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Everything posted by JayDGee

  1. Now many of you will have an advantage over me as I am in Scotland a country with very few firearms. This limits me to melee weaponry only. Weapon of choice: Spade. Reason: Solid weapon, useful tool if needed. During the trench warfare of the great war they were used as weapons of desperation till people realised that when swinging them people tended to get decapitated, it then became a deliberate weapon. Location is something that I always change my mind on, My Flat would be a death-trap I accept this. I live in Stirling very near the city centre. Stirling is a small city but it does have a castle which has plenty of food in it due to the tourism trade however it is too easily defended if I can get the doors closed so I consider it a cheat for this exercise thus consider it overrun. Wallace monument would also be very easy to defend its remote hard to access on foot. Deciding to go there would be silly as I would die of exposure or starvation. No food source and it is freezing there. So go the Romero classic and head to the shopping centre/mall? Too many entrances impossible to know its safe however I could secure 1 of the shops inside it, preferably one with food then and scavenge during the day for essentials. But I will go to a small farm near where I love that is covered on 3 sides by river. Sadly I will have to kill the zombie farmer. Location gives me most of the essentials I need secure location ample supplies and equipment also a fair degree of comfort. Bonus there will likely be a generator. Plan barricade the farm and hide at night, swing at lone roamers during the day. If due to my actions I get swarmed I need to have a piece of farm equipment ready to go. Combine harvester to the rescue. If that fails then well I'm gone and I'm coming for you. If it is a fast zombie scenario then I will hang around old folks homes. If I'm gonna be a zombie my food wont be able to outrun me.
  2. I am a rational person, I tend to only believe in what I can see as much as I would love the world to be more fantastic it sadly isn't. Saying that I often find myself planning what to do in the event of the Zombie uprising. In 2046. On March 31st. At 2.03 pm Plans for this are based on a few set guidelines. 1) Any plan I have is based on slow shambling Zombies. I fully accept if they are fast running Zombies, I am one of them. Although slow they have exceptional hearing and smell. 2) We all know that in a zombie scenario the military is useless with Shawn of the Dead being the exception that proves the rule. So military installations are expected to be destroyed or just overrun. 3) Through whatever method has spread, roughly 90% of humanity is gone. 4) Basic infrastructure is gone. Electricity running water etc. 5) My one kindness in this scenario, you and fellow survivors are immune. 1 bite will not kill you. If a survivor dies they will come back. 6) You did not know this was coming and have not had time to prepare. you were as surprised as the army, you have just lucked it this far. 7) you need to survive for 6 months. After that the zombies are gone. Cure, starvation or act of god you choose. OK rules done. Lets here your plans. I will post mine as well but that's enough text for now
  3. Will Matt Stone and Trey Parker be involved in the soundtrack? The guys do music very well. They have a Tony after all. Hell by the time your finished reading this Blame Canada will be stuck in your head. Now I don't expect the game to be a musical, but a musical level would fit in very well with South Park.
  4. About Goddam time! So we are funding the game... Fair enough were the target demographic
  5. if the game is successful Nintendo will likely approach they are desperate to get as many 3rd party titles on the wii u as early as possible.
  6. consensus seems to be we have no problem with betrayal as long as we can have vengeance. good thing forums aren't used as character testimony's in spousal murders
  7. Is there a big difference between 2nd and 3rd ed Mutants and Masterminds? I can get my hands on 2nd fairly easily it seems. As an associate says I can have them.
  8. this is where gnomes come into fantasy games. does magic do everything we need? well yes but who doesn't want a steam powered toaster that could one day kill us all?
  9. Engine wise they pretty much have it done. They're a small team with realistic goals. I really hope they can deliver. Plus only £10 for the initial game, the low entry level alone will probably help them if they get the right sort of promotional bump. If notch tweets it they are sorted.
  10. JayDGee


    Sadly double-stache technology eludes us at this time. I hear the Australians are working on it* *TF2 Humour
  11. I like how Ajantis will turn and attack you in baldurs gate if you act too evil. I had that coming and I deserved it. to be fair he had warned me. True he never stood a chance but I had to try and recruit someone else
  12. JayDGee


    Yes. People have always donated to people willing to do something for a cause otherwise children in need and red nose wouldn't exist. and Live aid would have been a failure. http://uk.movember.com/leaderboards/ shows how much has been raised so far, generally speaking I think most of that money would not have been going to cancer research. The fundraising while important isn't the main goal of Movember, its awareness a shocking high percentage of men in the at risk category don't get tested for testicular cancer. If me growing a stupid moustache gets 1 of my friends to get a health check then I consider it a success. Likewise any man reading this who has never had a health check please do. 1 in 3 people will develop cancer at some point in their lives. Early detection is always the best change at surviving.
  13. Seeing as the printing press is directly responsible for the Renaissance
  14. KS funds should absolutely be considered investment capital for tax purposes because that's exactly what it is. If it does become a case of use the money or the taxman steals it, then I guess all parts of development could begin earlier instead of the team gradually increasing in stages. This has its merits and flaws.
  15. or go the penny arcade route when putting review quotes on the game
  16. JayDGee


    Its Movember once again. That wonderful time of the year when people look at me funny make comments then their friend tells them its for charity and they feel bad. Yes its time to Grow a Mo. As its day 1 I am now clean shaven as per the rules, by the end of the month I should have a proud chopper style stache. http://mobro.co/JayDGee
  17. I'll play Baldur's gate again when Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition comes out.
  18. I have a bad history with gurps mostly due to one terrible gm who loved it. Well he loved the idea of it had every damn book and made people go through character gen for a month. Then never run the damn game. The worst part. We fell for it every damn time. He talked a good game but couldn't deliver. System free I have done occasionally but only on short term projects, don't think it would work well with this. Creating my own system is unlikely.
  19. but that's 2 of the top 5 things
  20. I loved that in classic civ. I always upgraded the throne so I had a really fancy chair in my cave, like an overthrown despot.
  21. I have created a setting for a superhero rpg, that one day I do intend to run. The only thing I'm not sure about is what system to use. Does anyone know of a fast paced system that lends itself well to superheroes and has decent power creation tools?
  22. I'm not sure that blue little bills will ever be canon in eternity. I think you just made them canon in the fan fiction which is inevitably going to happen.
  23. You sound like a zombie rights activist. Zombies give up there rights as soon as they start shambling towards a god fearing man with a shotgun.
  24. Then its time to pick a title oh and pm your steam profile and I'll bring you into the steam group
  25. I always like the idea of necromancers not being inherently evil just distrusted and misunderstood. Their field of magic is death, but why does that have to be a bad thing. Imagine the comfort a necromancer could give a family by letting a lost love one give them some final words. Imagine someone dying of a horrible wasting disease and the Necromancer helps them painlessly pass on. Champions defending their land from doom given 1 more chance on the battlefield. A murder victim being able to say who attacked them. Of course this is all ruined by the arsehole who dresses like he's on an Iron maiden cover and wants to raise an army of the dead. 1 bastard ruins it for all the good necromancers out there.
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