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Everything posted by Uomoz

  1. Hype control off-line, requesting backup.
  2. I think they will give out the keys VERY soon, to allow preloads.
  3. http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/dota2.gamepedia.com/6/68/Kunk_cast_02.mp3
  4. Saying that Tobi has low game knowledge is so 2013. Every shoutcaster (or play-by-play caster) never really focus on technical analysis, that's left to the co-caster (that usually has a lot more game knowledge like a Merlini or a Synderen). He is, or rather was until last year, definitely the best (now LD?) in his role. I've watched so many tournaments (from TI1) and I have something like 3.6k hours logged on Doto, there's not much I didn't see, competitive wise. EDIT: I' will stop going OFF-topic, sorry
  5. They should really start working on Project Awesome.
  6. I used to cast CoD2 and CoD4 with TobiWan actually, and I've met him in person. He also briefly played in my muck around CoD4 and HoN team (SRS BSNS) in 2009. He was really noob at CoD xD (and DotA). Personally I don't like his casting style (It's not his fault though because at the time - most of the Australian casters were imitating the "MomoWang" style of casting - TobiWan and Arseynimz both did), but he's improved his knowledge of stuff and I guess he's the guy you want around when there's a big team fight or something. I don't know if any of our casts are still available online anymore, they were from 2008-2009. Hey I found something - Tobi casting me in Black Ops I love it when he does the vent cross haha, we heard him joining the channel and just started abusing eachother for a bit of drama. Tobi is known to be the best play-by-play caster of Dota2 (blackhoooole anyone?), it saddens me a bit that he's moving from dota to csgo..
  7. Wow that is some crazy good talent you got there. Well done! EDIT: Do you accept commissions (with payment) for a customized portrait? :D
  8. Dudes, there are some pearls in there: The number one problem with this game right now (why you should not buy) Basically guys I want this game to be good, but it's been designed by a real LOONY This guy Josh Sawyer who you may have heard of is OBSESSED with ballancing every little thing out in his game and basically making things feel as bland as possible. This better be a better game than baldurs gate or icewind... cause if it not i complain about price on forums. do not buy this game play the old republic instead, even tho its mmo, the story and writing is 100% better. theres at least 3 romance sub plot for every single class you can play for every single side you can choose. the guys who made pillars of eternity cant even write a single one in this game, says a lot about the skills of this studio and the amount of effort they putting in this game Weird - Witcher 3 almost the same price and 16 free dlcs this one - the graphic, the gameplay, what justifies such a high price? Anyone?
  9. As an italian, some of the vallian names are... funny. Still very cool stuff xD
  10. The early game, finally. Fighting wolves 1v1 and all that stuff.
  11. I use steam because of DOTA2, the chat system, the patch system and the special sales.
  12. On topic of romances in vidyagames: I'm not sure why they are always treated differently from the other possible companion interactions, both from the "promancers" and the "anti-romancers" point of view. I usually go for the romance options in videogames (like in the ME series as you can see from my avatar xD), but any other companion interaction is as valuable to me like rivalry, friendship.. As long as they are immersive and fun to have, I don't see why one should be treated differently from the other.
  13. Why not Steam. It really depends on how much you use it though. I use it everyday so that's a nobrainer for me.
  14. People who backed the game and are not disappointed =/= fanboys.
  15. Some very good questions. Nice AMA! The Hype is rising even more.
  16. Cool interview, too bad for the obsessive questions about a TB game! (bleah!) The expansion/s thingie is veeeery interesting.
  17. The HYPE is real, my friend.
  18. ...And you would have the choice of pledging, would you? (using the impressions and feelings you've gathered from the BB). Assuming a larger game compared to PoE, but keeping the same-ish engine, same-ish rules, new story etc etc (like a proper sequel). If you are a PoE backer, would you pledge more or less compared to what you gave for PoE? I'm interested in the general opinion of the forum dwellers in a topic like this, after the BB experience. I'd persoanlly double my PoE pledge (70 -> 140ish).
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