you can zoom in on your characters.
  21. haha, I'm eager to see my new title Oh, it seems I need to post my KS profile here:http://www.kickstart...ofile/651991632 Again, Kungfu Master of The Obsidian Order! Or Kung Fu? I'm not sure the English word... Forum titles for new member are updated once in the day. So no need to worry you will get your new title sometime today.
  22. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjRsTwF0aHv6dFVwaTF1WTI5b24tbGxpQUdQNU1TSHc#gid=14 Some nice backers keep excelent book how PE proceed compared to Wasteland 2 and Double Fine
  23. It's possible, but not likely. PE would have to outdo Double Fine's last 5 days NOW, and PE doesn't have a full 5 days left. I wish they could raise $5million... but it's going to be lucky to reach much above $3 million. Actually PE has 5 days and 1 hour left.
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