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Everything posted by Tuckey

  1. Well if you could choose a personality what would that look like in the game proper? Not being familiar with Wizardry 8 does that mean choosing a voice set that is sardonic or wise or angry etc ~ you know for the selectable actions (go there, do that, I've just been hit) or are you referring to personality as in a smiley face or frowny face equivalents when the pc performs an action that the npc doesn't like? Maybe the companion performs some approval or disapproval animation in lieu of conversations because that would be absent. Then again adventurers hall characters are mercenaries whose only love is the paycheck alignment not withstanding, although that doesn't mean they won't care about your actions just that it probably would not affect their loyalty. The adventurers guild building itself I hope resembles a viking structure with training yard, alcohol, with adventurers visiting from near and far away spreading tales of adventure. I'd imagine the building itself residing on a hill (more defensible) with various shopkeepers nestled around the guild building providing essential services.
  2. Just to add my own thoughts on what AGX-17 said. There is such a thing as a valiant retreat. At the end of the day there is no shame withdrawing from a superior foe. Even Sun Tzu advocated fighting battles on grounds of your choosing and not the enemies.
  3. A dreamlord who you can only communicate with when sleeping. For a price the dreamlord can fashion something from the astral plane into reality, but would you really want to pay the price?
  4. If the 'player's ship' in some future game were to be treated as the 'stronghold' that would mean we get to design its layout and adornments, cannon ports, training and discipline of the crew etc. In terms of engagements I would set the scene by allowing the player to make tactical decisions depending on your 'upgrade' decisions (using text) . i.e. you may choose to via a volley via a flanking maneuver if your ship has the superior speed over the enemy ship. This would in turn reduce the strength of the enemy forces allowing your boarding action to proceed much easier than otherwise. i.e. you have invested in a heavily fortified galleon compared to the enemy galleon (think of a spanish galleon) but can be easily out-maneuvered by the enemy ship. To nullify this advantage you force the enemy into a narrow strait where maneuvering is limited. To do this you must have upgraded the tactical awareness skill of the captain.
  5. @mstark I agree with you about Commandos 2 graphics. It's a shame more people don't appreciate them. I think the stone's site is regularly visited looking at the flattened grass, unless their is a phantom gardener who loves mowing the lawn. Good call on the dense and tall trees, that would be interesting and unique for this type of rpg.
  6. If the Vithrak are anything like the Ilwrath I'm interested. Dunryd Row sounds like an interesting institution; I hope I can get recruited there as my cipher. Also group abilities like Ectopsychic Echo sound cool. I hope there are group abilities for other classes also; maybe some are even non-combat group abilities? As for the wilderness picture I see that Obsidian has much improved the shrubbery, they may pass.
  7. Well for me having killable npc's is about having a believable world with consequences for your actions. That means rewarding players for discovering the world and consequences for rushing through events unwisely. What if I kill some guy who has a human shield, some poor child. I may kill the bad guy but become a bad guy in the process. Alternatively I let him go but there will be consequences in terms of the evil he will continue to do. Ultimately there should be a third alternative if you have worked hard enough to avoid this situation in the first place. Another example, some kid steals your money and you follow him to this guy who is the mastermind. You end up fighting and killing him, but in the process you have killed this child's provider. The child comes at you with weapon drawn. How will you resolve this? If the child cannot be killed there is no interesting role-playing taking place. If you disarm the child with your dexterity you can find a peaceful resolution i.e. orphanage if your persuasion is good enough. Killing him means you will have next of kin come after you for revenge. Again it should be possible to avoid this scenario. The point for me is that if bad things are not possible, then what value do good actions have in this world. The threat of these bad actions creates tension and interest, the foundation of drama.
  8. The Urquhart Conundrum The Eternity Postulation Dyrwood Age Origin - Return of the Sharknado
  9. I'm more interested in the tablet picture where I see an orlan detective and a close up of a chest. Some sort of lock picking mini-game? Maybe a riddle chest like in betrayal at krondor? Also looks like a character pic for inventory screen. So drag n drop items for inventory screen confirmed?
  10. @Dianjabla Agreed. My only real question is how they will customise the stronghold for different classes; ie wizard stronghold vs paladin stronghold; what will be different and why? I would much rather find out by playing through it multiple times however. Too much info would spoil the surprises for me somewhat. Now if Obsidian could show us a vertical slice video so that I can get a feel of what to expect that would be cool. Hint, hint, nudge, nudge.
  11. I like what Obsidian are doing with the stronghold. - In particular using prisoners for leverage. I'm getting a strong castles 2 vibe which I loved for all its difficult decisions. - The ability to play like a lord sounds cool. I'd imagine you have to weigh up decisions carefully. For instance whether or not the peasants will riot, refuse to pay their taxes, storm the castle if you are a lord of low prestige? Sounds like their is plenty of scope for complexity which I like. - I imagine companions could also pick up a rare item or two on their adventures. - Could we then entertain visiting guests with a feast...or a red wedding if they're particularly despised. I have a small suggestion. Let us upgrade messengers into something like a magic seeing stone (like from lotr). Or that crystall ball from Return to Zork. Imagine that messenger traversing 10 dungeon levels to pass us a message on what is happening at the stronghold. He/She would be lucky to live let alone pass on a message. The crystal ball thing is an upgrade that you can acquire later on which saves you on running costs for your keep and gives you more time to respond to an event given that the message is instantaneous.
  12. All a question of priorities I guess and what Obsidian wishes to focus on. I am all for adding life to things as I think the biggest flaw with IE games was that there was not enough dynamic elements. ie/ the waterfall picture would not of been possible in an IE game and adds a lot of vitality. Similarly IE cities would of benefited from seeing things like horse drawn wagons entering and exiting the city. People moving about on their tasks etc
  13. I wonder if Josh is thinking of attending any Medieval and Renaissance Enthusiast clubs. They like to do sword fighting and period costumes etc. Although I imagine Josh is well served with his love of history, it is quite another thing to see it being played out. P.S I also like the t-shirt; ~ I like the three bears. I would lol if the reverse had Goldilocks on it.
  14. @Stun I think your suggestion of a high level lock or monster is probably better for the player than mine. I can see searching for a portal stone causing frustration for the player now that I think about it some more.
  15. @JFSOCC I like that your introduction lends itself to an unfolding mystery which you can explore as the game goes on.
  16. Probably better characters stand out from there environment so that they don't get lost in the background details. Characters are just as I wanted them btw.
  17. Those character models are much improved from the ones shown in update 49; they fit into the environment much better.
  18. I suppose any introduction must encompass the genre, in this case heroic adventure. Your character on his way back home from some distant war gets waylaid by brigands and sold into slavery. You are then taken by ship into a far off and distant land and must learn the customs and languages of strange and alien people; all the while planning to make your escape.
  19. @Orogun01 "What about those people who agree with eugenics, or they just really want to kill an annoying NPCs?" I think of these examples as flavour options for the broad type evil character paths I have proposed. There is nothing I have said that excludes that. If you have played kotor 2 you had the option of doing the later action and if I recall rightly Kreia scolds you for a pointless act because it fails to advance your goals. An interesting take for lawful/chaotic evil could be a Vlad the impaler type character (aka what dracula was based on) . Vlad, despite being a fiend, was considered useful by authorities because of his prowess on the battlefield against the Turks and therefore tolerated despite being vilified and spawning a gothic myth. He was it seems into slaughtering Turks a great deal and prone to many acts of wanton cruelty. The problem plot wise is that most rpgs start you out as a nobody whom nobody respects. People even send you on meaningless tasks which would be a ludicrous thing for a Vlad type character who is only interested in getting others to serve him. In this game you have a fortress. Vlad had a fortress and impaled his enemies on spikes all around his territory to frighten off aggressors. It could be done, just would involve a massive amount of work.
  20. I would prefer that they focus on allowing your character to be selfish and accumulate power rather than just a douche. Like in so many games where evil is largely a flavour option. If a fighter evil path is warlord with desire for conquest. if a priest evil path is championing a cult that furthers your desire for power. If a thief becoming a spymaster and blackmailing your way to success and influence etc *I don't expect these sorts of things in PE. Mostly because design and resources are already largely set and the budget just isn't there to support that. The other big problem is that for all the classes you need branching story and areas that support these things. That means multiple end states and most players will probably never experience these things, no harm in putting down some ideas through is there.
  21. Creatures in PE fight differently at night than they do during the day; ie different ai tactics, maybe different abilities. Maybe not so easy to do but would be neat.
  22. Favourite companion characters from different games in no particular order; Kreia, Minsc & Boo, Jaheira, Keldorn, HK-47, Bastila, Monte, Garrus, Cassidy, Dogmeat, Boone, Yoshimo, Iolo, Dupre. Basically these characters made an impression by having one or more of ~a larger than life persona, ~an air of mystery, ~sense of purpose, ~some hidden agenda I don't go for the emo type characters unless very well written as I find them to be just attention seekers.
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