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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. Let's not forget. "Yub Yub" Wicket the Ewok from Return of the Jedi. and C3PO : "Wonderful! We are now part of the tribe!" All the ewoks jump on Han Solo Han: Great! Just what I always wanted! Darth Vader: "No Disintegrations!" And I don't know if its the nostalgia is me talking but I've always found the mask of Darth Vader to express a lot of emotion. For example when Luke and Vader meet in Endor When Vader ignites Luke's lightsaber and says, "I see you've constructed a new lightsaber. Your skills are complete." You can almost see a hint of pride in the mask...although its probably the voice making me imagine things. And then also when Vader says, "You don't know the power of the dark side." You can see the turmoil etched in the mask as Vader struggles with the feelings he has for his son and the lure of the dark side. Then the ultimate scene where Vader witnesses the Emperor unleash force lightning against Luke, the mask says so much as the light and shadow reflect off it and the camera pans in just a little. Sigh...time to watch the trilogy again.
  2. Edwina was classic! Having Jan and Minsc in your party was hilarious too. Especially the one where Jan convinces Minsc that they accidently switched minds and starts acting like Minsc to get his hands of Boo.
  3. I love the Star Wars Kid. Not a lot people can move like that...and I don't mean it a funny way. I think to potential is there for him to make a good martial artist.
  4. I don't think anyone cares about that game anymore.
  5. Whoa, I think you're taking this thread a tad bit too seriously.
  6. For the kind of atmosphere the BG games offer, I think the graphics are still pretty good. But playing a back to back games of BG 1 and 2 and Throne of Bhaal expansion is extremely satisfiying. My advice is to download the improved battles and the acsencion mod for Throne of Bhaal for the greatest experience. The aformentioned mods are semi-official mods created by David Gaider, who worked on the BG series, with the help of other cool modders.
  7. The way I was brought up was to give due respect to those older than me and had more experience in life. I was raised in a Korean family environment where strong senior-junior relationships exist so its a natural part of any relationship I have to adopt a senior or junior mentality according to who the other person is. Thus I tend to comply to those older and in a senior position than me. Except of course in those situations where they command me to do something I have strong doubts about, like insisting I go to church/join a religion. I just smile and nod my head and then forget about it. I don't think I really 'fear' anyone I meet. But then again I haven't had the opportunity to meet with really scary people so I really can't say. I'd probably whimper if forced into a situation where I had to pee next to a known and convicted murderer.
  8. I bet some of the writers were watching Shaka Zulu when the came up with the name Shoaneb Culu. They rhyme kinda. :">
  9. No I don't think so. If my memory serves me correctly she supposedly dies at the beginning of Ninja Gaiden 3 killed by Ryu no less, but later it turns out that it was just a ploy to reveal some plot or another. She dies in part 2 but the Dragon Sword saves her. WOO Dragon Sword!
  10. Hmmm. Does choosing the name include receiving all the powers that those characters have? If it does I choose Ryu from Ninja Gaiden 1 Reasons 1. Ryu, a nice and simple name. 2. I get to dress up as a ninja 3. I get to wield the Dragon Sword! 4. Jump and Slash, most overpowered ability ever. 5. I have the ability to cling to walls. 6. I get to hurl enormous boomerang shurikens bigger than my entire body. 7. Irene is pretty hot for a 8-bit lady 8. Later on I get to go one on one with the ladies from Dead or Alive. 9. I will be free to hate birds because they take 3 bars of health off me. 10. I get to dress up as a ninja.
  11. I think this is the longest post you ever made Laozi. I could be wrong but I'm too lazy to make two clicks with the mouse to find out. And Nur Ab Sal....did you get nicer? I remember you being a lot meaner.
  12. I would be up for that. I know others disagree, but I think K3 should bring about a satisfactory conclusion for all the important characters in the two previous games whether you played LS, DS, Male, Female. It would be extremely gratifiying.
  13. Again though a KOTOR "party" would not have the variety. For starters there would be less of them. You wouldnt have the order of engagement like in D&D where you kill off the magic users first because they can seriously screw up your plans. In KOTOR everyone is pretty much the same, even the Jedi are not upto much. This has been true in both games. The only reason Malak lasted longer is because he was a cheating piece of excrement. Ditto with the enemies. In D&D you have 4 or 5 manuals full of enemies with a plethora of different abilities. In KOTOR you have a handful of aliens (mostly humanoid) and some animal types which are hardly worth igniting your lightsaber for. I guess one of the reasons for that is having to keep to the rules of the universe. But it certainly lacks the variety of most "fantasy" games. The only way to "solve" that would be to increase the workload. This will demand more of the players attention. If you want to talk about easy bosses. Dino dude in Jedi Academy (think it was that one) I could kill in one blow But It felt good because I was doing it, not a dice. Perhaps KOTOR needs a more hybrid hands on system. Lets see how JE works out. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Let me guess....heavy slash to the midsection while crouching to avoid one of Dino Dude's attacks? That's how I usually do it, no force power enhancements or anything. Anyways, some good ideas here. I agree that the diversity of the classes available in D&D, with their respective strenghts and weaknesses, enhances the viable tactics you can use making the battles more strategic and as a result epic. The diversity of the potential enemies help as well as you have to adapt your plans to their vulnerabilities. Maybe one way to improve this aspect of SW is too give more information or elaborate on the unique characteristics of the alien species that populate the SW universe. Right now, as enemies an Ithorian is the same as a Twilek, Human, Selkath, Rakata and any of the other alien races that appear in the game. If specific strengths and weaknesses could be developed and attributed to each of the races, I think it would make combat a lot more interesting. For example the Ithorian Jedi in Clone wars had this special ability to send immense shockwaves that hurled opponents out of the way or disoriented them. It might be fun to encounter non-jedi enemies with such an ability. The Ithorian could also hurl your Force Waves back at you due to his affinity in manipulating those kinds of forces. I'm also looking forward to Jade Empire to see how well Bioware mixes action and RPG elements. If its successful I'm sure it could be implemented in a SW universe, where lightsaber combat has more significance than simply clicking on your enemy. Part of me wants K3 to be built on the Source engine, solely for the reason that the devs could probably implement Force Throw as a power. I think this would add a strategic element to combat as well. The thought of using the force to hurl random stuff at enemies is entertaining.
  14. How about Sin? That's a good name.
  15. Of course. He could order his legions to destroy all existing copies of Kotor and the Thrawn Trilogy and execute anyone who secretly possesses them.
  16. Now I understand! :D
  17. K1 and K2 are great games but the battles within the games didn't really have an epic feel to them. Compared to some of the main battles in the BG series and IWD series, my favorites being all the improved boss battles from ToB, the battle against Sarevok, and the boss battles in IWD, the battles in the KOTOR series are lacking. I think there are several reasons for this the most prominent being that the games are too easy. Everything is over before you can really savor the battle, whether you're using Storm to obliterate everything before you, smashing your opponents against the walls using wave or just cutting everything down with blinding Force speed. Another big reason is the lack of enemy AI. Enemies just charge you, even the dark jedi. In the infinity engine games at least the mages cast spells that disrupted or immobilized your party while the fighters charged. Dragons would blow you away if your fighters did too much damage. Sure there were proven tactics that worked everytime against such enemy advances but at least you had to think as to who would engage who, who would cast counter-spells, who would buff the party and who would quaff some invisibilty potions to do some backstabbing. Which brings me to my next point, the party is too small IMHO. 3 per party I think decreases the options made available to you, plus puts limits on how the design team can craft encounters with the enemy. If the party was larger I think the designers could throw more enemies strategically at you and you would have the options on how to respond to that. For example If your party was 5 or 6, then the designers could have enemies flank from opposite sides while another group attacks from the back. The enemies would each have different tactics as well. one group would lay down blaster fire, while another charged with swords. You could respond by sending a jedi towards the rear to protect from blaster fire, send two jedi to both flanks to deflect blaster bolts while positioning your blaster users behind them for protection, while your PC would charge the the advancing melee enemies. I'm sure the designers could come up with better stuff. There are probably some limits with the game engine to make this possible though. Another reason, the terrain is too flat. All the battles that take place in the game take place on relatively flat surfaces. Being that the game takes place in a 3D environment, it would have been awesome to see blaster fighters shooting from atop roofs, with jedi having the ability to jump to the rooftops to engage the enemy. How about enemies using jet packs like the Fetts. Mandalore could've used one to attack meet the enemies in the air, or jedi having the ability to force jump to cut them down. Does anyone remember that area in IWD where you're force to cross a bridge while archers and mages are attacking from across. Seeing something like this in Kotor would have been great. With enemies attacking from above and below as well as from the sides. The Boss Battles. In Kotor series most major boss battles are one on one. Revan/Malak, Exile/Sion, Exile/Traya, Exile and party/Nihilus. With the game being too easy, I think many players were dissapointed in just how quickly those battles ended. I think it would be more epic if your entire party was engaged in some way to the fight. Whether its holding down strategic points against henchmen coming to support their leader, or engaging the top lieutenants that attack alongside the main boss, or maybe sabotoging some energy source the boss feeds from, or trying to dismantle the traps in the surrounding area that could be fatal. Everyone would have some specific role to play that complements their abilities. Of course the main boss would also direct his followers to distrupt your plans while attacking you. You would also have to coordinate your party so that everything falls into place. Damn, have to catch some shut eye. Feel free to comment, flame, add, you know the usual.
  18. Wow, a father at 19. I can't really say I'm envious as I'm a lazy bastard with no sense of responsibility whatsoever, unless its studiously playing all the games I can get my hands on. But, congratulations!
  19. I just like the lightsabers. And the comics. And some of the books And the movies. And the games...except for those that suck....hard I used to have the original Millenium Falcon toy and the original action figures. I even had the set toys like Hoth and Tatooine. Then my mom gave them to some random kids when we moved. CURSES! I still cry when I think of that.
  20. Get the Metroid Games!
  21. AHHH! You're all falling into the feminist trap of sparking meaningless debate! Stop replying! :D
  22. Insult lightsaber fighting, that would have been classic. Its almost hard to imagine LA coming up with kooky stuff like that, but the Monkey Island games were meant to be zany so..
  23. Maul was cool. I was so sad to see him go, 'part ways' so to speak. He got too overconfident in the end, though I wonder why he didn't just hold his lightsaber horizontally in front of him when Obiwan jumped up from the chasm then did absolutely nothing while Obiwan took his time jumping and flipping and landing then igniting his lightsaber and performing a horizontal slash. Obviously his connection with the Force wasn't as strong as we thought if he couldn't feel the tiniest trace of foreboding.
  24. yea Sihilus and Nion <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nihilus and sion you mean <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's almost as good as San Holo.
  25. I don't think the original poster was refering to apathy when he said neutrality but more in terms of balance. However I think balance is more a part of the light side of the force rather than a entirely different aspect of the Force. The lightside does seek harmony over destruction after all.
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