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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. Revan and Malak were the names of Revan and Malak before they declared themselves with right? The rest of the Sith lords I know, Bane, Sidious, Maul, Tyrannus, Vader...maybe they created names that both sound badass and have something to do with their character? Bane-----He was kinda the bane of the brotherhood of the Sith and the Jedi. Sidious-----it kinda has that sneaky yet sinister tone to it. He conquered the galaxy through words, diplomacy, veiled threats and outright slaughter. Tyrannus----I think this is a crappy title, but I can live with it. Tyrannus..hmmm maybe Dooku has this control freak tendency about him. He has to wield absolute power over those beneath him like a tyrant. Maul---Well, he was a pretty good fighter, he MAULS everything Sidious tells him too, like a good doggy should. Vader.....Like other posters have said, it could also have come from 'invader' and Vader also means father in Dutch. PS....I have no idea who Rivan is....sounds like a secondhand knockoff of Revan, but that's probably because I have no idea who he/she is
  2. I would prefer having the game set in the era about 1000-2000 years after the Revan/Exile period. It really hasn't been touched by the EU so the devs would be free to come up with some new stuff. Also the deves might be able to put references about the events in KotOR 1,2&3 in the game in the form books, old manuscripts, jedi holocrons. Even learn some of Revan's teachings or the Exile's as well. Not to the point where in overshadows the game of course. Also the devs could implement events in such a way that they have an impact on the events to come, such as the Brotherhood of the Sith and the appearance of Darth Bane which takes place around 1000 years before the movies. The devs would have around 3 millenia to work with so they could put all their creative energy into making a cool game.
  3. So why are some major plot points that can lead to a better understanding of the game's story in the loading screens and not with conversations with the party members or other NPCs?
  4. I think you have to play through the game multiple times to get to know all your party members. You have to travel extensively with just the members you wish to influence to have them open up to you all the way.
  5. My idea for Revan level cutbacks. During the course of K2, you learn that Revan was suffering from recurring memories from his past. No doubt he has some doubts on what his true memories and false memories are. His mind was totally wiped and reprogrammed by the JC. So faced with uncertainty yet knowing some ominous threat looms in the shadows, he unlearns what he has learned. He forces himself back to a clean slate so he can discover his true self. Due to his previous mastery of the Force, Revan possesses certain insights and instincts that still give him a deeper understanding of the Force. Therefore he begins as a level one prestige class with some special feats. And ninja dinosaurs on space skies rapping it up with their Mandalorian homeboys? What more could you ask for?
  6. The Return of Revan. I like. Make him the PC, I don't want to witness his fate through the eyes of another PC.
  7. If lightsabers are weightless, then during the swing, no momentum is formed. Upon contact with a surface/body part, the Jedi/Sith would have to use their wrist, hand and arm strength to actually push the blade through wouldn't they? With traditional metal weapons, of course you have to be strong to control the blade but that momentum you gain as you swing helps a lot too. But yeah, Dex probably does play a more significant part in lightsaber combat since it is weightless.
  8. You explained it perfectly!
  9. I liked the Bruce Lee type face. But then all the Serroco thugs have that face, so it turned me off.
  10. The Obiwan lookalike was ok. The Asians were the most funny looking. I mean Asians don't all look like that! Or do they?
  11. I thought Revan made HK didn't he? Wasn't his memory core set to open when he returned to his original master? Revan before the battle of Malachor sends HK off into Mandalorian space to assassinate someone or another, HK is badly damaged in the mission(and his core memory shuts down) and is claimed by a Mandalorian as 'booty'. When the Mandalorian discovers the assassination protocols, he gets 'delusions of grandeur', slowly killing his way up the ranks until he decided to send HK off to off Mandalore. Mandalore reprograms HK to kill the lowly Mandalorian and upon finishing the act, HK automatically shuts down as he is programmed to. Then he is claimed and sent off to one of the other masters he mentions in K1. That's how I thought it all went down.
  12. Obviously Bastila was using the old, 'I'm not the jedi you're looking for' trick.
  13. Bao Dur fills you in if you gain enough influence.
  14. I wouldn't exactly call the EU novels brilliant, though I like the comics. I'm attracted to colorful things! I personally liked episode one. I think the main reason was because after the movie I was so hyped up by how great Ray Park pulled off those fighting moves that me and a buddy began lightly throwing punches at each other which quickly escalated into me kicking his face and him doubling me over with a nice punch. Good times. Yeah, but episode 2 was pretty bad. Especially the dialog. Here's to Episode 3!
  15. Mira: After she tells you that maybe she'll let you show you sometime, include her in your party and walk around the main hub in Nar Shaddaa. Atton: Atton has to be in your party in the refugee sector in Nar Shadaa. Two Twileks will approach telling you about Atton. BaoDur: You just have to have in your Party everywhere, show him your doing good things and your influence with him should gradually go up. Also Have Baodur do repair/check your work when the option presents itself and then compliment him on job well done. There's a good Influence Thread somewhere on the boards. You should look at that for further details.
  16. yay! I feel smart! But come on that puzzle isn't that hard if you put some thought into it before you randomly click on the choices.
  17. 1. The PC - I would like to play as Revan again. I want to conclude my adventure with him. I don't want to see his fate through the eyes of the Exile or another PC the devs cook up. I want to see Revan's fate with his own eyes and be there with him at the end. Yes Laozi, I'm a Revan fanboi, as you so affectionately put it. Just don't give him another mindwipe/amnesia thing to lower his levels. I would accept it if the devs just knocked him back to level 10 or something. Or possibly they could have him as a whole new class as he travels the Unknown regions. He can't use his Jedi powers because he doesn't want the entire Sith Empire aware of his presence. He could masquerade as a scout/bounty hunter/Soldier only using his Jedi powers in covert operations where he plans to leave no witnesses. But this would be unacceptable to a lot of people who want to cut people down with the lightsaber and force choke everyone around them, including me. Although I wouldn't mind playing the majority of the game as a non-jedi character class and regain my force powers in the latter portion of the game. Another idea might be to start him as a level one jedi prestige class. Revan consciously lets go of all the skills and powers he has learned. He still has doubts on who his true self is. Whether his powers stemmed from his true self, or whether the manipulations of the Jedi Council still plague his mind. He sets out to recreate himself by 'unlearning what he has learned' and relearning them to forge the true vision of himself. Through this revelation, he starts out as a prestige class. As more of his memory is restored to him, of his past choices, he gains special powers. 2. The Exile : Of course I want the Exile to return in K3. Whether the devs implement the game as a double disk(Which I'm against. I think the focus of the game will be compromised) or as a NPC for Revan, I don't know. Maybe Neither. Maybe the Exile will BE the PC. Though I still think Revan should be the PC. 3. The NPCs. I'd like a whole new cast of NPCs, except T3 and HK. Damn I have to run. I'll write more later.(Like anyone cares )
  18. Therefore you am.
  19. Kreia tells Sion to welcome the Exile, but Sion is a jealous guy. He wants to be number one in Kreia's book for some reason so he seemingly has his assassins welcome the Exile so he can put the Exile off guard. Then he has the assassins attack...not that it does much.
  20. Kreia does explain to you during your questions about Nihilus, that the Sith assassins are like him except on a much smaller scale. That might account for their ability to remain hidden since they are small scabs in the Force. I mean no one really pays attention to little scabs unless you like to pick at them.
  21. Good post. Heartfelt. I totally agree with you, since I too wrote along rambling post similar to this one. We can only hope for the Devs taking heed of voices that cry out to them....ok now I'm being melodramatic. Sign the petition!
  22. Don't we all. And Romana, I'm impressed with your knowledge of history. I shall come to you in times of need.
  23. Plooby I must confess I stripped down Bastila to see what was underneath. You are not alone. :"> It was her voice! It was seductive! It was melodious! Her voice told me to! Now it admonishes me for being such a loser. *sigh* I once had Zaalbar lead my party for a time until I realized the implications of staring at hairy hips swaying back and forth for extended hours might be more devastating than anything I could imagine.
  24. Heh, yeah I do tend to be long winded. Look at my posts, they go on and on and on when it would be better for me to stop and shut up. It's cool you study Hapkido. In Korea they call it Hapkido. I looked at the Chinese characters once that spell Hapkido, and they're the same for Aikido. Literally translated it means, 'The way of combining your ki(energy)" I've never tried Hapkido but have some friends who did. It seems similar to Aikido except a tad bit more brutal. I'm not sure though. Is it the same style as Aikido just pronounced differertly? Just asking in case you know.
  25. Ok, I think you're overreacting just a bit. I'm not some sort of swordmaster, and I never implied as such in my post. If anything I explained how frikken hard it was for me to even practice with two swords. I don't have any delusional fantasies that I am Miyamoto Musashi reborn ok? I practice martial arts because its fun and good exercise. I like talking about it too. I realize I'm never going to experience the feudal ages of Europe and Japan nor do I really wish to. Actually I'm confused as to why you're so riled up.
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