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Everything posted by Piccolo

  1. I'd quite like a climbing skill. I really don't care about actually seeing the animation of my character climbing up something (like you would in a 3D game). Just having a character who can access places other characters can't would be nice.
  2. Baldur's Gate Icewind Dale Planescape: Torment
  3. For Project Eternity, i'm hoping for something along the same lines as ToEE. For cRPGs in general though, i'm really not overly fussed about graphics, as long as there's some nice artwork. I still find games like Darklands incredibly immersive and enjoyable... and most of that game is text + illustrations.
  4. Agreed. Visiting major towns and cities for the first time in RPGs is something I really look forward to and enjoy working towards. Seeing them too early on is disappointing.
  5. Nice update. I was a little apprehensive about RTwP at first, as I generally find turn-based to be a lot more enjoyable. In some ways though, I'm relieved that Tim and the other devs are sticking to their guns on the issue. That to me says they're not only very confident about delivering a great combat system, but also that they're determined to follow their own vision and not fall into the trap of trying to appease the fans too much (which is perhaps my biggest concern about the Kickstarter approach).
  6. I actually hope the devs don't pay too much attention to the community, or at least use their better judgement when they do. For every good idea posted on a forum, there's often several bad ones.... and what the majority appear to want (or rather, a vocal minority) may not be best for the game. I trust Obsidian, and at the end of the day, I want to pay money for their vision of a CRPG, not for the community's cluster**** of ideas. That to me is perhaps one of the main downsides of Kickstarter. It may make developers feel pressured or obliged to listen to the community a little too much.
  7. I've never seen 3D look as good as 2D. Classic example: Age of Empires II looks stunning. Age of Mytholoy and Age of Empires III look like complete trash in comparison.
  8. A lot of people come up with backstories for custom made characters... so they're not necessarily just generic husks to use in combat.
  9. I don't see why they can't have both. They've already stated several times now that the game will designed in a way that allows players to completely ignore the in-game companions and play by themselves if they want to. Creating your own party is effectively doing the same thing - ignoring the in-game companions.
  10. No. I like games to either be exclusively singleplayer, or exclusively multiplayer. Not both.
  11. Wonderful. I'm all for singleplayer games being exclusively singleplayer, and multiplayer games being exclusively multiplayer. Not both.
  12. People are making far too big a deal out of this...
  13. With this kind of game, I would rather have the best singleplayer experience possible than have time/resources wasted on a tacked on multiplayer mode.
  14. Boobplates aren't nearly as bad as leather armor that's skimpy for the sake of being skimpy.
  15. Says the person using apostrophes incorrectly...
  16. In terms of art style, I prefer the dwarf ranger image. In terms of actual art direction / character design, I like all three but would probably say Edair is my favorite.
  17. I would be very surprised if there are many people excited enough about Project Eternity to be on these forums, who haven't played at least one IE game. To those who haven't - why? Why wait for 2014 when you can have a similar experience now?
  18. I like the new concept art. Seems perfectly fine to me.
  19. - Fully voiced characters - Gaudy weapon / armor design - Hand-holding features - A typical 'Chosen One' player-character - Cinematics - Level-scaling - Modern swearing
  20. I really like realism in RPGs... even if it makes things less convenient for the player. In my opinion, gold should have weight, just like every other item in the game.
  21. So will there actually end up being some form of easy mode then, that's separate from regular mode? To reiterate my earlier post, I think a lot of gamers shy away from bumping up the difficulty, not necessarily because they want a casual experience, but because they view default as the optimal or intended form of the game. With that in mind I think it's important not to make the default difficulty experience too accessible or "dumbed down". It should really be a happy medium without the hand-holding of an "easy mode", or the hardcore brutality of the difficult modes.
  22. Faster progression? No thanks. I like slow progression in RPGs, so gaining XP faster on harder difficulties isn't much of a reward. I really think the added challenge, immersion, and replay value of the harder gamemodes is reward enough.
  23. So you think it's better to have vast areas of land devoid of life? Random encounters exist because in an RPG, it's modeling an entire world, and you're not alone in it. The idea of random encounters is good... but the implementation hasn't always been great in video games. When not done right (which is often the case) they can come across as too scripted, or often repetitive... which actually harms world believability.
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