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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. Thanks for the analysis Montegue. You obviously know more about two weapon fighting than I do. I wasn't trying to say that having one arm follow the other was a good thing to do. I was saying that's what usually happened during my first time practicing. I've never had any experience with a rapier or other western weapons so I can't comment on that but with a shorter katana type weapon there are more slashing manuevers than thrusting manuevers. The important aspect of slashing is the ability to delivery it quickly and also stop it before you over-extend yourself to one side and therefore, as you mentioned, horribly expose yourself to the opposite angle. When performing a conventional two hand slash with a katana, your left hand on bottom and right hand top, the left hand is used to move the blade and the right to guide the blade. If you become accustomed to this grip, it feels very awkward to use just one hand to do both since it requires considerable more strength in the hands, wrists and arms. The practice exercises I mentioned aren't made to be used in actual combat of course. I certainly wouldn't simply circle my weapon around and around like an idiot against an opponent. The exercises I mentioned are just that, exercises meant for your weaker arm to grow stronger and for you to grow accustomed to wielding two weapons at once. And of course, your arms shouldn't mimic each other, nor should they encumber each other. I wasn't saying they should. I found that trying to perform cutting techniques with two katanas caused me to overextend a lot because my arms, wrists and hands were just learning to compensate for wielding two weapons in two hands at the same time. This caused my arms to cross over each other and to avoid this I found one arm slashing in the same direction as the other. I was forced to do many painful exercises related to my head and neck as punishment everytime my two arms got in the way of each other. Ideally, two weapons should be wielded as you say, compensating for both offense and defense each complementing the other. Which is kinda what I meant by separately and independantly. I don't know about you, but for me, trying to exert control over my two arms at the same time was a difficult exercise, and at times I wished I could actually spilt my consciousness to two separate halves. Each half controlling one of my arms. That's what I meant by that. Maybe I should have elaborated more.
  2. You can turn Baodur to a Jedi? Cool, never knew that. Although I've only played through once. I never got the option to Jedify him, getting only the 'nevermind' like most people here. When will the option eventually show up? After you max influence him?
  3. Being a guy this is what went through my mind during character creation in K1. "Ok....do I want to look at man's ass or a woman's ass for the next 50 hours of my life?" "Definitely a woman's ass." "Ok, but since you can romance that hot chick with the lightsaber on the cover, maybe I shoould play Revan as a man. I mean really don't want to romance a man. That would be just weird. Really weird." "So what's worse? Looking a man's ass or professing my undying love to a man?" "Hmm....this is really a no win situation here." In the end I decided that a nicely toned man's ass might be able to pass for woman's. I think I gave to much information here....but what the hell, I'll post anyways. I think this is why I prefer the top down view in RPGs. On a more serious note, like others have said, this game is your own personal experience and will not somehow affect the games of others. Just think whatever you want. If Revan is a man in your game fine, if she was a woman fine. And I agree that all these combinations will be a nightmare for any potential sequel if Revan and/or the Exile show up. Maybe there could be a Revan and Exile Character Creation Screen when you start. I don't think it'll be that hard to implement. Back to the gender wars! "
  4. Wielding two weapons at the same time with any amount of efficiency does take a lot of practice. If your right hand is dominant, then try swinging a simple stick with only your left hand. Its an awkward exercise at first. now imagine that stick is long and heavy and you'll get the picture. I've studied martial arts as well. At least the eastern ones. The only experience I had with two weapon fighting were with two short katanas, well they aren't katanas per se, since Koreans use a slightly different type but its close enough. Most people find as I did that the natural way the arms act when holding two weapons is that one will follow the other. Or rather one arm will naturally follow the momentum caused by the movement of another. If the arms cross it really becomes an awkward mess of hands, arms and whatever weapon your holding. Thus the basics require you to first accustom yourself with the flow of the weapons having one trail the other, which results in circular movements. The purpose of this exercise is to accustom your weaker arm to the natural movements of the blade. Once your weaker arm becomes stronger and used to the weight and flow of the weapon, you have to train your mind and body so your arms can act seperately and independantly from each other without causing awkward crossing. It's pretty hard sense your hands and arms try to tend to mimic each other.
  5. A bug with Bao Dur. I can't seem to initiate dialog with him. When he's on the Ebon Hawk working on the ship and when I click on him to start talking all he does is turn towards me and no dialog options appear. If I try to initiate dialog outside the Ebon Hawk, same thing happens except now he even stops following me around. The only way I've found that will work in to press tab outside the Hawk to switch to BaoDur then have him initiate dialog with my PC. However after the first two dialogs about the floating droid and a little about the why he joined the war, no other dialog options appear except for 'Nevermind' Is that all there is to Baodur's dialog options with the PC?
  6. Damn you! No offense :D
  7. Yeah, at first Darth Vader was the name of well...Darth Vader. It wasn't until later that it became a title for the Lords of the Sith after Darth Bane, the first 'Darth' Darth Bane is the guy who started the whole law of the two thing. Only Two Dark lords at any one time, one the master and one the apprentice. Bane lived about 1000 years before the first movie. But this is all EU and therefore can probably be changed on GL's whim
  8. I really don't want to listen to all that stuff! It's so tempting, but a part of me hopes a special content patch will be released and I can see everything fresh! Here's hoping!
  9. If it doesn't have Revan or the Exile in it? I would probably still buy it. but I wouldn't pick it up immediately. I'd wait around see what it was all about and if everyone starts raving about how cool it is, and then when the prices drop, I'll get it then. I'm not curious about a whole new story set in the KotOR era until the fate of Revan is known.
  10. Zach Morris...I looked at your picture and I am scared. Why are there two men in close proximity with each other, their shirts open, smiling at everyone? But back to the thread. Let's not play the blame game here. What's done is done is done. Everyone is a little dissapointed with the end of K2. Don't tell me you aren't just a little bit! Some people just focus on all the good stuff about the game and some people just concentrate on what K2 could have been. I'm conflicted myself. It is a good game but could have been more. It makes me sad. But that didn't stop me from starting a DS game to forget my sadness. Heh, what's in the game is pretty good.
  11. I can see that. Anakin: I'm still so pissed off about my Mom! I miss her so! Revan: You know, I once helped a friend come to terms with her mother, maybe I can help you too! Anakin: My mother is dead! Revan: Oh, sorry bout that....was she eaten by a Krayt Dragon by any chance? Anakin: No she was tortured by Sandpeople! Revan: Oh the Sandpeople! They're not so bad if you get them some moisture vaporaters. The chieftan will even give you his Gaffi Stick if you do that. Err...you don't have an estranged older brother or sister too do you? Anakin: What the hell are you talking about? The Sandpeople are EVIL! They're animals and they should be slaughtered like animals! Revan: You know, you sound like a droid I know!. I think you two will get along. I'll get him for you. *Uses the rapid transit system to suddenly dissapear.* Anakin: RWAAAARGH! Unless you played DS Revan.
  12. It was a good game! I don't think anyone is in dispute of that, except for a few. The reason people are dissapointed is because we know that Obsidian could have done a lot better, would have done a lot better given the time. The members of OE are the some of the people that gave us the best RPGs ever. RPGs that I personally play to this day. That's what makes me sad. But I'll say thanks OE, you did craft a great game. One that I enjoyed playing and one that I'll play again. P.S. I'll play it more and cherish it like my own son if you release a content patch that patches up the ending!
  13. Yes, but Revan captured the jedi, tortured them and turned them into the Dark Side. Hmm... Oh well, to each his own.
  14. Due to the extremely high levels Revan and Exile are at the end of each of their respective games, I find it unlikely that the main PC will be either. Unless they find some highly innovative way to explain taking down levels, or they just knock the levels back and say 'deal with it' then make leveling a gradual process that ends at 20 or whatever the D20 rules has as the level limit, then I'd say hi to the new PC. The new PC that is so powerful in the Force that he/she is able to take on the True Sith, but has never been felt till now. Hey the universe is a big place right?
  15. Yes, I realized that you should always have the NPCs you want to influence most in your party the majority of the time. However, I don't think the interactions content with the NPCs is there. They feel too short and reveal less, or reveal too much to in too short a time for the influence system to acheive its full potential.
  16. One would think that you're deliberately instigating the Revan fans and Bastila lovers Laozi. Wait...I fall into that category. Oh Well. *Shakes fist*
  17. Given how much discontent there is concerning the ending of K2, here's a link to what the Resident Cynic thinks http://www.gamespy.com/articles/588/588057p1.html?fromint=1
  18. When asked about the Mandalorians Kreia answers Sounds like some people we know from episode 2 to me.
  19. No, it's actually one step above PST. In PST all your companions defended you at the end. It seems here there are mutilple scenarios which could have played out according your influence with each of the members of your party. So there could have been betrayal within the ranks of your own party, or it could have them working altogether. Granted, there are similarities to PST where the Exile must go alone into battle knowing that a safe return is impossible, but more of an awesome thing isn't necessarily bad in my book. This adds a whole new replayability to the game. I for one would go back again and again just to see those endings. Though I must agree that it would have been a nightmare for the writers of a would be K3 trying to somehow manage all those stories and possible endings, but as another poster has said, it wouldn't be too hard to implement a system like BG2, bringing back characters that you thought were dead. Though it could detract from the game, and possibly give less meaning to the sacrifices made in K2...had those endings been actually implemented. It seems like the entire end sequence on M5 had your party members thrown from the crash initially and separated. Mira, Disicple/Handmaiden, Visas and Atton. All the members you could train to be a Jedi now that I think of it. Obviously they all meet up with Kreia and are tested in some way leading to jealous betrayal or meeting up later on as a team having conquered their inner fears. Mira's encounter with Hanharr was just one the sequences where we would have taken control of those characters. As for the Bao-dur, Mandalore, T3 and HK47, we can only speculate. Bao Dur I think was originally meant to die or sacrifice himself, which makes the whole hologram thing more understandable. I'm guessing Mandalore goes back to strengthen the Mandalorians while HK and T3 remain on the Ebon Hawk. Who do you think fixes the Ebon Hawk and pilots it after is crashed against boulders? I haven't played DS and all the endings shown here seem like LS endings. Maybe there's a entire part for a DS ending hidden away in the files as well. Those endings make the roles of Revan and the Exile a lot more significant. Revan purged the Jedi and the Exile begins to rebuild the Jedi from his own teachings. Making a stronger more competent generation who aren't blinded by their own fears and arrogance, if LS of course. Don't know about DS. Didn't Black Isle Studios release a new downloadable expansion pack for Icewind Dale titled Trials of the Luremaster, after they received so many complaints about Heart of Winter? I wonder if the former members of BIS would be willing to do that again for K2. They'd probably need the ok from LA though. I wonder how it worked for ToTL? Anyways I doubt that ever happening, since LA giving the ok would mean that they admit they did indeed release a game before it was finished and were just looking for more profits. And we know how stuckup huge companies are right?
  20. I don't think that's a bad idea at all. Sure its been done before, but if they can flesh out an excellent story I don't see why not. I think the writers of K3 are going to have their head fulls I mean the game possibilities at the moment are too many K1: Lightside Male K2:Lightside Male K1: Lightside Female K2: Lightside Male K1: Lightside Male K2: Lightside Female K1: Lightside Female K2:Lightside Female K1: Lightside Male K2: Darkside Male K1: Lightside Female K2:Darkside Male . . . . . . You get the picture. I think some sacrifices will have to be made in regards to the to preceding stories to make a better game. Which brings up the question, of the many games you've played through K1 and K2, did all of them hold the same significance? Or were some playthroughs just games to see what would happen? For me, The games that hold the most significance are lightside male for both K1 and K2, usually with the first characters I make. For me, that's the way the story unfolded and that is the setting for future games. Other games while fun were just whatif games mostly. I'm sure there are other players whose most significant games are both DS. How will the K3 Devs...IF K3 happens, account for all the combinations? That's what concerns me most.
  21. The main reason so many jedi become corrupted during the Mandalorian Wars is because the dark side energies at Malachor 5. Also Revan actively trained Sith Assassins to capture and corrupt Jedi by bringing them to Malachor 5. I believe the entire reason the pivotal battle was fought over Malachor 5 is because it gave Revan to dual opportunity to wield the dark force energies from the planet to rout the Mandalorian forces and simultaneously corrupt the Jedi he had brought to fight for his cause. During the clone wars Sidious' plan wasn't to bring more more jedi to his cause but rather weave a strategy with multiple layers of deceit and betrayal and obliterate the Jedi altogether.
  22. I'm nocturnal and need only a few hours sleep to get me functional. If I don't fall alseep before midnight, then my brain kick starts again and my next sleep cycle doesn't hit me until 4 hours later. Fortunately if its dark when I go to bed and light when I wake, I'm pretty much ok. I'm planning to run through the game again as a DS character to influence different people and influence other people differently.
  23. Hi guys and gals. Well I've completed TSL as the lightside Exile, and hmm...I must say my feelings are mixed. I've read the posts by the forum users here and there seems to be people who think its great and people who are dissapointed. I'd have to say that I can understand where both groups are coming from. First the influence system. Granted I've only played through it once and have yet to experience it all, but from what I've experienced during my playthrough I got the feeling that while it worked, it was cut short. Examples, When Mira joined my party after Nar Shaddaa, I had a few conversations with her. Only about after two or three, she was fully influenced towards the lightside and no other dialog trees came up. This was all at once too, meaning I did nothing between the conversations except click on her right after the preceding conversation was over. Was that all it was supposed to be? Do more appear if she becomes a Jedi? My suspicion is no because: Atton and Handmaiden who I influenced to become Jedi had no new dialog trees after their conversion. You'd think they'd badger the Exile with all sorts of questions on the actions and philosophies of the Jedi, but nope. I thought the entire master-apprentice thing would have great if there were multiple conversations on the Jedi or Sith teachings, where you could influence them further into the light or dark. It didn't take much conversation with the two to get them to become Jedi as well. Again did I miss something or was that all? Visas was dissapointing as well. After she joined me I explored all the initial dialog trees, again all at once, learning about her master and her homeplanet and her history. It doesn't really take long since she's just giving the tip of the iceberg. All of the sudden she's fully lightside and in love with me. What? How'd that happen? Is my influence that great? I only had 10 charisma. Besides I hardly knew her, had no options to delve more into her background, or her treatment at the hands of her master, what horrors she must have witnessed and what pain she must have endured. I'm sure there is more to the influence system. I haven't had the chance to fully influence Bao-Dur because of some bug I think. Whenever I started a conversation with him he'd say, "General?" and my only option was "Nevermind" I'm most curious to know what happened between the Exile and Bao at Malachor 5 and I'm sure he could fill me in. I also haven't fully influenced HK-47 and Mandalore. I tried, but maybe because of my alignment I was unable to. I'm sure both have some great stories to tell that I'm dying to hear. I also greatly enjoyed my dialog with Kreia, learning more about the Force and trying to question her motives, learning that she had once trained Revan. That was pretty good stuff G0-T0 was great as well. Haha, he was like the evil droid version of Hari Seldon.(For those of you who have read the Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov) I laughed my ass off when G0T0 and HK meet onboard the Hawk and G0T0 says, "Ahhh HK-47" and HK answers, "Ahh yes, the fat one." HAHAHA Now before any of you staunch K2 defenders rip me a new ion engine, know that I did greatly enjoy K2. I couldn't stop playing the damn thing. Part of this was because K2 did have a good story that kept pushing you to play. Another part for me was because I truly expected to meet my Revan's companions from K1 and of course to discover the fate of Revan himself. I'm sure this was a great motivation to play for many gamers. Sure some people write off the NPCs from K1 as stereotypical and bland, their sidequests boring and have nothing to with the main plot. But when you think about it, when Revan helped each NPC resolve some part of their past or destroy it, he was in fact resolving or destroying a part of himself as well. If you played light, Revan was rediscovering the compassion within himself once more, and if dark he was sinking deeper into destruction and betrayal. If lightside, a camaraderie was formed between the characters. The NPCs trusted you and you trusted them as well. And at the ending when your group received the cheers and adulation, it was like you'd been to hell and back. All of you had triumphed. If darkside, you truly felt evil as you mercilessly cut those down that had given their trust to you, truly falling to the darkside. It had everything to do with the main quest which was redeeming Revan or succumbing to the darkside once more as much as it was defeating Malak. It was great! I admit that the K2 NPC's had more intriguing backgrounds. A darkside Miraluka, an Echani handmaiden, a female bounty hunter who herself is hunted, a floating torture droid...I mean what more can you ask for? But for me they falied to bond with my version of the lightside Exile. Possibly because they were all influenced too easily and readily, without having shared nothing other than a few conversations or in handmaiden's case a few sparring matches. In K1 the NPCs opened up during the course of the game and through the completion of their quests and you felt closer to them because of that. So in conclusion if there ever was one, my great enjoyment from K2 stemmed from K2's intriguing story and the anticipation of discovering the fates of the K1 characters. I can't help but wonder if the latter part was due to the fact that so many of K2's NPCs felt not fully fleshed out and had they been, my curiousity of Revan and the K1 cast would have taken a back seat, thus greatly improving the game experience. I think this is why some players felt dissapointed at the end. Not only did we not discover the fates of the K1 crew but when we were told the fates of our companions from K2 we could hardly care less. Thanks if you read this far, I wasn't going to write this much but it came out as I was writing. Of course you're free to agree of disagree and I'd appreciate some feedback on what all of you think. Now for sleep!
  24. Much to the horror of Dustil, who in revenge seduces Jolee creating a complicated love triangle.
  25. Wow, although my eyes hurt from trying to read all that,(can you make it easier to read, like spacing the lines spoken?) it is very reminiscent of another game, which we all know well. (PST) Especially your party members defending you and confronting the enemy to protect you. It was extremely emotional in PST and had it been included in TSL, it probably would have been awesome...in a sad emotional way. Ah well~
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