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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. I pretty much don't want to see -level scaling -infinitely increasing stats that warp my perception of what is strong/agile/wise/intelligent/hardy etc. -infinitely increasing AC, to hit etc., that usually follows from above -I'll second Gromnir about crappy endings. I would like something meaningful at the end of the journey. It doesn't have to be long or drawn out. Something like the ending to PS:T with your companions would be great. I admit, I got kinda teary.
  2. It's a must for me as I find friendly fire offers another layer of complexity and tactics to the combat. It just gave me more options to approach a situation, such as giving all fire resist items to a lone fighter and sending them into melee while the rest of the party threw vials of explosion, fireballs etc. at the enemy. Or giving a fighter free action items then webbing the general area with my other party members using spells and missile weapons. I encounters should be designed and balanced with FF in mind but you can turn it off if you want. I really liked the little AI on/off button in the IE games so simpler battles could be won with it on, but it could be quickly turned off when facing more difficult challenges where micro management was needed. An AI on/off button right in the main game screen would be great. Since PE is based on a reputation system, I would like to see friendly fire implemented into it. Let's say an enemy party ambushes you in town if you're a good-aligned party. They start throwing around AOE spells which can harm bystanders and you are restricted, or blast one out as a last resort. Though the fight wasn't instigated by you the town/faction will still blame you for it which might lead to different consequences later on. These are things I would like to see.
  3. As long as we can import custom portraits, I'll be a happy camper.
  4. If there are romances I'd like them to more like Torment. Deionarra, Annah and Fall From Grace were all memorable great characters. I also quite enjoyed the Safiya romance in MoTB. I don't mind if they are or are not included, but I would enjoy something more intricate and subtle that grows slowly and is tied to the plot in some way.
  5. Awesome. Though I buy most of my PC games through Steam now, I'll stick with GOG on this one.
  6. I would like to see formations play more important role in combat. BG/IWD series had formations, but they did little to impact actual gameplay apart from deciding which party members were attacked first. I would also like to see enemies use formations of their own and part of the tactical planning was your party breaking up enemy formation while maintaining theirs. For example, your party comes across a squad of goblins, which are weak individually but formation up so that shields are up front and archers are behind. This gives the archers signifcant bonuses to defense from any frontal attack and gives the shield wielders added protection from arrows and flanking attacks. They don't break that formation but stand their ground. Your party is in a similar formation, with two sword and shield warriors up front, a ranger and thief in the middle and a wizard and cleric bringing up the rear. This party formation will offer bonuses to defense for party members behind the two warriors, but if the warriors charge at the goblin line from too far away, the formation breaks and the goblin archers will have better chance to hit your more squishy members. So your objective is to get close while keeping formation and to break up the goblin formation when you get there. Maybe your ranger and thief can stealth and flank using disorienting combat skills to break the line. Maybe you can advance slowly keeping everyone in formation with the wizard casting a protective shield to stop arrows coming down over your shields while your ranger pops up periodically to launch an arrow at high ranking targets, angling his shots up so they go over the enemy shields (that would be one of his skills). Once close your warriors could weapon swap to long two handed weapons and smash through the shield wall causing the archers to panic and run. Your archer and thief would clean up individual goblins with ease while your mage and cleric unleash their spells now that they aren't targets for the archers. Something like that would be fun. Or at least in my head it is.
  7. I practically squealed in glee when I heard of this project and immediately backed it. I've loved all your games so far including those from the Black Isle days and I'm glad to see this kind of game can be made with the support of the community. Good luck to everyone at Obsidian and I look forward to more updates!
  8. Gods, I would love to do this, but I think it might consume my life. I have little self-control when it comes to addictive games.
  9. I read the title too fast and thought someone was making a Jan Jansen spin-off game. I would have totally funded it.
  10. Not sure what is going here, but I like it.
  11. I believe it is recommended to start a new game. I re-started a game I had left before EE in the middle of chapter 2. There seems to be a prevalent game-breaking bug if you installed EE and loaded a previous game in Chapter 2. Basically there is a wheel you have to turn to advance the plot, but the wheel is broken. I went to the tech-forums on the Witcher website and the only solutions presented is downgrading to version 2.0, completing that quest, then re-updating to EE. I really don't want to go through that hassle or start a new game, so I've stopped playing. Guess I'll wait for a patch, if there is one, or start a new game a long time from now.
  12. So are the class stories good enough by themselves to warrant a play through? I'm not interested in raiding or other mmo activities. I just want a good story in the SW universe. Can your choices affect the outcome of the story? For example a Jedi knight making evil choices will eventually fall to the dark side or vice versa with a sith.
  13. Uncharted. I'm always up for a nice adventure movie.
  14. I enjoyed DA2 overall. I played through twice once as a warrior and the other time as a archer rogue. I agree with complaints concerning repeating areas, non-changing city and a non-reactive world. It made the game world pretty lifeless and did little to invest the player in it. I thought NPCs were ok, but I liked DA1 characters more. I found most of them annoying except for Aveline and Varric. I enjoyed combat overall. I played on nightmare for the friendly fire and it does keep you on your toes, forcing you to create good cross-class combos. I wish they would get rid of the HP bloat in harder difficulties and just give enemies deadlier attacks, the same ones your party uses. I can understand having to hit dragons and demons many many times to kill them, but humans and humanoids shouldn't take hundreds of strikes to take down. The act 2 boss battle was horrible on nightmare. I do wish Bioware would go with a less restrictive system though. I wanted my warrior to use bows as well as words and I love to play rogues with a short sword and buckler. If they made it so that your character can choose what skill trees they want from all classes (excluding the mage tree for lore reasons, unless you're a mage) I would enjoy that far more.
  15. Personally, I've gained and lost weight. I've been fat and thin. I like to eat and enjoy pretty much all food and drink, except for beer, but only because it gives me massive headaches for some reason. Harder liquor seems to be fine. I don't enjoy participating in many sports, because personality wise I'm more of a loner and not very competitive so I can't seem to get motivated to chase after a ball/puck/whatever. I like watching, though that's more because I'm with friends usually eating and drinking. The best exercise for me is weightlifting. It's something I do by myself which fits my personality. I enjoy the physical and mental component to it. For example it I am squatting heavy, I have to convince myself mentally that I can do it before I get under the bar. Most importantly, it keeps my diet in check because in order to progress in my lifting I have to eat right. So yeah, finding some exercise that fits your mentality is important.
  16. I was turned off by the demo and purchased Risen during a steam sale. I had a lot of fun with it in the end however. I remember running away from an Ogre right into a camp full of those warrior monks. Chaos ensued with the Ogre killing all but 2 of the monks before dying. I was helping the monks with arrows but then they turned on me after the battle so I was forced to kill them. Later as I was running around I could hear other monks talking about how they hadn't received word from that camp for a while and didn't know what was going on. It was a small thing, but made me that much more vested in the game world. It was fun to explore places that were much too high level for me and sometimes finding dirty tricks to win anyway. When I first encountered the lizardmen, they were much to hard for me, so I took a running jump from a cliff to the roof of a house and arrowed it from there. Also a few more of those monks that were in the village were killed fighting with the lizardmen. I really didn't like those monks.
  17. Might get it if it comes out for pc and isn't a horrible port. Enjoying open world games a lot more now. I had a blast with Skyrim. The sharing of npcs sounds pretty interesting though it might seem weird if your followers already know this this quest from a parallel dimension.
  18. So I've been reading that if this does well we might potentially get a BG3. I would like to have another adventure along the Sword Coast, see the effects of the previous games. What would you like to see?
  19. There's no DA mod for skyrim yet?
  20. I'm still satisfied with my ipad 1. But then again, all I do is check email and watch some netflix on it.
  21. 1: Played on PC and didn't encounter any huge bugs. Ran smoothly for the most part on my old rig and still looked great with many of the graphic options turned off. I'm not sure how well it will run on 360. 2: I think it's a great RPG. You are presented with many choices and they do play into the game. As others have said, depending on how you complete Act 1, Act 2 will be totally different. I replayed the from the end of Act 1 to see how different choices worked out and I was pleased with the different path the game takes. In fact I would encourage you to play it twice, because you get a better grasp of the overall story. Other things I enjoyed were reading up on different enemies in the game to learn how to destroy them as well as learning how to harvest different raw materials for crafting. You can craft various potions and poisons for your sword and going into battle prepared pays off. You can develop along three main skill trees of sword fighting, magic and potions. 3: I would say sword combat is the weakest portion of the game. Unlike the Witcher 1, this game is more action based. You swing your sword with a mouse-click, actively dodge and roll away from enemies and block incoming attacks. My biggest complaint is that Geralt is presented as this master swordsman, but when you actually control him, you're running around in circles trying not to get surrounded and mostly do pathetic hit and roll away attacks, as being surrounded is usually a death sentence. This is mitigated somewhat if you upgrade a skill that literally gives you shields but has the drawback of the sword combat quickly becoming easy and tedious. There is no fluidity or rhythm to the sword combat and I think this is due to a lack of an effective block-parry-counter system. I found I enjoyed myself better when playing more as a magic user. Overall though, I enjoyed it a lot and recommend it.
  22. About the Asari thing.
  23. I can't believe I read the entire first post. Interesting, but I think its giving Bioware way too much credit. Besides if
  24. I had close to 7000 military strength, with the 50% modifier I got around 3500 EMS, which was good enough to unlock 3 choices at the end. I think I got most of the side quests, if not all. I was pretty thorough since I tend to be a completionist when it comes to side quests. I played some multiplayer after the SP, and it is pretty fun, but then I again I really like the core gameplay. I'm pretty bad at shooters in general, but ME offers enough variety to make me effective without being the best shot. However 2 games in a row seem to be my limit as it grows a bit tedious after that. After about 2 hours, my modifier was around 85%, so I got to see the secret ending. As for the ending, I think its ok despite the various plotholes. I am mostly displeased because there wasn't enough information to give a clearer picture on what is going on and why I should accept it. I don't think Bioware will change the endings in any DLC. I actually find the state of the galaxy pretty interesting at the end. As for ME3 DLC, I was pretty satisfied with the quality of most ME2 DLC. They weren't all copy-paste jobs like DAO DLC and each offered new locations and items and some different gameplay elements. At this point though, I don't have any real urge to purchase any pre-endgame ME3 DLC because what's the point? DLC that would interest me is something that expands upon the end-game sequence. I was hoping for the endgame to be drawn out and brutal. I was expecting Shephard to help Anderson lay out the entire battle plan, and you could assign the allies you picked up, ME2 and ME3 party members to specific roles according to their aptitude much like ME2.
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