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Everything posted by AGX-17

  1. All we have are race and class names and vague descriptions to go with established RPG stereotypes about the races & classes which have them, and close to zero information about the actual game rules, mechanics, world, story, etc. You're not "playing the game," you're "imagining playing what you imagine the game will be." Which is not playing the game, because it would only be through astronomically good luck that your imagined game wound up being the same as the game that will be produced. And even then, nobody else is privy to the finished game that exists in your head, so how are we to "play the game" without access to that information?
  2. Moonrise Kingdom. More sentimental and idyllic than your standard Wes Anderson fare, but appropriately surreal and kitschy. I wouldn't call it saccharine, but if anyone but Wes Anderson had made it, it would probably feel that way if they didn't try to make it "darker" somehow. Only real flaws were the unexplained heel-face turn of the khaki scout troop (spoiler I guess,) and all the bandying about of Tilda Swinton's name since she had all of 5 minutes of screen time. It was quite good, at any rate. Not a movie. Not nitpicking if it's trueeeeee.
  3. No way to know without actually playing the game, knowing all the story circumstances and trying on all the character classes and races.
  4. I think it makes no sense.
  5. Wait, but how can you support an American Capitalist company like Obsidian or their games, they're spreading the lies of American Imperialism through the illusion of "video games"! If someone says something that offends you, you can ignore it, or say something that offends them, and if you believe them to be morally or factually incorrect, construct an objective, evidence based argument on why they're mistaken. Trying to silence them shows you're afraid of what they have to say, it shows that you believe that their words have power. The worst thing you can do against any outspoken ideologue is ignore them. If they seek attention, don't give it to them. Besides, if you've been oppressed and abused by one power (like, say, the Soviet Union,) and someone else comes along and forces them out, and treats you better than the old masters, how do you react? There's more than one side to every story. All Wehrmacht soldiers had to swear an oath of lifetime loyalty to Hitler and the Nazi party, so technically, yes, they were all Nazis. Most of the German war crimes, especially in the Soviet Union, were committed by the regular Wehrmacht anyway, the Gestapo and SS were too small to pull all those atrocities off on their own. http://www.strategic...man-nazism.html So, what, we're supposed to infer that the British (or Anglo-Saxon race? This slope is becoming ever more slippery,) created the Nazis? Let's not forget that it was the French and their desire for vengeance with the Treaty of Versailles that left Germany weak enough for Hitler to take power in parliamentary horse-trading. Indeed, and the Soviets took as many German scientists as they could get their hands on for the same purposes, the coming economic, social and technological conflict with the Capitalist world. All the major players saw the writing on the wall. Russia and America were going to be the big winners in the end. Churchill actually seriously wanted to go to war with the Soviets immediately after the surrender of Germany and Japan, even going so far as to suggest they use the remnants of the German military as the vanguard.
  6. Revoking that, Dai-2-Ji Super Robot Wars OG is my GOTY for the next 3 years running. Literally getting my mind blown every 10 minutes.
  7. Who needs cold fusion when you can just contract a hollow-Earth's wind goddess to power your giant robot? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pDjUdtIJvU What I'm playing. Watch in 720, obviously. Not personally, no. Hubs tried both...the most recent one, he started it, killed some bad guys, saw that the first quest was an Arena thing, did that, and quit. (there's more to it than the Arena, we don't know how that works exactly). Then he started the Pirate one. He skipped most side quests and finished it last night (he went in around lvl 21/Siren). I watched him play it here and there. It looked ok ... some new enemies (some that look/act like Zero, heh)...not something to write home about but the usual mix of stuff with a big reward at the end. The jetspeeder boat vehicles were kind of cool. The arena thing in the Torgue DLC isn't all there is to it like the Moxxi DLC for BL1. There's a plot twist that actually locks you out of the arena for the duration of the DLC, until the end. Most of it is standard missions/questing (it's worth it just to see Tiny Tina's party bus.) Tiny Tina sends you on an infiltration mission back in to steal cookies, though. Also it's ****ing hilarious. Another mission/quest has Mr. Torgue sending you to murder a game reviewer who said a video game he likes sucked. Overall it's better than the Captain Scarlett DLC, which is average. More Borderlands 2 is great for those of us who love BL2 is basically all that can be said about it. Turns into an absurd MMO scenario with its raid bosses after completion. Extremely tough with a group, near impossible to solo, even nearer impossible to solo with Maya.
  8. And they succeeded :D Major props to who the guy who posted th Sui Geneis link in Total Biscuit's project eternity interview video. The helped some. Not to mention tweets from people like Brian Fargo. Surprise upset.
  9. They should actually do that just to parody lockpicking minigames. You literally cannot fail unless it's the wrong key.
  10. But that's another one of those "chosen one" type situations. Yu (now his canon name,) is the only character able to use persona powers "naturally,"as his chance encounter with Izanami necessarily places him in the center of events.
  11. Yeah that was my first reaction, too. More to the point though, I take issue with nomenclature: Diethebile sounds way too much like deathbile, that doesn't sound very fitting for a Tree of Life/World Tree/Yggdrasil analogue. Bile itself evokes negative imagery, because bile is a digestive fluid from the small intestine. To name a place "bile" would imply a lot of disembowelment at the very least. Anyway, like I've said in some of the other threads, there are animist religions like Shinto that regard every tree as having its own spirit and can consider the biggest, most aged trees to be gods in their own right.
  12. To be fair though: Sean Bean getting killed has become kind of a staple. I want a completly unpredictable ending where everyone dies except for Sean Bean! So much so that the moment I saw who he was playing in the AGoT tv series, I knew that character was gonna die at some point. The guy is a walking spoiler for pretty much every character he plays. I'm starting to wonder if the guy has a fetish for his characters being killed off in various ways. So yeah an ending where he doesn't die would be one I never would've seen coming. Well, to be fair, you would also know he dies if you'd read the book.
  13. What does luck have to do with debauchery? Fortune/luck are concepts that go beyond gambling, people curse their misfortune in all aspects of life just as they can feel lucky when they succeed at something. Whether or not you get a hangover or have a party is tangential to luck.
  14. ....Your assertion makes the fallacious assumption that skyrim sold more than 60 million copies.
  15. Well, if they'd set their goal 10k lower they would actually have succeeded.
  16. But why would they follow the player character, then, aside from "Oh you are the CHOSEN ONE! I must follow you in your quest to fulfill the prophecy!"?
  17. Black Isle had made turn-based games. Isn't it Bioware that gave us realtime with pause? And it's already been established that PE will be realtime w/ pause. It has been made quite clear. It's not my preference either, but that's how it goes.
  18. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No randomly/procedurally-generated dungeons. Those are always bad and never fun. They are always a stupid maze of right angled corridors. It doesn't even make sense unless it's JUST ONE "wacky randomly changing dungeon."
  19. Isn't the point of this type of dungeon just to appeal to dungeon-crawler fans anyway? Generally speaking, the nobility of feudal times gained and lost that status through martial strength. Kings can and have be overthrown by dissatisfied lords, lords can and have been crushed by the king if he sics the other lords' armies on him, commoners have risen up and slaughtered the nobility, too. Marie Antoinette was looking down on the peasantry right before her head came off. *rimshot* Most feudal nobles were pragmatists. The ones who weren't tended to be in exile or dead. To see some hero capable of monstrous feats of killing would be like discovering the only source of water in the middle of a desert full of rich people dying of thirst. Depending on how arrogant they were they'd see either a tool to enhance their position or a potentially powerful ally to enhance their position. All that it really took to become a king or emperor was power and the will to use it.
  20. It's not honoring a classic if you french it up all snooty-like. This is hamburgers for the 1%. And the French.
  21. So, yeah. What I already said. Some more strongly melodious music.
  22. Problem is, people who haven't seen the initial 12 page discussion of [subject] make new threads and new polls on the same subject upon registering for the forums. So someone is going to have to go searching either way to find the original/most responded to thread to use as a baseline anyway.
  23. But it's not realistic, because A. shoving a hairpin into a keyhole will never open a lock, you need a specialized set of tools because the tumblers vary in length and B. the game mechanically restricts access to high level locks as though the player character has a deep moral objection to attempting to open locks of a certain difficulty level (without actually knowing what that level is, because the player character has no UI to reference.) There's no outward way of telling how "difficult" a lock is to pick. The fundamental issue here is player skill versus character skill. If the player has the skill to succeed at a lockpicking minigame all the time, why should the player character have a lockpicking skill at all? There shouldn't be a lockpicking minigame unless there's a trait that gives the player character the ability to pick any lock as an inherent instinct. With some kind of severe downside.
  24. Do all Chinese and Russian players plan on pirating this game? I don't think so. I'm pretty sure some of them have backed it and others plan on buying it. Backers shouldn't enable pirates though by posting their own copies up on piratebay. China and Russia are in the top 3 countries for rates of software piracy is what I'm getting at.
  25. So basically they shouldn't do Chinese or Russian translations of the game.
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