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Everything posted by Karranthain

  1. As for Sweet's portraits telling a story, here's an example :
  2. Good point; for that matter, I'd prefer if we had access to a smaller arsenal - but with each piece of weaponry having different animations and uses.
  3. Law of Gold Hex Target is silenced for 10 seconds. The hex can be broken prematurely by the afflicted, but it deals severe damage in such case.
  4. Some thoughts on shield mechanics : http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/60205-weapon-mechanics/page__st__40#entry1203272
  5. Endure. In enduring, grow strong.

  6. How about narrated sequences instead? http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/60371-narrated-sequences-instead-of-cutscenes-lets-use-our-imagination-again/page__view__findpost__p__1196013
  7. Some ideas in this post : http://forums.obsidi...60#entry1189497 Personally, I'd like to see Rapiers, Halberds and Claymores the most.
  8. I hate quest markers as well, especially because games tend to be designed around them - even if you can usually disable them, you'll get no directions from the NPC (as the developers didn't bother including them due to the said quest markers).
  9. And one more quote : source : http://forums.obsidi...60#entry1210644 (Emphasis mine).
  10. source : http://gamasutra.com...hp#.UGV_qa6GXQ0
  11. Good idea, I could definitely see Wizards inscribing various runes or sigils on their armour. Easiest way to do it is to have various advantages and disadvantages for using armour. For an instance, war mages could fight in full plate, but their magical ability would suffer. Some would eschew armour completely - their magical power would be immense, but they'd really vulnerable to firearms. That'd open up interesting possibilities for the player. I don't like class weapon restrictions myself, I'd rather see them removed (that said, some weapons would suit specific playstyles more); on the topic of wizards, however, I just think that a rapier would fit them pretty well, being a very elegant weapon. It'd definitely look unique, I reckon.
  12. Edair has the same, actually. Did people notice it before? Is it maybe something intentional? Yeah, it's much more noticable in Cadegund's case though. Maybe it is, but I suspect it might be the artist's idea of a chainmail
  13. That could be a blunderbuss. Also, please fix that chainmail
  14. Level scaling - unless it works like in BG games - i.e. actually makes the encounters harder as you level up. Trash combat - see: Deep Roads. Persuasive lines that aren't actually persuasive. Fake choices in dialogues - kill it with fire. Random (and level scaled) loot in the Skyrim fashion. Cooldowns. MMO-like mechanics - DPS meters, aforementioned cooldowns etc.
  15. I prefer the alternative solution you have proposed i.e. companion interjections. Or, allowing them to speak for you in certain circumstances. I'd imagine it was also done because of the balance issues - e.g. in a game with 5 companion characters you could (most likely) easily master each and every non-combat skill, which in turn would maky any skillchecks in the game trivial. That said, it does make perfect sense (after all, that's what the companions are for, to provide expertise in their respective fields) - but it reduces the replayability. It could be solved by having a very large number of non-combat skills though.
  16. I don't see a problem here, just use cheatcodes No need for a separate mode.
  17. Happy birthday Chris! So it's 402 already? Must be the fish oil.
  18. If we're nitpicking, I'd also like to point out that the chainmail underneath the plate looks really off - as in not like chainmail at all I like the edit more, though.
  19. Indeed. That's what cRPGs are meant to be, after all.
  20. That's a musket or a blunderbuss (possibly the second)
  21. Also, I'm guessing Cadegund's influenced by the Germanic name Kunigunde? Kuni (of noble birth) Gunde (combat).
  22. Especially because, as you've mentioned, they'd come in handy against rival mages. This is how spell battles could be resolved : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DzcOCyHDqc
  23. I pretty much never play as a mage, but having a brace of pistols and a rapier would change my mind quickly And that's a good idea, when the spells fail, there's always a trusty wheellock.
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