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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Dunno if that info will be available for a while. Also don't know what the import mechanics will be, ie. you may not have to resize an image to a specific size a la BG/IWD etc
  2. They already said they have a prone stance in the game, so there will be some kind of knockdown stuff. Hopefully just no bull**** knockdown arrow skill like DA:O, that was the most annoying piece of **** ever. And the Grimoire Slam is basically a knockback skill for Wizards, so you would assume that Fighters, Barbarians and the like would have something similar. Could also be something to relate to polearms and/or 2H crushing weapons as well.
  3. Here here. I am the only person over 10 years old and under 60 that I know without a smartphone my mp3 player is also 9 years old this year iRiver HP340 4lyfe
  4. They could have gone with steam but not require steam to run any of the installed content ..
  5. What about this one? Just because an artist draws armor with boobs, doesn't mean that it was their idea. Probably were just told to 'make it look sexy'.
  6. In light of that I hope there are knockback abilities available to prevent abuse of the mechanic in doorways.
  7. That's just concept art though. A lot of people have expressed a neutralish opinion of Polina's artwork (myself included), not my favourite style ... but it's concept art (for the in-game models) and so the style kind of works because they're not going to be as 'stylized' ? as a portrait or portrait concept.
  8. like the Infinity Engine games. The best we can hope for is all or most NPCs will have an opening voiced line or partial line, and only major characters and party-joinable NPCs will have more. And even that might be too expensive.
  9. I would prefer a more solid UI personally, I am not a massive fan of minimal ones. While I would love to have a BG/IWD1 style one that encases the entire screen, so it looks like you're viewing the game through an object or something - but I don't think many people would be fans of that. Whatever they use, hopefully the character portraits are at least somewhat prominent. Something like Icewind Dale 2 or PS:T wouldn't be too bad.
  10. Also a good point. The quality and uniqueness of the character models exceeded my expectations. The art style is very good too.
  11. It looks like it would take more time making a scene like that in 2D rather than 3D. Is that true? Or will it be faster once you've figured out where you want to be regarding the animations. I noticed that a lot of them were probably just placeholder animations, with a bit more time spent that scene could look really alive. I also have to say, when you zoomed in on the characters ... that size would be just about right for the game default zoom @ 1920x1080 IMO.
  12. ? In my experience more like 1-3 hours ago. Ah yeah you're right. Normally about now is when I check if the update is up, as I am usually busy when they come out.
  13. Most of the updates are usually out before ~20 minutes from now, so it's not exactly like it's 'late' or anything.
  14. If the update is already typed (assuming it would be), any minute now I guess - they would have to wait a little bit to upload the video.
  15. Whereas I on the other hand do not care for auto pause, and will manually do everything. Sure, the more sensible options the better but as long as the default mode is no auto-pause (unlike KotoR) I will be happy.
  16. The Japanese guy they hired is pretty good. I didn't think the Sagani portrait was amazing, but the Orlan Cipher one is really good. I wonder what other concept/portrait artists they have up their sleeve.
  17. Naturally. When the price goes down, the demand goes up. It helps create impulse buying. But I still won't buy a game on Steam, or any other DR service if it is available DRM-free on GOG. Heck, I'll buy games I already own in there when they're on sale, because to me it's worth getting rid of the headache of trying to get them to work, usually though patches, compatibility modes and/or emulators. So if Steam has a $30 game on sale for say $7.50, and GOG has it on for $10, and I really want it, I'll go the GOG route. That's why I said do a price match (with the non-DRM copy on GOG).
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