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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Definitely not ignore, but you might see armor specialization stuff that mitigates percentages of the penalties, like plate armor specialization = -20 or -25 action speed instead of -30% etc
  2. I found this in the Kickstarter Q&A thread Personally I really don't like action queues. Not necessarily the feature itself but because of poor implementation. The one in SW:KotOR2 sucked, to issue a time-critical move command you had to click on the action queuer and cancel all current actions and then click move, which I thought was annoying as hell. I'd rather no action queue bar than a not very well implemented one, and/or the ability to disable it.
  3. x2 That's one good thing that most ARPGs get but WRPGs don't - showing all the available options from the beginning.
  4. One thing to note is that in the video where they showed off the characters, you can zoom in closer than the viewpoint showed ... so I guess if you play at the most zoomed in viewpoint you'd be alright I guess.
  5. Pretty sure it just slows down action speed. I think the real question is: Does it slow the animations themselves, or the wait time between animations (or both) ? My preference would be: Armor slows down wait time between animations Effects slow down/speed up the animation as well
  6. Vertical Slice one would assume, perhaps even some of the actual game ? http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/obsidian/project-eternity/posts/426779
  7. You will see the first gameplay footage at Rezzed Indie expo in June. http://www.vg247.com/2013/03/18/rezzed-2013-announced-chris-avellone-to-debut-project-eternity-at-show/ Not to say backers won't get a sneak peek beforehand but the first extensive footage will be in June.
  8. They imported their Conversation/Dialogue Tool and a String Editor IIRC. Quest system is completely different as it's being used for experience gain, but it will link into dialogue at times.
  9. There will be a combat 'state'. A noticeable combat state in another game would be The Witcher. There was a combat state in BG etc as well but as you said it was basically just 'enemy nearby'. Basically what I am assuming is that while exploring, the UI will be fairly minimal kind of like Dark Sun Shattered Lands, but then when you enter combat it will change along with stuff like inventory being locked out etc.
  10. I think he was talking specifically about the relationship of damage and armor, rather than their overall properties. That may also imply that the attack speed is a custom value in the armor file and not related to it's classification, the same way the strengths and weaknesses vs damage types are stored.
  11. So it seems that tiers of armor at least will have a cultural/material prefix kind of like say swords in the modern world I guess: High Carbon Steel, Damascus Steel, Toledo steel ? Is that the case across different types of equipment as well?
  12. Oh good. I think that was one of the things that was confusing a few people resulting in many people creating their own version of the spreadsheet to try and 'fix' your problem with the original system so that it would be kept . Actually having individual 'weaknesses' vs a damage type on the armor itself makes a lot more sense. I suppose that's kind of what 2E did with eg. Chainmail AC4 +2 vs crushing etc
  13. Cheers for answering my questions Josh Are you still adhering to the weight classifications (Light, Medium, Heavy)?
  14. I don't think there will be any walk/run speed differences between characters in Project Eternity outside of combat. They seem to be keeping combat and non-combat stuff (perhaps even as far as UI goes) separate.
  15. I vaguely recall somewhere in the Kickstarter campaign there being talk about stuff like water and food ... possibly linked to expert mode. I'm sure a few other people remember them throwing the words around somewhere. Wouldn't be surprised if they end up implementing resources to be consumed while resting such as water, food, whetstones, flints etc similar to being able to use lockpicks to pick locks and stuff. That's one mechanic they haven't really spoken about yet I guess, as it's not in either of the prototypes I don't think.
  16. It doesn't have wings? Agreed haha I think it's something about the greenness of the landscape. Although I really like the artwork. The terracotta style roofing fits in with the S-America colonization period however.
  17. Umm, I am pretty sure there are going to be names in multiple tongues in the game besides Glanfathan. Skuldr sounds like it's Eld Aedyran instead.
  18. I highly doubt your normal town guards would be psychic, a big big city guard commander or special ops leader however ...
  19. Awesome news guys, glad to hear everything is running along smoothly (y) I would like to know more about the structure of class level advancement. I recall asking in an interview with Josh I did last year whether the advancement system would be homogeneous like 4E or staggered like 2E/3E/3.5E etc, it would be cool to see an example of that. Some other stuff I'm interested in would be the quest/experience system, whether the armor system was changed again or not and combat animations, whether there will be frontswing/backswing animations, if they are cancellable by microing and how ranged weapon animations are being handled (aim, fire, reload etc)
  20. I'd be happy with hair style, facial hair, hair color, skin color. I don't mind if heights/girths are locked for diff races, not overly important to be scalable in an isometric game. Would be cool if you could show off 7" tall humans ie. The Mountain that Rides in the game though
  21. I am pretty sure that this game will deliver in terms of personal relationships with companions. I really don't think there'll be anything along the lines of the Mass Effect or Dragon Age romances because it's an isometric game. I trust Chris and George will write something interesting.
  22. And I'm recalling other developers (ie. Aterdux Entertainment) getting a lot of negative publicity for releasing an alpha of their game earlier than they probably should have. Sure it helped them do a bunch of bug fixing and whatnot but it got them a lot of negative publicity and they still haven't been greenlit for Steam yet. Not that Obsidian will have that problem, but there's also my point about spoilers.
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