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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. You forgot about the mother and daughter from Bear Island who wore chain and were slain at the Red Wedding (can't remember their names offhand). The Mormonts. Yes I did. Although it was only Dacey that was slain. And I suppose there's Meera Reed and the Moon Clans as well such as Chella. And in that interview the particular examples that he gives are scenes that are good and ones that add flavor from the original books, but not ones that change the book story in any way There are quite a few good scenes like that, but they are usually just one off short ones, not changes to the storyline. I also know many of the changes to Season 3. To keep Theon in this season they are using some material from ADwD. Also a lot of the timings are going to be seriously messed up - such as Joffrey and Margaery's wedding, won't be as early etc. You will not find an interview where he is negative about the series. Like I said before ... why would he do that? It's making him rich and famous
  2. Believe what you like, I'm sure in a perfect world he would like to do that ... but he does not have time. GRRM participates via correspondence. Having him editing submissions would seriously slow down the writing process. Half the time he's doing a book launch tour or a signing tour, and doesn't get a chance to even use the net during travels. GRRM has no creative control over the show. Bryan Cogman is their story editor, but he's really David Benioff's housekeeper along for the ride. You will find many sources of GRRM quotes and interviews on the internet that state otherwise, including what Elio and Linda of Westeros tell us, they have a very close relationship to GRRM and are also collaborating for The World of Ice and Fire cofee table book. They also appeared on Sky Atlantic's Thronecast but I believe they lost their spot due to their rather negative review of Season 2 (and kudos to them for not selling out). You are of course allowed to have your own opinion of what book Cersei would do, but I think your vision goes against what GRRM stated in that interview I linked you. I don't have an issue with Caterina Sforza's wardrobe, my sole point was that in reality she would not have worn armor (alongside my point with Cersei in GoT). Despite The Borgias modernizations I am able to enjoy that show more than GoT because I am not as invested in the material. Season 3 has been very good so far.
  3. I used to read WIC.net (but I have now abandoned that site due to an influx of showfags) and I read Westeros. GRRM is indeed a co-executive producer on the show and he had something to do with the re-writing of The Bloody Mummers and Vargo Hoat, it was he who chose the name Locke for the character that replaces Hoat & Faithful Urswyck, he also chose the name Yara as a replacement for Asha. However GRRM has not visited the set since Season 1 and outside of writing his own episode per season, providing names for character re-writes and contributing to some of the casting decisions, he has had little to do with the TV series. He has said many times that it is David and Dan's baby and he is leaving how to adapt the series up to them. He is ultimately too busy with his many other commitments such as finishing TWoW, his various other writing and editing projects and doing appearances,signings and speeches for his publishers to promote his work. In his audio commentaries of his episodes, he points out all of the changes that he was not aware of that were made to his episodes after he submitted his final drafts. I have little to no doubt that he had absolutely nothing to do with the Robb and Jeyne storyline, as that was likely Vanessa Taylor's work as she was given the episode where 'Talisa' is introduced. However, since it is because of the TV show that he has gained widespread mainstream popularity, and his books are now being sold in department stores, I'm sure he knows a lot better than to say anything negative about the show at all other than quips such as "Books are always better than film", because that only hurts him. He has also worked in TV before and he said during his audio commentary during S01E08 if 80% of what the writer submitted makes it into the final cut then he should be most pleased, because it's usually less than that. The book character Cersei Lannister would not dare wear armor like Brienne of Tarth. Brienne is openly ridiculed by most highborn she encounters. Cersei wishes she was born a man, absolutely. GRRM writes very good strong female characters, within the bounds of the gender inequality of his fantasy middle ages. Cersei would not wear amor and would never need to, she has the City Watch, the Lannister Household Guard, The Kingsguard, Ser Ilyn Payne and the Kettleblacks and their Sellsword Retinue to protect her. In the TV show The Borgias, Caterina Sforza wears Platemail, this is a modernization.
  4. I thought it was a great touch. In the shows context, it was obvious it was not a functional armor but a gesture and a decoration to boost morale of the crowds and the women of the court. I am a traditionalist book fan so that got a massive facepalm from me. No Westerosi woman (excluding some of the Dornish) wears armor in A Song of Ice and Fire besides Brienne of Tarth. Absolutely not Cersei Lannister, as it would be seen as ridicule by the rest of the court. It's almost as bad, but not quite as bad as what they have done to the Robb and Jeyne storyline, which is completely against the GRRM's intentions which are outlined below. Here is the article. Here is the quote: However the TV show is not the books and the showrunners decided they would copy the trend of modernizing several of the 'stronger' female characters (Eowyn in LOTR, Caterina Sforza in The Borgias etc) The Borgias was also guilty of the Stable Boy thing as well
  5. I should have pledged for Planetary Annihilation during the Kickstarter, because the slacker backer is $40 ! :/ Think I'll wait until Steam sales for that one.
  6. If you're not 'engaged' then you can run away. I'm sure Fighters will have a break engagement tool (Rogues have an ability, Wizards have that book slap talent ). It will be interesting to see whether ALL classes have a break engagement tool ... I might feel disappointed? if they all do.
  7. Hated the fact that they gave Cersei armor. But then again the showrunners will do anything to modernize the show / appeal to a wider audience *thumbsdown*.
  8. To be honest the aim here is to provide IE-style combat, which means just some attack animations and an 'attack roll' vs some static numbers. If anything some kind of parry would be associated with defense mode I guess.
  9. I must have just read it wrong then, sounded like Steve was saying painting over the original screws up the lighting
  10. http://www.reddit.com/r/projecteternity/comments/1c1lxe/update_49_water_trees_daynight_and_lighting/c9e2suv?context=3 Just going by what Steve Weatherly said here.
  11. I'm actually a bit worried that they won't be able to do as much lovely hand-painted touch ups on the environments because of dynamic lighting
  12. imo wait for 120Hz IPS ... whenever that happens
  13. You really are funny. That's 3 posts of mine in the last week that you have quoted trying to make an argument over nothing. Let me rephrase, it doesn't really make sense to let me remap mouse1 to E or something stupid like that, I suppose they could let you swap the left and right mouse functions if you were used to IE style or newschool (Dragon Age, NWN2 etc) style. edit: also In a lot of RTS games the mouse functions are locked, you can't change them. Everything else is macroable however If you would like my "rebinding controls" resume, I can send you my CoD4 config
  14. Tbh I prefer playing Baldur's Gate 1 on the original engine. It has a few things going for it, such as better paperdolls and avatars, the spawn system is different and combat for some reason feels a lot different to the BG2 engine :S I don't mind not having two weapon fighting and whatever else.
  15. It's kind of a bit difficult to do that for the mouse buttons because in the IE games they had multiple functions.
  16. I really miss the days when everyone used MSN Messenger. I really do.
  17. If you've looked at the update which included preliminary head models for dwarves, you'd see that there's a logical inconsistency with that high a level of geometric detail and the presumption that the game will never leave the standard isometric view. Not exactly
  18. Haven't really seen too much discussion about UI and Controls so far so I thought I'd start a topic about them. I really liked the control scheme that was presented in the original Infinity Engine games, which was a really left mouse button centric control scheme. Future games turned everything backwards by going the right mouse button route. I would love to see the return of the focus of the left click control schematic, where left mouse button is used for all the main actions - such as clicking on UI buttons and targeting and selecting in game entities (selecting player controlled units and targeting a non-player controlled entity both with the LMB); also the good old left click and drag marquee select to select your controlled characters. The use of the right mouse button in the IE games was interesting. It had two functions, one was that it allowed you to issue a move command to your player controlled units while not targeting anything - so if you were simply trying to move to the edge of the map, but not trigger the exit area function or trying to move your characters near a unit or object but not actually selecting it then it was handy for that. It's second function was rotating your formation on the map. More recent games are weird, in some of them you have to select with the left mouse button, but you have to move and target with the right mouse button, and some games have implemented a radial UI menu for selecting skills and actions when you right click and hold down on a target. Since formations are already in and working in Project Eternity already, I wonder if they have followed a similar control scheme to the original Infinity Engine games. I think that the formation rotate could probably be hooked to left mouse ... but then marquee select would probably have to be forgone (I don't think you can code both things to be click and hold), so while some people might prefer that the right mouse button be freed up to be macro'd to a skill or ability ... In this game I think the original uses are necessary. You could probably link up shift + hold LMB to marquee select, since you could shift click player controlled units to select multiple ones, and alt click to unselect. That would be the only thing I can think of there. Regarding UI: Obsidian have stated they are using Icewind Dale 2 as a starting point for their UI. The IWD2 UI worked in 4:3 by removing all the space used up by the previous UI which encased the screen and compressing all the elements into a UI on the bottom of the screen. I think this works pretty good for 4:3, but it is my opinion that the original style UI might actually be better served to Widescreen (I'm just gonna post links, otherwise it takes up too much room) IWD2 UI stretched: http://data0.eklablog.fr/havredest/perso/crea/widscreen_out.jpg BG2 widescreen UI: http://i28.tinypic.com/eu24iq.jpg This design also isn't too bad, although it could use some work. As for the UI related to controls, one thing that I wouldn't like to see is the UI becoming too ARPG/MMO-ish where it displays lines of hotkeys: It's going to be difficult to maintain the original UI concept of the Infinity Engine games while also providing more hotkey-able feedback that more modern games have moved to. Rather than just lines of hotkeys, I would rather the slots for things be preserved (with breaks between them), although players can map them to whatever hotkey they like. What are your thoughts on Controls and UI ?
  19. Difficult terrain isn't necessary but since they have run/walk mechanics like PS:T technically they could fiddle around with stuff that limits you to walking speed. Personally I hope there's a Grease spell and something like Web and Entangle, other than that I am not concerned.
  20. To be honest I don't think we have too much to worry about, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of characters (especially the ones Josh makes) are loosely based off obscure to the general public historical figures.
  21. Dunno about you guys, but I am definitely gonna attempt at (on the first playthough) playing with all my party members using firearms ... can it be done!
  22. Implementing Multiplayer into this game would take development time away from the expansion and the sequel(s). It's not really needed. While I admit that LAN capability in the original IE games wasn't a bad thing by any means, the BG games in particular didn't work well as an MP game due to the plot being focused on the main PC. I've played BG1 & 2 and IWD 1 & 2 multiplayer with friends in the past, and I cannot say that any of those sessions went for more than a few hours or were ever revisited. If you're not the main character it's kinda boring sitting there while other people read the dialogue if you've already read it etc These are the kinda games I'd rather play by myself.
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