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Everything posted by Karranthain

  1. Very interesting. I never played ToEE... wasn't it turn based though. I can easily see how you could implemetn spears like that in a TB game but a real time with pause I thinkg would be much more difficult And here's another idea : Spear users would receive defensive boni (e.g. decreasing opponents to hit chance) - but only until first hit connects; afterwards, the defensive bonus would be removed and opponents would receive an offensive bonus. This would simulate warding off attackers with the spear. After they get close, it becomes a liability. This would make attacking them a risky move, but one that could pay off handsomely.
  2. And for combat music, something like this, please : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIOjEAgrNrM
  3. And that's a valid point; but they can definitely improve on what they've offered so far - the first set of the stretch goals was, as Adam Brennecke himself conceded, very much thrown together; they simply didn't expect such a warm reception. But I definitely agree that they goals shouldn't be made just with intention of making more money - any additional funding should be, foremost, spent on improving the game. That said, they can achieve both, it all depends on how they do it. Since we're approaching another threshold, we'll find out soon enough.
  4. I'm still hoping for Justin Sweet's involvement (http://forums.obsidi...ost__p__1188511) I'm fairly sure we'd see a sharp increase of pledges should both George Ziets' and Sweet's involvement be announced.
  5. Selecting the best spells for the spellbook was a fun process in itself. I'm all in favour of a Vancian system. And as for cooldowns - kill it with fire please.
  6. I think they've only given the release date because Kickstarter forced them to do it, otherwise they'd probably be a lot more vague about it. And honestly, a spring 2014 release is only a projection, I'd wager they really don't know how long it could take them. In any case, I'm glad that they can finally take their time, with no publisher breathing down their neck.
  7. I think you're right - the shield looks the same. I like the upper left corner version too - look slightly Spanish. What kind of designs would you like them to use though? Ideally they'd still retain their unique identity, even when wearing heavy armour. I've suggested cuirasses, because it'd give them a unique look - and it's probably the best choice for them, due to being relatively light and not limiting freedom of movement. Still not convinced Edair concept art also has this, but it's far less pronounced. Maybe it's something else entirely? In any case, I must say that I think chainmail would've looked better. But I also acknowledge that's it's a very nitpicky concern to have
  8. Great suggestion! It's usually the casters that have most options in combat (and, as a consequence, fun); your suggestion would most definitely make non-casters more interesting to play as. As an added benefit, this would also make crafting more valuable. I'll write a more detailed post about these soon.
  9. We've all been waiting a very long time for this; I, for one, would be fine with waiting just a bit longer
  10. I must agree that the stretch goals so far have been mostly fairly disappointing (aside from maybe the game modes, but even that, I think, wasn't exciting enough). Here's an example of just how much an enticing stretch goal can help : http://forums.obsidi...20#entry1208409
  11. Expanding on the ideas in the first post (http://forums.obsidi...s/#entry1190501) : Personally, I'd rather have access to a smaller amount of weapon types, as long as each and every type offers a completely unique playstyle. A few notes : 1) Attack modes It has been mentioned more than a few times by several people - a halberd, for an instance should be a multi-purpose weapon, e.g. : 1) Used as a spear, dealing piercing damage. 2) Used as a axe, with crushing and slashing damage. 3) Used as a hook. Ideally, the player would be able to switch between those modes at will. 2) Unique animations A rapier is, obviously, handled very differently than a simple broadsword. The animations should emphasize quick precise thrusts etc. 3) Different uses And perhaps the most important part. Each type should vastly differ from the other; some would excel against plate users, others would be multifunctional, but fairly weak etc. 4) Closing thoughts These solutions would most definitely reduce the number of available weapon types, but in return we'd be offered a truly unique arsenal. Each piece of weaponry would serve a different purpose and feel different. In most cRPGs, the player picks their weapon based solely on its look, because they don't differ mechanically (at least not in a sufficient manner).
  12. I think that'd be Kaelyn, but that might be partially because of the voice-actress She's an idealist, and you want her to be right, even if you know that, ultimately, her views are very naive. (I'm aware the it was MCA who wrote her, not George) Yeah, sorry, was just being facetious
  13. Actually, I'm in full favor of your propostion It's the infamous FO3 skillcheck.
  14. Yeah, I like it too - the cloth might be slightly too long though (if we'd be nitpicking, that is). It looks weird for leather too, in fact I have no idea what might it be And I agree that the down to earth design is really well done here. As for the glove - I think Cadegund would be fine really, it's not like it's a trigger - it's more of a lever Though I must say I still like this piece the most :
  15. I'd prefer it if critical hits had unique animations, depending on the weapon used (though it'd probably be too much work). Just something simple, e.g. overhead slash with a sword, powerful thrust with a spear.
  16. So, on the topic of Cadegund : What do you like/dislike about this particular design? Personally, I find it very nice, I only have some reservations about the chainmail underneath the plate - i.e. it doesn't look like chain at all But I'm very happy with the overall look of the armour, no oversized pauldrons or spikes.
  17. I don't particularly like Soule (I find him utterly boring and uncreative most of the time - just to mention the infamous brass synths he overuses), but I agree that he got this piece right (I haven't played this game) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBGgZ1PUFWU Might've just as well been used in Icewind Dale.
  18. Could be fun. On a more serious note : it'd best if, in the course of our adventures, we'd have an opportunity to visit many types of environments and travel afar. Even glaciers get old after a while
  19. This won't be terribly original, but here goes : Glaciers, snowy landscapes and mountains. Yes, I liked the atmosphere in Icewind Dale On top of that - swamps and ancient forests.
  20. I'd also add a Skald class - a warrior poet; a bard who can fight well. Various songs - of course, summoning mythical creatures, using war horns and greatswords. At least that's how I'd picture them.
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