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Everything posted by 'GM'

  1. Sigmund Freud once wrote “A man with a toothache cannot be in love" Pretty true isn't it? I considered rewatching Cast Away to see exactly how Tom Hanks character removed his offensive tooth. But yeah, love wasn't foremost in my thoughts on my worst days.
  2. Watched The Descent over the weekend. It's been a long time since I outright screamed in sheer fright during a movie.
  3. Finally getting over a 2 month long dental problem. Had a new crown put in but it never settled since that particular tooth - a back molar - was bad anyway. Long story short, I had a root canal done to it and the pain is at long last GONE!!! I'm so happy I can finally get my things done without wanting to cry or take pain killer for it. I even painted my nails for the occasion.
  4. 1. Fringe 2. Firefly 3. Battlestar Galactica 4. Babylon 5 5. Star Trek TNG 6. Castle 7. Northern Exposure 8. The Sopranos 9. Game of Thrones
  5. This may have already been said but I honestly do not have the time to read through every post to find out. One of the things I never liked in games was that mages are pretty much forced to wearing robes. I want my whole entire party wearing armor. They're going to war for pities sake. Nor do I want to find a spectacular ring only to find out it won't slip onto my finger because the necklace or cloak I'm wearing won't let it. Lol I always found that so ridiculous. I agree with those who don't want a strength restriction on weapons that you know good and well such a character you're trying to give it to could easily wield it.
  6. I never understood achievements anyway. First time I ever ran into them was in the DA games and I thought I'd be able to get some goodies if I earned enough points. But all I found out was I still had to pay for any new add-ons, whatever.
  7. When I first saw this thread I was thinking Epona! LOL, couldn't figure out how that would work. But after reading the input here I like rjshae's idea. That'd be pretty fun, but I also like the idea of having the option to buy your own team and cart so that you could use it as storage for everything from weapons to food, even rest. Could be a place for extra party members when they're not with you on a particular quest. Just some thoughts.
  8. I'd like a dog companion. But one that's realistic, not some fantasical creature. Leave that for the summons. And as far as having a dog companion goes, why not make one that can seek out traps for you. He wouldn't be able to disarm it, but he could certainly be trained to find traps. Make him a bit more useful than say, the dog in DA origins.
  9. I really liked that a lot too. Made me pause what I was doing just to listen to them. I got the biggest kick out of Oghren. I suppose it would be way too much to expect the main character to actually have voice, like in DA2.
  10. I'd love to have plenty of side quests with maybe the opportunity to acquire special equipment/items. Hours and hours worth would be good imo.
  11. LOL I know what you mean. I ordered a couple really cute tops from Boston Proper. Normally I wear a medium, but their mediums were like XL! Hung like a sack. Returned them and got a XS instead and still a bit baggy. But their jeans fit great. Anyway, I went to the dentist this morning and got my permanent crown molar. My jaw aches though. Then I readied our guest room for some guests arriving this weekend.
  12. I got all my original cases, boxes, strategy guides, and in one instance I found a sales receipt inside.
  13. I never got around to playing the original IWD games. Heard they were better than IWD2 which I didn't like at all. The BG2 's were my favorites though. I played through many times.
  14. Good Lord I remember those! I remember being scared of it because I didn't really understand what it was all about. I miss all the fun too Sargy. The highlight of my days and I ain't ashamed to admit it.
  15. We just seen that 2 nights ago. That was a fun movie!
  16. What is there not to get? Bagelheading, why bagelheading is desirable, why anyone would want to look like they have an O-Ring fused on their head. That sort of thing. Oh LOL! I think it's because it is so outlandish that they find it cool. I thought it was a joke at first. Apparently not.
  17. Its good to see you again, man its been ages! So how many of the old crew is actually still around? Wow I sure hope life will be a lot better for you LC. I'm glad to see you and some of the others from the old boards still around. Hey, don't know if I ever thanked you or not... in fact you may well have forgotten... for saving so much of The Red Light District before BIS closed for good. I still have it and think of you every time I look at it. So, thank you!!!!
  18. I think having a debit card is the way to go. All gold collected is automatically transferred to your account.
  19. Yes, they are. Extremely stupid, in fact. China's human rights violations does in no way (directly) affect me, yet I oppose them. I also oppose sweat shops in Asia, famines in Africa, drug wars in South America. None of these things affect me in safe little Sweden. Energetic fella aren't ya? Not my problem.... You have insulted me numerous times then turn around and say something like this? It is not ME sticking my nose in another's way of life. I don't care how you live. You're the one who wants to condemn anything or anyone that doesn't agree with your own limited point of view, as you admitted in the first part of this post. Oh god, LOL! It's not YOUR country! And 'wrongdoing? Read my last sentence in the above section. Bleh... I'm done talking to you.
  20. What do you think kills more people, America's lax gun laws or China's human rights atrocities? How can our gun laws affect someone living in Sweden? What American threatened you at gun point? Or are those 'stupid' questions too?
  21. As someone sitting on the other side of the fence, I think I can answer these. No, crime will persist. Dumb question. Will it lessen gun related crime (which is by far the most lethal of all crime types)? Yes. It does. End of. Another stupid question. No, it will not stop ALL death by guns, only an idiot would assume so. Will it lessen them? Yes, substantially! Both deaths by gun accident and death by gun related crime. No. Does it matter? No. Geez, I am not sure if you're being serious with these kindergarten questions or not, but let me humour you. No, it will not disappear. But if you compare having a legal gun shop in every street corner to having to find a criminal who sells guns on the black market, how would you rate the ratio of availability? 1000 to 1? Do you see my point? My father owns lots of guns. Having stricter gun control does NOT equal not having guns at all. It simply means you have to prove you are mentally stable, have no criminal record and can handle a gun (hunting license exam here in Sweden). If you want to handle more extreme guns (fully automatic, exotic weapons, army equipment), you join a gun club. You don't take that stuff home with you! Well, thank you for answering my questions.
  22. I don't think it is the ordinary people that are the concern. But unfortunately, in all societies, not everyone desires living peaceably.
  23. I was asking questions. I asked because I want to know. Please don't assume my emotion for me.
  24. For those of you who are so anti-gun, let me ask you these questions. Do you think that a country removing all guns out of the hands of its citizens will also include those bent on crime? Do you think that will stop all death by guns? Do you think those in government will be without firearms? Do you think that the black markets will suddenly disappear? And maybe most important, do you think that all who own guns are criminals? How about this, do you think that those who don't own guns are incapable of committing a crime? I truly would like to see these answered. For my own part I know that disarming the law-abiding citizens will only make them vulnerable to take over. Having guns is what keeps the people having some control on their lives and freedoms. Again, without them we become 'sitting ducks'. Think of what that means please. Let me also ask a hypothetical question. If you, or you and your family, were suddenly in a serious life threatening situation from armed criminals and you had an equal chance to either seek refuge with an anti-gun establishment, or one where you know the occupants were well armed and waiting to give you aid, which would you run to? I think that a lot of you have only looked at the fact that 'guns kill'. Yes they do. But guns also 'save lives'. I've said it before, and I'll say it again.... we've owned guns for generations and not one incident of accidental shooting, or death because of it. Yet owning a gun has saved the life of more than one of us. My father would not be alive today if he hadn't been armed while working a night job years ago. He is not a violent man, but there are those who would do violence for the sake of violence to him or any of us. You can't change those people. Personally, I think most people who own handguns keep them because they kill. The very likely threat of death is what keeps the criminal at bay. So the criminal chooses to prey on the defenseless, just like many animals do. It's why the weasel, the perfect little killing machine, doesn't attack a wolf or wildcat for instance. He doesn't have a chance in hell against them. And a well armed person is suddenly about as invulnerable to a criminal as the wolf is to the weasel. I won't even go hiking unless I know someone in our group is armed. And it isn't the wild animals I am cautious of. I won't ride my horse on long trail rides, or go camping or any of that stuff without being armed. We have never had to resort to using one, but there is peace of mind knowing that you can defend yourself if the situation ever arose. Maybe some of you are open-minded enough to at least look at the other side of gun-ownership, and truly see it without pre-judgments clouding your view.
  25. We don't need an accomplished feminist to state the obvious... but I am inspired to speak up all the same. So to those of you who just can't seem to figure out why women didn't do any of those 'great' things, this is for you. From the dawn of time men have had the physical strength over women. And that, as I see it, set the course in their favor. Look how women were treated throughout history. Often beat into submission... beat or restrained. Even if they weren't the cause of the man's displeasure. Just a convenient target. Women didn't have the physical strength to protect herself and no one as her advocate. She was often either pregnant or raising babies or both. Fat chance to do anything worthwhile in that situation. She learned early on that submission to men was the most peaceful and safest route. Her lot in life. Men didn't have a trail of children to burden them as they set about doing whatever it was they wanted to do, like 'discover' something. The only ones to challenge their authority were other men, none of which would even dream of seeking a woman's opinion. At least not publicly. So of course they made the laws... in their favor. If women had been endowed with equal or stronger physical strength they would never have put up with the repeated knocking around. And since physical strength inspires respect, a woman would have been greatly respected, her opinion of importance. She would've had a part to play in the exploration of the world and all that man stuff. Then gradually it became understood that women are people too! And have feelings and intelligence. We are now gaining respect, and have a voice in decisions to be made. There are laws in place that protect her from abuse, although it does still occur all too often. We are involved in just about everything now. We're hardly and resilient. We've come a long way. I think that is quite an accomplishment in itself.
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