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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. I wonder what kind of effect this mod might have in K3? Do you see the additional endings having an effect on the core story, or is the core story pretty much intact except we get to explore the cut content?
  2. this thread is scary. I didn't even know stuff like this existed. I hate all straws now, thanks Laozi.
  3. I have a bad feeling this thread will erupt into yet another gender war. I don't think they'll make a KotOR movie. Too many complications in the story and such, too many NPCs that play a part in the story.
  4. I'd rather see the prequel if there is one after the story of Revan and the Exile have come to a satisfactory conclusion. It would probably work better that way too.
  5. There's gotta be a better way to meet nice respectable women. who are also geeks.
  6. Oh no. i can see it now..... STAR WARS EPISODE III The Revenge Of The Sith It is a dark time for the Republic ,projected Government profits for the fiscal year have proven to have been markedly overstated. As a result income tax will increase by 1.5% per head and the C3PO won't be able to afford a new golden shin for his right leg. It was pawned by ANAKIN SKYWALKER to pay for repairs to his bedroom after a tantrum he had last week over how nothing ever went his way. OBI WAN KENOBI, Jedi Master, and Anakins mentor, has been unable to afford a decent haircut in weeks; and has taken to sporting a natty beard in the hope of scrounging some credits while busking on the Coruscant Underground Meanwhile, MACE WINDU has embarked on a personal quest to seek the truth behind SENATOR PALPATINES increased dutytax on the Big Banthapoodoo Burger. Unbeknownst to the JEDI, Senator Palpatine has been creaming the profits to buy himself a pimped up Personal Skiff with Bantha leather seats and wookie fur steering wheel, and bearing the window sticker, 'Honk if you like it Darksyde'. The Saga continues as YODA arrives on Tattooine accompanied by JAR JAR BINKS, intent on pimping the Gungan out to JABBA THE HUT Oh yeah, and theres some war going on. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Funny, HAHAHAHAHA
  7. I'm tempted to buy an XboX just for Jade Empire, but the temptation isn't that great. I have a feeling that it will come out for PC eventually and I can wait a very long time. I'm the patient type.
  8. Personally I don't have any problems with K2 and I run a pretty standard system with a P4 2.4 1G of RAM ATI Radeon 9600 Pro 128m Soundblaster Audigy 2 I mean those parts are pretty standard right? So I'm looking forward to the unofficial content mod more.
  9. Do we have the option to bring dead people back to be immortalized? Does immortality also bring imperviousness? I wouldn't want to be still alive if a train accidently hits me. I nominate Genghis Khan....just to see what would happen you know.
  10. You guys are truly awesome. I propose the members here setup a support fund for these people. Donation like!
  11. I think I love Aurora.
  12. Gary Oldman? I think this guy is great in all his roles. I think he played a good Sirius Black. Orlando Bloom, well not that great an actor yet, but he has time to improve. I didn't mind him as Legolas. He seemed to fit for the role. As for the girls liking him, well wouldn't you be smitten if a guy could bring down a huge Oliphant all by himself with just a couple of arrows? Think of what he could do in bed! Not that I think about that stuff... Gimli rocks!
  13. Bewilderment: It surprises my circuits that despite my menacing glowing red/orange receptors and obvious combat design, the gullible meatbags still think I'm a protocol droid.
  14. this story reminded me of one of those anecdotes you read about Buddhism, I wish i could remember who the guy was, but as his tale goes (I am relating as I remember it, so its not word for word, but we shall call him 'Bob'). Bob did pretty much the same, he went to visit some buddhist monks, Bob himself was a christian, but he respected the religion, and felt there was possibly much he could learn from them. He spent much of his time meditating, being alone, thinking, doing, experiencing life from the perspective the monks guided him towards seeing things. one day Bob was sat, having been alone woith his thoughts, or meditating as you will. how long I do not know, and he had something of an epiphany.. when he returned to the Master who had been guiding him, he told him of his experience.. the Master asked what he had felt.. Bob said (and I'm paraphrasing here) 'I felt all life around me, I felt peace and harmony, and I felt God surrounding me and within me I knew that all was well.' the Master nodded and smiled replying 'Good, you must continue, meditate longer on this and eventually given enough time, God will go away. and then there will just be Bob.' <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Haha I think what the Monk says is true on some level.
  15. You mean the most 'freely expressed body image' city in all of America.
  16. I always thought slaking was the right word. They're slaking their thirst for intellectual conversation. Like that? My favorite part of PST was the gradual discovery of Dak'kon mindset through the Circles of Zerthimom.. I'm partial to people who carry around awesome swords.
  17. My thoughts on the religion thing. I don't really care much for religion. Like all organizations it does the occasional good thing and the bad things that the media blows all out of proportion and whilst playing background music to elicit our emotions. I will not deny the strength that well meaning faith has however. For the devout it is a source of their strength and compassion, which I have both witnessed and felt from some Catholics that are part of my life. Strangely enough these people are more accepting of the differences of others. I do not appreciate religious fanatics that try to shove their beliefs down everyone's collective throats. I believe these are the truly weak people that would fall apart if left to themselves. They have no inner strength and instead must fall back on radical beliefs to fuel their existence, to justify their superiority over others. My parents are Catholic and for a time I attended mass every sunday. During that time it seemed like most people were there not for any spiritual enlightenment and peace, but to further push their own agendas, to advertise their business, to show off their latest possession. Granted this is a part of human nature and I'm not saying this is wrong in anyway. I just thought that most people there were there for the wrong reasons and I stopped going. I once actually did the 40 days 40 nights thing mentioned before. Except I wasn't in a desert. I was up in the mountains in a small buddhist temple. I was up there for about a month, secluded, eating rice and veggies, hiking around the area and climbing to every peak. Just me and my thoughts and my physical self. And in those moments sitting atop a boulder watching the sunset after long days hike I met 'God'. Was it the Catholic/Christian God? Nope. Was it Buddha? Nope. It was the peace I felt within myself and my surroundings. True, I was probably moved emotionally from the grand vistas and my seclusion from the daily stress of everyday life, but I think I realized that life was about simplicity and peace within yourself. Well at least for me. I think everyone should stop running outwards towards the things we see and think will make us happy and look within ourselves a few times. 'God' is within you. My thoughts on the whole gender thing. Men and women both have their strengths and weaknesses. To say one is inherently superior than the other is simply said, stupid. I think radical feminist, like all fanatics are simply not as strong or as superior as they think they are. If women truly are the 'better sex' they wouldn't stoop so low as to express their hate and disdain for half the human population. They can justify their hate and rage on the 'male oppression' they have no doubt acutely felt throughout their lives, but in the end in accomplishes nothing. Women are probably more oppressed now than ever before. Oppressed by the social pressure to be successful, beautiful, a homemaker, a mother all simultaneously. I can sympathize with this but can't help think that feminism has had a great part in this. Feminism seems to portray being a housewife or mother as slavery, when it it one of the most important vocations a woman can have for a stable and healthy society. Men are much as slave to their jobs as some women are a slave to their homes. But no one hears men complain that no one 'appreciates' them. I'm not saying that women should all stay at home. Talented women should contribute all they have to society, but they must realize that being successful at work calls for sacrifice in other areas and this is not the fault of 'male oppression'. Nor should women be ashamed of staying at home and raising children. Simply put no one can be everything at once, or fulfill completely the responsibilties that come with a particular role, all simultaneously. If men and women learn to pool their strengths and complement each other instead of engaging in meaningless gender wars I believe both would be a lot happier. My thoughts on US diplomacy. Maybe later. I wondering right now why the hell I'm writing this on a gaming forum anyway.
  18. Wow, never heard of this happening. I had the ever spawning flaming fist guys bug. There were hundreds of the guys on the screen and my computer couldn't handle it. I had fun launching Cloudkills and Fireballs into the mass though, before my computer stopped completely. I never heard of a dissapearing Scar bug. Sorry I can't be of help. Maybe he's hiding behind a door or something. Neb might have eaten him.... :">
  19. Anachronox. Great game, highly underrated. You'll like it Plano. It has a great story, quirky companions which include worlds...literally. heh. The combat is turn based as well. The setting is space and the movement controls are similar to KotOR with the over the shoulder view in a 3D envirnonment. The graphics will probably look dated, but they're still pretty to my eyes.
  20. So there's a Iridoria and a Iridonia? My bad.
  21. There's nothing wrong with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. At least the 80's TMNT's. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The original Turtle comics by the creators were actually pretty cool. I remember the artwork and subject matter being a lot more mature.
  22. In one of the later cartoon episodes where Rodimus is the leader of the Autobots and Megatron gets a full body transformation into....purple armor, some human astronauts discover a ship with Optimus Prime in it heading for the sun and rescue his body. Can't remember how they bring him back to life though. I think the robots with the tentacle arms help out or something. And the autobots do fight each other for awhile and so do they humans. They were both susceptible to the virus which Optimus Prime was carrying. Then Optimus gets his wits back, kicks some butt and sets everything right. I think after a few episodes Optimus has to sacrafice himself again for some cause or another. Can't remember.
  23. Things I can't wait to see revealed. 1. Chewbacca kicking some serious butt in his younger days. 2. The Mace and Sidious confrontation. I don't think Mace will be inferior to Sidious is pure combat ability and so I'm curious to how he is killed. 3. Anakin and Dooku duel 4. Anakin and Obiwan duel. I think Anakin will have superior lightsaber ability but Obi Wan has more experience and the cooler head though this coolheadedness will undoubtably be pushed to the limits 5. Birth of Luke and Leia 6. Greivous and Obiwan Duel. How will Obiwan get out of this one I wonder. Grevious seems totally badass. 7. Betrayal and elimination of the Jedi 8. Confrontation between Yoda and Sidious. I think both will be injured in some way. 9. The creation of Darth Vader...this is gonna send chills up and down my spine.
  24. Zabrak is the name of the humanoid horn headed species. Iridonia is the system they come from, which may of may not be shared with other species. I think it is though because the Iridorian Mercenary you meet on Manaan doesn't seem to be a Zabrakian and also Zabraks by themselves don't seem to be a bloodthirsty race.
  25. Saberist, are you writing a paper on story elements and the KotOR series? Interesting read and you do bring up some interesting points, especially on the characterization of Bastila and Revan though I frankly don't understand some of the things you're writing about. I'll come back around and read it again later when I'm not so tired.
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