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Everything posted by Nakia

  1. I finally arrived. Happy to be a part of this great group. Greetings to all.
  2. I don't understand the question. Are you talking about saving before a fight or during a fight? Unless I am playing an IronMan game or something similar I want to be able to save my game. I see a dungeon or cave I save before entering. Saving in the middle of a fight seems cheesy to me and not of any great value but saving before a fight at some point I think should be allowed in normal play. That is one save not multiple saves. When you win the battle you should be able to save again. The world of Windows and Microsoft is a treacherous one.
  3. One reason I like to be able to save when I want to is because I have had Windows suddenly restart without warning. This does happen rarely but the timing is always bad. The ability to reload a save game can be cheesy but it really should be the choice of the player as to how he or she wishes to play the game. If you couldn't save in dungeons what happens when you have a mega dungeon? Will you be able to save as you move from level to level or not? Getting half way through a large or ong quest and then have something go wrong, player death, party wiped out, CTD, restart of computer, whatever can be very frustrating. What happens to someone new to game playing if they can't save at certain times? How frustrated might someone get? Not everyone playing a game is an expert. A game is for fun.
  4. I would like a choice of pet, several different kinds. I loved the pet you could get in Planescape/Torment and I loved DOG in Arcanum although he wasn't really a pet. A really good warrior. Don't remember the name of the pet in PS/T but it fought too. AI would like a pet that is functional, that you can play with, talk too, feed that maybe does fight for you or steal things for you.
  5. I am interested in a fantasy game not historical game. In order to have conflict in the game there will need to be conflicts not just with monsters and bandits which could get boring unless very innovative but with societies, classes, people in general, religions, prejudices. Ideally for me the story should contain the ability to combat these things either by diplomacy or combat. It would be nice to be able to choose sides in some dispute. As for magic it should play a role but should not be available for everyone. I like that gunpowder is available and can be used against wizards. I think the development of technology makes for a more interesting scenario.
  6. Enters The Jackal, demigod of the rogues, sniffing around for a few goodies.
  7. I would be great to have 500 members before we close. Remind people that once the Kickstarter closes the membership closes. We are heading into the home stretch. Welcome to all the new members.
  8. Welcome to all the new members. As to a uniform, as a rogue, thief and sometimes assassin I wear a mottled outfit, basic black with streaks of dark grey varying in color. This is actually much better for hiding in shadows. I blend with the night and those dark dungeons and caves. I stand ready to defend the Order, the Project and Obsidian. Being very small I can slip in where you Tall Folk can't go. The Flaming Fists they never see me come or go. "Here they come! More loot for all!"
  9. Now, I agree with the last sentence. Making women equal to men (in strength and size) is fantasy, but fantasy which not many will raise a fuss over. So it's probably the best course for Obsidian to take and probably the course they will take. But to the first one... sheesh. Suggesting that men tend to be bigger and stronger than women, is not a stereotype. It's a fact. It's not like anyone has suggested all men are strong and all women are weak, or that all men are stronger than any woman. In my earlier sexist thought I suggested women could have -2 to strength. That'd mean in standard DD rules, the strongest women would have strength of 16 while the average male has a strength of 10.5, and a man with the strength of 14 would already be considered a pretty strong guy. Sorry it is a stereotype because it implies that no woman can be as strong as a strong man which simply is not true. There may always be men stronger than she is but they will be very, very, strong. Yes, the strong woman would be an exception but exceptions do exist.
  10. Human beings whether men or women vary in strength and abilities. I have know women who are very strong, sometimes equal to very strong men. I have known men who are physically weak. I have known good, aring men and bad, uncaring women. Let's not start stereotyping people in our games. Women can be very good and they can be very bad. A female adventurer if she is going to be a warrior weilding swords, axes, hammers should be strong. A mage whether male or female could be weaker. A thief should be dexterous I would prefer to roll the dice and set my character by that or buy points if that is the method used rather than have penalties or bonuses set according to gender. If we are talking solely about society then fine have your gender stereotypes in various societies. Woman have rulers, men have been slaves. Joan of Arc lead the French forces. Catherine the Great was ruler of Russia but no saint. Since the game will have multiple gods it is not a reflection of Christian beliefs but pagan. Viking and Celtic women had many rights were much more equal to men than Christian women were. The Greek goddess, Athena, was considered to be more powerful than her father, Zeus. Personally I do not wish to play a game that carries forward the stereotypes and prejudices of our real world. I trust Obsidian to be a bit more innovative than that. This is a fantasy game let it be fantasy.
  11. Welcome to all the new members of the Obsidian Order of Eternity.. It is great to have you here.
  12. In IE games rogues were so unnecessary that I almost never had one. Locked doors? Knock spell. Traps? Run through them and heal the damage. That's how I played all my D&D cRPGs. Magic really made rogues absolutely unnecessary. That's because you didn't have Nakia Nightshadow. You was fantastic. Could sneak under things normal folk couldn't. Had high charisma so was good for talking. Scouted. Lead enemies into ambushes. Did a lot more than locks and traps. Never became a pickpocket either. She was and is my favorite character ever. Played forum PbP RPGs with her. You just never had the right build.
  13. My PDN comes from a character from IWD II. She was set as a fighter/rogue and meant to be support. A halfling. I swear she developed her own personality. Was braver than the thanks and ended up being a big assest to the party. She was a wonder and not by my doing. Something in the game itself developed her. I took her name when I became involved in the IE community.
  14. I do not like the vancian system of magic. It limits how often you can use a spell. It means guessing before you rest at what spells you may need. The cooldown system may not be good either. I think either some mixed system of vancian, cooldown, mana might work better if it can be done. As for upgrading spells or just learning new spells I definitely think a mix would be best. Some spells get stronger but you still learn new spells which in turn as you use them get better. I think there should be some differation between arcane and divine spells. there might be classes that can use both such as Pallidin or if we have multiclass that person could use both.
  15. It is up to Obsidian to decide how much time they need but I am certainly willing to wait longer in order to get a good game. A well tested game with few bugs. One patch is fine, two I can live with but a game that has to be patched and patched is not what I want.
  16. I didn't care for the D&D system. You got a large selection of spells but a limited number of slots. So you had to decide between using slots for what you considered the best spells. I.E Fire balls VS something else. Do you take six slots for fireballs. leaving you three slots for other spells. Then if you used up your spells you couldn't get them back until you slept. If I have to choose between a system I think I perfer cooldowns. To me this also makes sense if spell casting is based on thepower of the soul. As time goes by your soul power increases and you can cast stronger and more spells. There could also be hybrid system. Such as having class or race specific powers which can be used only a limited number of times. Regular spells use the cooldown system. I am sure there must be other systems that are better. One of the complaints of the D&D games was that spell caster didn't have a great deal of value early in the game but as you progressed into the game they became maore powerful, in fact very powerful. It was mainly a matter of keeping them alive until they matured. I hope Obs can come up with a better balance. edit, yes, something like Azrayel suggests.
  17. I am also a little disapointed that armour will be usuable by anyone regardless of class or race.At least the non-enchanted armour. I always take the attitude with enchanted armour that a "stretch or shrink to fit" spell is included.
  18. It sounded as if they are at least considering it. Naturally the emphasis right now is the game itself. He mentioned a year down the line which makes sense to me. It is much to early to be working on a toolkit but at least with threads like this one they will know that there are people interested in it. The squeaking wheel gets the oil. So those of us who would like modding tools should keep politely squeaking. Those think that a modding toolkit would deprive them of something in the game are wrong. The game comes first and then the toolkit. That way no one loses.
  19. I like Minsc but my favorites in BG SoA are Edwin, Korgan and Jan. I know people who are crazy about Jahzira (so?) Who like and what we like varies from person to person and that is why mods are popular. They make it possible for us to tailor the game to our likes and ddislikes. No game is perfect because no game can make everyone happy 100%.
  20. From Kickstarter Page. Those of us who pledged in the first 28 hours do so because of Obsidian's reputation and this statement. We provided the initial 1.1 mil goal. We would be most unhappy if this promise was suddenly changed. Asking for a different game I find rather strange.
  21. I loved the dog in Arcanum and in DA:O. Got a mod for DA:O that gave me an extra slot for the dog so I could take along all the time.
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