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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Just FYI if you are using a TN panel LCD you wont be able to get a perfect score on the color test, because your screen can only reproduce ~262K colors instead of 14.3 million that a VA or IPS screen (or CRT) can
  2. These paragraphs here I thought were completely superfluous, because I didn't say anything on the matter. It looks as if you're responding to my post as if I presented an opinion on the fact that changes have been made due to discussions on this forum, when all I did was highlight the fact that they had. They do like to hear our thoughts and feedback in the update topics, and they specifically asked us to state what we would like to know more about in the last update. To be honest I don't think they need to guide discussion at all, they already have ideas for what they are going to do for pretty much everything in the game and as Josh said in the Armor Design update (where he has a skeleton face) they get a lot of "insight" from the forum discussions. Right now, they have most of the systems blocked out and I am sure the narrative design is well on it's way. I'm sure most of the necessary research has been done already as it is nearing the end of the pre-production phase. I thought most of Wasteland 2's polls were kind of superfluous. The one about the color saturation was a no-brainer. The logos well ... I really don't like most of the logos they have in the poll. The only good thing that came out of them was the guy who came up with a better name for the attribute system, and that wasn't even in the poll. The most important one was when Brian mentioned social features in an interview somewhere and there was a massive uproar about it - and that was a natural discussion, not a requested one. I am glad Obsidian is careful about unsolicited opinions, and Josh has a good way of invoking discussion in the manner he presents the design challenges he's having.
  3. Does anything you posted besides the first line have anything to do with what you quoted? I am not sure I see the point of the rest of it because it certainly has nothing to do with what I said. What are you saying, that they should post threads like "What do you want to see regarding item statistics" or something like that ?
  4. This is essentially what they are doing. Armor will have a base DT as well as extra/weaker percentage vs damage types, and an action speed penalty.
  5. Why? I prefer they do what they want and don't listen to the bullsh1t that gets discussed in here. One of the things (which I believe came from a forum post) was the "Josh Sawyer on Miss and Hit" thread where someone didn't like the always hit mechanic because then if they wanted to make a dodgy character, that would not be supported by the game ... and thus a 5% total miss chance assuming even attack/defense score. Another thing might have been the decision not to use timed cooldowns in the game (on anything). There are probably other things too. But seriously some things just need time to sink in. I was an advocate for XP for kills, and at first was kind of disappointed that that model was going to not be used. But I figure I'll give it a chance and see how it goes. It's not a withdrawal from information, it's a withdrawal from the buzz/activity of the Kickstarter campaign. The sense of an active online community.
  6. I dunno about you guys, but I really miss the days of the Project Eternity Kickstarter Campaign. I randomly discovered the campaign viewing Kickstarter's main page on the day it was launched, it was under the "Popular in" section on the main page. I clicked the link and watched the pitch video, and you should have seen the grin on my face. I was not a member of the Obsidian forums, in fact I hadn't even played one of their games since the original Neverwinter Nights 2 back in 2007, and I had no idea that anything was coming like many of the people here. Most of the online communities that I had been part of over the years had died off, but it was pretty awesome to come to the Obsidian forums Project Eternity section to speculate about the game with other fans, the forum was absolutely bustling with activity, during the KS campaign I think I had a day where I made ~100 posts. It was really fun to stay up late for the next update, spread the news around, discuss game mechanics with other people here and interact with the team members who posted on the forums during that time. I'll never forget how much I looked forward to every day being able to take part in the buzz of the Kickstarter campaign of something I really cared about. Since then I've gone on to join the discussions at Something Awful and RPGCodex (I tried to sign up to Neogaf too but they rejected my registration even though I used my school email). I've read through the entire 400-600 page threads and gone over all the Project Eternity updates and videos several times, trying to relive the moments of the Kickstarter. But now that the excitement has settled down, I think I'm having a bit of a withdrawal. The "year of incline" hasn't started yet, and I am not really inspired to play much of anything at the moment, so I spend a lot of the free time I do have between work, university and 'other things' sitting here reading this forum, the RPGCodex and SA Project Eternity threads ... but often there's not too much happening. In the meantime it's been good to see the Torment campaign be a success, but I didn't really take part in that, I hate the Uservoice forums that inXile have chosen to use for that, and I was never really as into Torment as I was BG/IWD. Anyone else miss the Kickstarter days too?
  7. One man. Large website. Lots of Web Engineering tasks, session management and plugins. And doing that is not his only job Not surprised it's not out yet
  8. I can see the DPI issue here with 27" + screens, but for lower res screens it'll be kinda non-existent. I did recall Josh saying something about pixel doubling to make your 4K screen say look similar to the 1440p version, characters are rendered in real-time so that's probably not a problem either.
  9. I don't even think a stronghold is really necessary in Torment tbh .... It's just to make you give em more money I started off on the $20 early bird P:E one, I was one of the first couple thousand people to pick it, but once they added Beta access to tiers above $140 and upgraded the Collector's book to a hardcover I upgraded. With Torment I had to work when the campaign was launched, and by the time I got home, I noticed that there were like 3-4 payment levels for each tier with limited numbers, and all of the first ones and second ones, and most of the third ones were already sold out ... so that kind of put me off, why would I pay $25-50 more for the same thing ?
  10. Titan Quest is freakin' awesome. I can't wait for Grim Dawn, from the lead designer and some of the people that worked on Titan Quest. The alpha should be dropping within a matter of weeks, if not days, and I'm in on that. I'm giddy like a school girl backstage at a Bieber concert. Yeah I know, if you haven't noticed I'm on those forums too. You're the guy with the frankenstein-like avatar.
  11. Titan Quest: Immortal Throne 1.17a fanpatch having the most ROFL luck. I got Epic Stonebinder Cuffs on my first runthrough off a Profaner in the Medusa caves HAHA. Also got the Normal ones on my first re-run off Medusa. 0.3% drop chance.
  12. Haha it's not technology that improves pathing really it's the code behind it. Project Eterntiy has "The Pathfinder" working on the gameplay programming.
  13. Well it's more what do you want to hear? You're doing the interview I did one in October last year myself I focused on mechanics and system design although back then design was more in the theoretical stage rather than the actual stage. Many (or most) of the questions I asked have been answered by now. Some stuff off the top of my head: How many of the characters released (Cadegund, Edair etc) will be party-joinable ? Info about the Druid (least info so far of all the classes) They said they were going to try a new method of creating interior environments (rather than using tiles) - what method are they using now? Which staff members have they bought on since the prototype phase (they mentioned they bought on 2 more 'legendary' obsidian designers but haven't revealed yet) Will Brian Menze be contributing the Project at any stage Relative size of the bestiary compared to BG1 How are magic items being handled (instead of +1, +2 enchantment levels etc) How are they feeling about the main story so far?
  14. I'm not as invested in the inXile products as I am in P:E for both WL2 and T:ToN I was happy with the $35 tier but Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale were the main games of my teens that I spent playing over and over and over again. I put $318 (250 tier, shipping and extras) in for P:E. I want to experience that level of replayability again, P:E has the highest chance of accomplishing that then that's where I put the majority my money. Will be ironic if I enjoy WL2 and/or T:ToN more
  15. I did It was good to hear how 'relieved' Chris is atm creatively, words on a screen only go so far. The best bit was probably where you talked about one of your experiences in F:NV Old World Blues (game I haven't played) and Chris was really excited about your experience with the specific specialized content. I already had listened to the interview as it was posted on RPGCodex prior to you posting it here. I am sorry haha I misread the OP and didn't realize you were the interviewer otherwise I would have addressed you directly. Your question about P:E progress was a fair one although Chris only repeated the information that had been released publicly in the last P:E update. They're all pretty good at not letting anything slip. It's kinda funny actually, recently people have been going to George Ziet's formspring account to ask questions to try and garner new info, and immediately after the release of the new update more than one person (myself included) asked him about the size of P:E's bestiary that was spoken about in update 51 - this time though he deflected it rather well
  16. These interview guys only ask him questions that other interviewers have already asked, doesn't anybody do any research before they conduct an interview ? :/ I suppose there's the concession that the interview is more for their readers who didn't already know that information.
  17. I am up for some stat whoring as well. Would be good for minmax theorem etc. One example is Titan Quest, while it keeps some records, the game actually keeps a lot more stored in your character file. The game tracks: Kills, Deaths, Greatest Damage Dealt, among the normal stuff like experience The TQ character editor TQDefiler is able to extrapolate data that is not displayed in the character secondary tab: Health & Energy potions consumed, Hits Recieved, Hits Inflicted, Critical Hits inflicted This kind of record keeping is very easy, it only requires some very minor code extension such as every time you do one of the actions, adding the value to a count++ and storing that value in the character file(s).
  18. Don't you mean the other way around? scale the text for higher res/ppi ? I think what they've chosen to do is very good, they have essentially targeted the high res assets at the next standard so they will have longer staying power. Also with the zoom feature, I think (Josh may confirm or correct this) that a 'screen' will be the default zoom, of which you can zoom in closer, so say 10 years from now if you wanted to run P:E on a ridiculous res monitor, just zoom in to the closest view all the time. ALSO remember that they own the art assets, so in future times they can always re-render them .... Imagine if BioWare didn't lose the BG game art files and BG:EE had some nice high res textures (although they probably still would have cheaped out and given us the crappy res tablet UI art for the PC ).
  19. You don't have to factor in the fact that there will be new players into the mechanics at all. You only need to factor them in by your explanation of the mechanics in the game and in the manual, strategy guide etc. (also helper tips and stuff in non-expert mode I suppose). Also one thing that is kind of immersion breaking is a tutorial built into the prologue of the game (see almost every game today). The only one that was non-intrusive was BG1, it had those green helper guys stationed around Candlekeep and that practice arena downstairs. There was also an archer guy that gave a couple tips. Still I'd prefer not to see a tutorial for this game.
  20. During the KS campaign I think it was Tim who said there'd be food in the game during the Reddit Q&A. It would be cool if food and water were built into the resting mechanic.
  21. does the 'target res' for an asset size resemble 1 screen of the closest zoom ie closest zoom = 2560x1440 of actual map pixels ? I did read the thread where you posted this http://diogenes-lamp.info/images/eternity_resolutions_iwd.jpg and the largest map size would be like 6x6 default zoom screens or something (well that will probably be skewed now due to 16:9)?
  22. Problem is though, that just makes heavy armor the only way to go within the class. They're trying to make as many builds as possible viable, so you can't really have a talent that does that or it's simply the best option. Actually it would probably make more sense to make it like: Armor Handling 5% less action speed penalty across all armor types, rather than limit it to Heavy Armor. I doubt they'd even have such a talent but I may be wrong. I think in their game they're not going to penalize any class for wearing any armor or using any weapon ... but as a Wizard, if you're not on the front line, it makes more sense to not wear as heavy armor so you can cast spells faster, or dish out more DPS as a Barbarian or Rogue, but like it's always an option if you need that extra damage protection.
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