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Everything posted by Piccolo

  1. i think almost everyone has his games in one place, which is his computer. I like the convenience of the Steam library though. And I also like being able to talk to friends easily while i'm playing games.
  2. Some people don't have any problems with Steam, and like having all their games in one place. More of a personal preference than an advantage I guess.
  3. Why does something need to be over the top big just because it's good? It really bugs me when developers do that in fantasy games, because I just end up thinking the lower level weapons all look good while the higher level weapons look like crap. At the very most, I want powerful weapons to have subtle quirks when it comes to their visual appearance - like an otherwise ordinary looking sword having a slight blue hue on it's blade to reflect the fact that it was made using a really rare type of metal. Or an expensive (but not necessarily more powerful) sword having a slightly more ornate grip/pommel.
  4. Nice interview. I like this part: - It really bugs me that people keep asking the console question though. Why can't they get it into their heads that this kind of game just doesn't belong on consoles? It's bad enough that the vast majority of action-RPGs are dumbed down by consoles.
  5. 2.9 million - New race, plus extended world history / lore (something I enjoy even more than actual storylines in fantasy games) 3.0 million - Additional major city with it's own questlines I'm fairly happy with the number of classes and companions, so I don't feel the need to have more of either as stretch goals.
  6. Still, i'm not sure where the hell the OP is getting 1 million from.
  7. A million dollars? It's 100k more than the previous goal. In a way though, I am slightly surprised he's a goal all to himself. Especially such a significant milestone as 2.8m. But then, i've never played MotB or Dungeon Siege 3 so I have no idea why everyone thinks he's so wonderful.
  8. I wouldn't mind a moderately intelligent race similar to orcs, but perhaps a bit more original in terms of culture. By the way, this kind of topic is probably better suited to the general discussion section rather than gameplay / mechanics.
  9. It's been suggested a few times already I think, but I really like the idea of signed and framed artwork as a higher tier backer reward.
  10. In cRPGs, I prefer a more solid UI, whereas in action-RPGs I prefer something much more minimal. I hope they can come up with something a bit nicer looking than the BG UI though.
  11. I like the idea of a single-player arena, as long as it's not too easy.
  12. That's some oldschool toilet reading material right there. Something similar would definitely be nice for PE.
  13. They are using the same basic methods as ToEE. So that is the baseline that I am expecting. Anything better than that would be bonus, but anything worse would be a bit of a letdown. 'Better' is highly subjective, given the whole debate over 2D vs 3D. But yeah... based on developer comments, i'm expecting something fairly similar to ToEE also.
  14. Nice update. I'm excited about seeing the first screenshot on thursday. I really hope Obsidian have got it just right, as I think it's the kind of thing that could really influence pledges a LOT, for better or worse.
  15. I'm rather interested now that I know more about the game. It's too bad they got off to such a sketchy start though. That probably put quite a few people off so much that they won't even bother to give it a second chance and follow the updates. If only they could start over... they might've done really well.
  16. I think there's some room for innovation and improvement, while still remaining true to the IE games. Obsidian know what's best for the game, and I trust they have more sense than to try and appease the community too much.
  17. Not the main point of OP but this does kind of blow my mind. Are you really thinking the portrait artist and the gameplay are in such a symbiosis that changing the artist also changes the gameplay, or even nudges, pushes or affects it in one way or another? Because either it doesn't or I'm in the alternate dimension again. People are often stupid like this. I recall someone on another forum saying they didn't want Jeremy Soule as a composer because they hate Skyrim for it's dumbed down RPG elements. Not liking a composer's style is one thing... but connecting their music with the dumbing down of modern RPGs is ridiculous.
  18. They have. Right when the Kickstarter was first revealed: It doesn't say "the linear story and excessive emphasis of combat from the Icewind Dale series" does it? Add to that the numerous interviews where they've spoken about the importance of non-combat aspects of the game.
  19. Point buy, after answering some questions about your character's past (like Darklands or Daggerfall) to generate some base stats, and perhaps also to determine starter items.
  20. I want to know what world you live in where 100,000 dollars isn't an enormous stretch of money. Even in today's standards, that is a sheet ton of money. And I don't believe this project has the potential to hit 3 million even if they add some super awesome stretch goal for it. 500,000 in 7 days, considering the majority of people emptied their pockets already. I'd rather look at it realistically and keep with the 100k stretch goals. Ok, fair enough, 100k isn't exactly a small amount of money... but I still see 2.7m as being very attainable, like all of their 100k milestones. Given the fact that kickstarters usually pick up quite a bit near the end, I think 3m is still realistic. In fact, it's the perfect amount for one final stretch goal, because it's a realistic target, but still far off enough that people get motivated instead of just thinking "we'll reach that goal easily".
  21. The mega dungeon thing is a bit of fun I think, and a great way to involve the community. And I don't see anything wrong at all with including Wasteland 2 as a tier reward. I do feel as though it's a bit too soon to be thinking about expansion packs however... The only thing that's made me roll my eyes a little bit thus far is the exclusive in-game pet. I guess some people love that kind of stuff though.
  22. expansion packs are always thought about at this point in development i'd imagine. because the amount of ideas and such they have for games are so many that they just won't fit within time or budget constraints. however they are in no way going to be holding back anything they've promised, and they are going to be doing as much as they can. and it will be a whole/complete/long (think the old games length as what they're aiming for, or if you want a number 60+ hours (from a feargus comment a few days ago)) game. the expansion will not be worked on at all until after the game itself is complete (also from feargus), and they are funding the expansion themselves so no kickstarter funds are going to it at all (also from feargus). they're just saying that they are going to continue working in this world regardless of if it sells well immediately, as they have to by making this promise. I'm sure you're right about there being plenty of ideas they can't fit into the game for whatever reason, but how can they know that for certain this early on? Committing to working on Eternity's world after the first game is released is one thing, but actually confirming an expansion pack and giving an approximate release date seems premature. Again, I think it's the kind of decision that should be made much later on once the game is finished / near finished. That seems the more natural time to be thinking about expansion packs and sequels. Anyway, I don't want to make it sound like i'm complaining too much. Like I said, i'm very happy they're going down the proper expansion pack route instead of small DLC.
  23. Nice update. Including Wasteland 2 as a reward for mid-higher tiers is a great idea. I don't expect it to trigger a massive rise in the amounts being pledged, given that a lot of cRPG fans will already have followed/backed the Wasteland 2 kickstarter... but i'm sure there's still quite a few out there who only caught on to kickstarters with the announcement of Project Eternity. As for the expansion pack, I have some mixed feelings. On the one hand, I think it's great to see a proper expansion pack instead of small DLC (which I can't stand and refuse to buy out of principle). But on the other hand, i'm not sure whether it's a good idea to be announcing or even thinking about expansion packs this early on, let alone giving approximate release dates. Surely it's better to focus completely on making the best possible base game first, rather than constantly having one eye set on an expansion pack. Once the original game is complete and out there, that's really the time when developers should be deciding whether or not they want to (or need to) expand upon the game. Not before. If you have ideas for expanding the game before release, that kind of gives the impression that you're deliberately holding stuff back.
  24. This. OP is missing the point. They've said right from the start that the game is being designed so that companions are completely optional, and players can choose to play with only one character if they want. With that in mind, I fail to see how giving people the option to create their own party members changes anything.
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