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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Yeah I agree about the avatars, they do look like ToEE. But then again how do you make them look like a sprite-avatar? I suppose it has to do with the art style as well. As per anything WiP we're not sure if that's the art style they're going for (ToEE) regarding avatars, would be nice if Rob could elaborate upon that.
  2. I think you're thinking too much in terms of GURPS ? The 'dice rolls' as it were are applied whenever an attack is made, which I assume can even be at the same time, in real time multiple attacks can be made at the same time. In this game there will be no active defense, it will be an attack roll made against a passive value. You might have an attack time of 1.8 seconds, but your enemy's attack time might be 2.4 seconds ... at a certain point in time, depending on the mechanics it may be possible that you will both hit each other at the same time. so instead Combat Start 1.8 seconds - your attack 2.4 seconds - enemy attack 3.6 seconds - your attack 4.8 seconds - enemy attack 6.6 seconds - your attack, enemy attack They may give things a second decimal so that one is always first. Because it's using real time, it might feel a bit more RTS like mechanics-wise, but hopefully it will 'feel' (animation/smoothness/timing) like an IE game when you play it.
  3. Nah that's an Aumaua, not an Orlan. Why are you thinking about it in turns/rounds ? You select both your animal companion and your ranger and left-click to attack (YES LEFT CLICK, looking at you Dragon Age), they both attack at the same time I'm sure they'll 'balance' it out but I bloody hope they don't try and make it so that each class is doing a very similar amount of DPS. Hopefully there's quite a lot of variation between the DPS and how consistent classes deal damage (some would be consistent, others bursty).
  4. It's based on IE games. They said so on Day One. I doubt there will be clowns with deadly fruit-launching abilities or psionic pastry-chefs who can bend space and pastry. But it's an original IP. Reason enough to be more creative, esp. since they want to establish this setting for sequels. None of those 3 examples makes so much conceptual sense that it'd need to be in there. Why can druids change into bugbears at will? ****s and giggles, probably. That said it's ok they chose abilities of which they know how they work out, balance wise. For the Ranger, the mechanics are different. In what game does the Ranger and Animal Companion share the same health pool? None that I know of - I really like that choice, it's the same but different. In both examples with the Wizard and Ranger they are making the familiar and animal companion way more useful, which is great. Shapeshifting is one thing that pretty much no game has done right for combat purposes at least (including P&P), so I'm also interested in seeing how they do that. As for the Barbarian, the first thing you would expect from a Barbarian is the "Rage" ability. They didn't address the Rage ability in this update (if there is one) and gave us a more balanced take on just simple bonus movement speed.
  5. How do I get the quote paste to show the BBcode again? I hate how it's gone, quote pastes no longer work. Okay, so you see this here - this is the In-Game example. Get a program such as Irfanview and blow that up to your desktop resolution. And you get this (very sorry for the poor quality ) The tile size is probably about right, but the character size is more like running the widescreen mod. But yeah it's a work in progress. This is a combat testing module by the way. That's why they're using 6 of the same character module. Also that's a large dungeon, not big enough for a Dragon but you could easily fit a few Otyugh's in there and have plenty of room.
  6. The Damage / Armor system now sounds a lot like Warcraft 3 vanilla (Normal, Piercing, Siege vs Light, Medium, Heavy armor) The rule of three is good and has proven to work very well for games like Starcraft. So I'm liking that change. All of the explained mechanics seem very good, I've got no problems with any of those. In a previous forum post either here or on somethingawful (cannot remember), Josh said there will be an animation (delay) between switching weapons. So think like in Counter-Strike you quickswitch between AWP and deagle and it takes time before you can shoot ... yeah like that. I would like the Grimoire to at least double as a weapon so you can phonebook people for 1 damage, even if just for the comical factor. I am assuming that if your animal companion gets caught and starts getting hit, shared health and stamina pool means exactly what it says it does. So if you and/or your animal companion are hit for enough stamina or health damage that your combined pool reaches 0, you are knocked out or maimed/dead (both of you). Oh yeah in the screenshot, I'm not liking the blue circles around companions, I'd prefer if it was more like Baldur's Gate where it's just two shades of green - as I have said in my selection circle thread. BG had the best selection circles. Or if the default is going to be blue, I would like to be able to change them to the legacy colors But yeah WIP.
  7. It will probably come with the next Darren Monahan update I'd say. They said the backer site will most likely be done before the end of January, so perhaps the next update after this one.
  8. Or just have your whole party equipped with firearms only, lataz
  9. I also think that Josh is using the most familiar terms to describe stuff so that people understand Accuracy vs Defense seems ARPG inspired, a lot of the other mechanics seem to (as described) borrow heavily from 3E/4E. Everything seems pretty sound so far, it just depends how well it translates and how combat 'feels' in game, which has less to do with mechanics and more to do with coding and animation.
  10. I am hoping that projectiles are not governed by traditional hit rules. It's a longshot but I would prefer if it worked like this Your hit 'roll' determines your aim at your intended target, if you miss the projectile either passes through or lands at a co-ordinate on the map determined by X formula and has a chance of hitting something else in it's path. This would be more important for the firearms based weapons, followed by crossbows and then bows. That way it's more realistic, firing into melee is dangerous because you have a chance of injuring one of your companions (like real life) or you might luck out and accidentally hit another enemy ... that would make projectile weapons FUN. There is nothing more hilarious in an FPS or like in DotA with say Mirana's arrow or Pudge's hook etc where you aim at someone, miss, and accidentally hit someone else. They probably won't do that, but I'm gonna cast my vote for those mechanics.
  11. I will be ****ing furious if they nerf or get rid of spells that allow you to lose or simply not control your character. Sure it's not fun when one of your characters gets held in a web while there's 2 sword spiders next to it or imprisoned by the Maze spell in a lich battle but it's all part of the challenge. There's a good encounter in BG1 Durlag's Tower where you come up against a bunch of Skeleton Archers which aren't that fearful enemies on their own, but all the platforms are covered in Sleeping Cloud and Cloudkill traps, which made that encounter a challenge. I don't really care how much they nerf it for people who play on pissant difficulties but on expert mode, I hope there are such punishing debuffs. Charm, Hold, Stun, Paralyze, Sleep, Fear etc. Wouldn't feel like an IE game without those.
  12. Haven't heard anything about the Project Eternity documentary that Feargus said they would be paying for out of their own pocket. Did they ever get onto a company to do it ? I can't remember how far Double Fine's documentary started into the production process, but we'll be missing out on a lot of the pre-production work at this stage (which is arguably the most interesting IMO). Would be nice if we could get an update on the status of the documentary or a simply 'yes it's coming' on that
  13. Yeah I'm going to go with I never had this problem either, some people musn't build their characters very well I guess.
  14. It should feel like Baldur's Gate 1. Project Eternity 2 can take a more BG2 approach
  15. One of the things that I would really like to see the return of is the very thin selection circles around characters. Even if selection circles is an option in the options menu, I would like the ability to toggle them on for all creatures (easier to flick click things when microing battles etc). I found that the BG/IWD style was the best, very thin green selection circle for your units, red for enemies and light blue for non-hostiles. The colors depends on the programming I guess, I assume that the status of a unit in the game is determined by it's state in programming terms, so that shouldn't be too difficult. I'm not really a fan of the more bolded circle of the post BG games. BG style other examples Planescape Torment ToEE style BG:Eunuch Edition
  16. Hotkeys are fine. I just don't want an MMO style UI (Dragon Age, NWN etc) or combat sequence as I said.
  17. I personally liked the items & side quests idea - especially regarding the items with written backgrounds. This could also be tied into factions. An example After completing a quest in the Dyrwood you discover a named short sword called "Orlankiller" or something like that. When you talk to one of a few NPCs at the nearby nomadic dyrwood elf village, word is spread that you have found the item and several people try to get it off you, offering gold, an item in exchange or simply trying to take it from you. You have many options to solve the quest such as simply selling the item at a store (which has a predetermined outcome based on where you sold it), giving it to one of the people that asks you for it (there might be an orlan murderer, an elven ranger captain, a weird collector guy or one of the faction leaders in the area) ... and include several options unlocked by stats/skills such as finding the bitter lore/history about the item and perhaps deciding to take it to be destroyed. Mind you not every named item has to be like that, but stuff like that adds some flavour to the world.
  18. The last thing I want to ever see in Project Eternity is an MMO style UI or 'combat' sequence. Because then it won't feel like an Infinity Engine game at all. None of this 1-9 hotkey skills in a line at the top or bottom of the screen please.
  19. The Baldur's Gates had the best level of VO in an isometric game for me. Icewind Dale didn't have much, but it didn't really need it because it was mostly a combat game. Most people with a name should have an opening line (like BG1 / 2). Recruitable NPCs and key characters should have a bit more.
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