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Everything posted by Pidesco

  1. There are better graphics on the 360, that wasn't really my point.
  2. GTA IV and Red dead look really good. Also as far as maps go ... Sacred 2 says hi. Compared to the PC version, GTAIV looks horrible. Ditto for Risen. Red Dead Redemption doesn't have a PC version, so there isn't a point of comparison. Sacred 2 doesn't sport particularly demanding graphics.
  3. As far as I know there is no item enchanting in the game.
  4. I've just noticed you are seemingly male. I'm backing away, now. "the evil of mono gender" rofl
  5. Incidentally, I think the abundance of corridors in DS3 and in many current games is actually a problem with devs creating areas that the 360 and the PS3 can render without seriously scaling down the graphics. See for example GTAIV or Risen for examples of what happens when you take an open ended game and scale it back to perform acceptably on the consoles.
  6. While I don't know how the maps will change later on, it should be noted that are towns later on that serve as quest hubs. So, supposedly, things should get a bit more open as the game progresses. I'm guessing it will be something along the lines of branching corridors rather than wide open areas, though.
  7. so you want a female named Lucas? These are preset characters with names and background storys. This isn't Diablo or World of Warcraft. Get over it! Actually it's more or less the same as in Diablo. You can't play a female necromancer or a male assassin in Diablo 2, for example.
  8. How big is Dungeon Siege 1 and 2's fanbase, anyway? Isn't it tiny on account of the games not being particularly well received?
  9. So you only play games that allow you to control female sword and shield characters? That's pretty arbitrary and limiting.
  10. I thought the lesbian scene was perfectly normal, as it really helped bring home who Little Finger is and it was nice foreshadowing for the eventual betrayal. Also, hawt.
  11. Thanks to both of you. That sounds really good. You're making it appear like you can have fairly different builds with the same character.
  12. I'm going to tank for my co-op partner, so I was wondering how tanking works with characters other than Lucas. Is it feasible? Does it make the game harder? Are Reinhart or Anjali good tanking options? If yes, how so?
  13. Continue posting of news here. Sample news post: Carmageddon is back.
  14. Yes, it's pretty clear that if a game isn't in the genre you want, then you don't consider it a good game.
  15. This would be a problem if the camera was exclusively controlled by and centered on the host. It isn't, though. Unless I'm missing something, the camera is independently controlled on different machines, it's just that the players are tethered to each other, being unable to distance themselves too much from each other. This makes sense as it isn't an online game in the fashion of Diablo. It's a plot based game where the players are supposed to enjoy the plot and combat encounters together. It would be silly to allow one player to forge ahead while the others stayed behind, as that would force the player forging ahead to fight through encounters designed for multiple characters, and it would mean the other players would, essentially, not play the game at all. That, coupled with potential problems arising from absent players during dialogue and quests means that a tethered was really the only logical option. This isn't Sacred 2.
  16. Anjali. However, I'll be playing with Lucas first, in order to tank for my girlfriend, who will be playing with Katarina.
  17. It's up to you what kinda people you play with it and how many different groups you play with... and there's always the single player to keep you busy if your friends don't want to play as actively as you do. your right and that is exactly what i said .. the game will make a good single player not a good online game .. and with the ammount of people that play online they are really missing a huge market and fan base It really depends on what you're looking for in an online game. If you're not looking for massive grinding, terrible randomized maps, repetition, repetition and some more repetition, and e-peen comparison for example, Diablo 2 can be seen as a pretty terrible game. On the other hand, if you are looking for something to play with friends you know, with a hand crafted campaign, with multiple sidequests, with interesting writing, and deep, varied action combat, Dungeon Siege 3 might appear to be the better option. See how that works? Different people want different things at different times. I've played dozens of hours of Diablo, by the way.
  18. I apologize thats really how I meant it. If you look at the scores for games like Dragon Knight Saga (or Divinity 2), Sacred 2, Risen, and that gothic game...what was it called? Arcania? Euro reviewers are much more lenient than the US equivalents. I think Euro devs are much more lenient due to percieved hardships that smaller devs have. Its not easy to compete with Bioware (actually canadian right? though they do have offices in US) or Bethesda. Both devs recieve much in the way of leniency based on prior success and the high production values they put into games because of their wallet size. However because of the budget gap European Rpgs seem to have way more bugs, glitches, and other nonsense things going on in the final version of the game than most north american releases. Granted niether come out perfect but you wouldn't take a like Risen and put it next to Mass Effect or Oblivion and call it an even playing field. Then there are other aspects of production like sound and voice overs that I've never really seen a European developer be able to match. Witcher 2 though may be the exception...however on one of my comps the sound is yet to work (and no its not the comp) Risen is much, much better designed than Oblivion and with fewer bugs to boot.
  19. If you're going to set shadows to that, you are better off just disabling them.
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