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Everything posted by Chaospread

  1. Hi, i see that on Warding Seal but I think it is related to all Seals spells. When I check tooltip on the spell's description I see all the damage bonuses adopted: But the real damage in combat doesn't apply any bonuses: I suppose the game treats the seal as a trap thus not giving it bonus damage like any other spell, but is this the intended behavior of the spell or is it a bug? Anyway, or the spell is bugged, or the tooltip is wrong, isn't it?
  2. FoD is a finite resource so you often end auto-attacking so DEX is never a bad choise. Low CON could be bad for Sacred immolation, but at last levels you have plenty of health so you can't bother with that. Low INT with last patch are no so effective, but INT is not so important for a Paladin a part of aura radius.
  3. DEX is an ability to raise at max levels if you want/can, between 20 DEX or 15 DEX and no recovery, you can choose 15 with not great disadvantage imho. Speed isn't only useful for DPS but i.e. you can interrupt enemy BEFORE it does, or you can debuff it before it. I like PGs with high DEX for these reasons. So I'd not go lower than 15 DEX, but 10 DEX is also a possible value (especially in a party). About PER, Paladin can buff accuracy well, so I'd prefer MIG against PER, and the game is balanced versus 10 PER value (also in PotD), so between MIG and PER I'd go for MIG 20 and PER 15 i.e. PER is more important early level anyway, but these are personal decision/thoughts imho, let PER high, respec... Early level can be achieved also with not many combats, thus keep in mind a strategy also when you think at attributes.
  4. For the last slot I'd go for a support/healing Chanter.
  5. Keep in mind that little variation on distribution attribute doesn't waste a run, I did several run in PotD SOLO and I never set CON and RES below 6/7 both, and it worked also with a Paladin. In doubt, I'll keep a no-respec distribution, fair attribute values (15/16) can fit. You can also max PER and not MIG, but, as I said, little variation (3/4 points) doesn't invalidate a run If you wanna more INT, i.e., you could do 6 CON and 17 INT... and so on... finally, don't bother much on that
  6. Yes, unless particularly cases, dump stats are always CON and RES, DEX for martial class is always a MAX o nearly MAX
  7. Hi all, you know that from the Gullet you can reach some locations as Delver's Row, Dereo's Lair and so. A path leads to the Neighbourhoods, a bunch of scripted encounters/interactions; ok, I searched but I can't find any list/information about what are these encounters and how they "work" (results, checks, etc...) in the wiki, the forum nor elsewhere. Do some of you know whether such information exist and where can I find it? Many thanks
  8. Ok, so in simple terms there is a 50% chance that a spell cast can be interrupted during the effect duration, if I understand right. I had some immunities (captain's banquet) and i've been under blade cascade effect and only making melee attacks thus this is the case I noticed no particular effect I've a save game before this encounter, so I can retry and test it Thank you for the explanation!
  9. Hi all, yesterday during Guardian of Ukaizo fight, an Engwithan hierarch hit me with this ability: Spellbane . The wiki says: Target: 10-15 | Accuracy vs. Will If successful: Target with Spells for 30.0 sec (50% chance to apply) In combat log i saw the line "Target with Spells for 30.0 sec" so the ability was successful against me, but I didn't notice anything in particular... So, what should do this ability if successful, a part of moderate corrode damage? Thanks to anybody who will answer me
  10. Hi, do you switch armor in base of the foe's weapons? Do you use "At the Sound of His Voice, the Killers Froze Stiff" and "The Thunder Rolled Like Waves on Black Seas"?
  11. Do you consider Druid as a religious class? Because he/she could add CC and DPS more than a paladin. Otherwise a chanter is also good for CC and some other variant abilities of 3 paladins
  12. Hi, I re-tested again and it works as @thelee said, indeed, I got a extra bounce compared to the tooltip In my previous test maybe there was a foe outside bounce range or maybe a foe died: can it be that when a enemy die the bounces stopped to propagate? Thanks @Boeroer for the suggestion, it is precious for following tests
  13. Yes, thank you all, finally the bonus is in place but not showed. The last doubt I keep is for bounces, I'm not sure to see always 10 bounces, maybe I'll retry and then report my logs
  14. Regardless of difficulty (every class can SOLO the game at PoTD) you can beat the game with any party composition (with reasonable and decent builds). Apart from this, 3 paladin can be good because if I remember well auras stack, and also abilities like coordinate attacks. I'd prefer a paladin as a tank and a monk as DPS, like you suggest. Two priests are overabundant, I switch one of those with a wizard or a cipher The other Priest could achieve the rule of support (buffing/debuffing) with less attention to healing cause you have already 3 paladins If you go with arquebus maybe choose Magran as deity.
  15. Hi everybody, I would know if this is a bug. My PG is a 20 level Sciaman with 22 value of Arcana skill. When I hover over Scroll of Chain Lightning damage is calculate as follow: So there is a 65% bonus to base damage. I think it is due to arcana value, by the way, when I cast the scroll in game, I get: The 65% level bonus damage disappear! Note the +13 bonus to accuracy... so does the bonus for level/arcana work only for accuracy? Is this a bug? Does any other scroll work like that? Or is the bonus take in consideration but not showed in the log? I suspect this because 61.6 roll is outside of range... Another thing, the bounce: in the tooltip there a -10% malus for the bounce, but in the log the second bounce have -19% malus... so does the bounce have a cumulative -10% maluce each hit? Ad, finally, in tooltip I read of 10 bounces, but if a bounce doesn't it are the successive bounces stopped from propagation? Thanks to all who will help me to solve this weird behaviour
  16. I've just tested now: sadly, Dragon Pendant doesn't work, summons doesn't remain "eatable" on the field when they die
  17. Well, you can follow Skaen suggestion and give Woedica the souls. Before you can kill Thaos for personal reasons and/or to take his place Another evergreen RP: 3) Kill 'em all. Always resolve query with killing as many foes you can. In doubt, kill also neutral people. Maybe some quests can be solved in this way. Maybe the main quest can't be achieved Saken priest or bleak walker could fit this PG, but some disposition choice can clash with your murdering intents, so perhaps better choose class with no deity/disposition. Death godlike also is cute with this role I think.
  18. Wow, this open new worlds to explore to me, I can't wait to try these discoveries... and the next trial I want to face is just Xaurip Chronicles! How many times without eating those poor drakes and wurms from dragon pendant...
  19. OMG! I have been playing a corpse eater for months and never realized that! Thank you very much, you made my day!
  20. Bardatto, Evasive Roll or your invocations (you can use non-offensive abilities without breaking stealth). Excuse me, I missed some points I think: where the PL bonus come from a body inspiration?
  21. Well, but corpse eater can eat only kith or wilder, so you'd need a chanter evoking some ogres at least
  22. My current equipment with a Sciaman solo PoTD in some SSS battles (the weapons change depending on opponents).
  23. Hi, how can the chanter summon skellies if she/he is locked switching weapons? The armors you said are for for enchantements like Death in Life and Barbed Thorns i.e. another form of "risposte"?
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