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Everything posted by 'GM'

  1. Since I keep having to remind you all of basic, fundamental precepts of socialism, such as the fact that everybody is not supposed to be totally equal, I guess so! You
  2. Look here you! Women can have babies! And it is a proven fact - in our circle of life here - that I can pout and stomp my feet much more efficiently than any man. I can burst into tears as easy as drawing in a breath at will, thereby gaining my own way at whatever it is I wish. A man would be ridiculed for doing such. Women can wear guy clothes or girl clothes and no one would think anything odd.... try dressing a guy in a skirt and frilly blouse and he just copped himself a label. Seriously though, the sexes are not equal to each other, imo, for the very obvious fact that one is a man, the other a woman with obvious physical differences. So it would seem logical enough that our thinking processes differ as well. To say one sex is superior to another I think would depend on your concept of what you mean by 'superior'. When it comes to physical abilities requiring strength, yeah ... men have us beat... And I do so appreciate the man's ability to do those things that most women would find difficult or close to impossible. I think a lot of the reason why society insists on equality has to do with the women's movement, which I think has good points, such as gaining respect as human beings and not just as a man's property. There are a lot of not so good as well. I might get slammed on for this, but I think the majority (meaning not all) of women should not be in politics. They have this tendency to 'prove' their capabilities by being unreasonable (or narrow-minded), confusing that with being strong and adhering to a principle. Not that men can't be that way too, it just seems to me women are more so. This has been my observation up to now anyway. On the other hand, I think women make great doctors and teachers... that inborn nurturing often gives them an advantage over men. I remember being hugged and comforted as a child by some of my women teachers. That was important... never by a man though. I guess hugging and comforting is a no-no now though. I might think of some more stuff later...
  3. I had to give this some consideration... the 'fear' part. I don't think we have a culture of fear, at least we haven't until recent times. And not because we think everyone is out to kill us. Instead, I think the fear stems more from all this political correctness bs that is running rampant. It is everywhere. Watch what we say and watch what we do because someone might be offended. Parents can't correct their kids in public for fear some righteous nosy-body will report them as child abusers. We supposed to make sure we don't offend fat people, crippled people, people of different religions, races, color, height, width, intellect, whatever! We have learn fancy words because saying the word 'fat' for instance might hurt a fat persons feelings, even if we're referring to a slab of bacon....
  4. Aren't we defensive? Given your obvious hostility towards Oblarg, and your defensiveness to me calling your example unfair, I was wondering if you were lumping me into a pro-gun control crowd and wanting to hit me (and Oblarg and others) to "knock some sense into us." Unsurprisingly, you are dismissive by stating your silliness is lost on me, without accounting for the fact that, perhaps on the internet, things get read differently by other people. Exactly so. You elaborated on my emotional approach, and instead of 'being defensive' or 'offensive' over it I opted for silliness. Things are often read differently than what the poster intended. But I certainly do have emotions.. I am an individual after all.
  5. Oh geezie, I was just being playful.... forget it, it's obviously lost on you.
  6. Emotion! Aww you ain't seen nothin' buddy. Just be glad I couldn't reach any of you with my frying pan, you'd all have lumps on your heads right now.
  7. By accident? It would be a grievous situation, as in any accident that caused a death and they'd benefit in learning proper handling of a firearm. Or not have one at all in their household. By attack? In which case they'd have been better served in having a firearm to hand for their defense. Only because you don't want to know! Did you read any of the links I posted? Or is that data you don't want to see? Here is just one very good reason to own and have to hand a firearm ~ ~ paragraph 8 of the 2nd link. Who's saying they have a right to harm people? Not me... not my neighbors... nor my family or friends. Yet most of us have owned guns for several generations and never harmed a single soul. We are the people Oblarg. You don't have the right to dictate what decent law-abiding citizens can and can't do. Nor do you have the right to tell us we cannot defend ourselves and our families. That is not only our right, but our duty.
  8. Well I don't know you, but it seems like you could be a reasonable person. Although your comment that I was unfair is also unfair, imo, since accidents of all sorts occur on a daily basis yet there are no calls for banning on any of them except guns. Here are a few links to get you started. Link #1 Link #2 Link #3 Link #4 I have a good healthy respect for handguns and rifles. I have made sure I know how to load, shoot, and unload one properly, because gun accidents can happen when someone doesn't know how to properly handle one. Kind of like someone driving a car without taking lessons you see. Or flying a plane, or operating any kind of machinery or even cooking on the stove.
  9. Doesn't mean one individual can't benefit in a way that harms the rest. This is irrelevant, though, as owning a gun has no real benefit anyway. What a totally ignorant thing to say. What are you, 5 years old? Try telling that to people who are alive today because they had a handgun. Why don't you go do some 'real' research on the subject instead of being the perfect media-puppet, happily applauding everything they tell you.
  10. This is good to know, thank you for that bit of information. Well, in defense of my friends all I can say is that it took me awhile to learn some of the more basic things, and obviously I am still learning. You guys are so nice.... I'm a visual person, and usually need someone to 'show' me. Once that happens it usually all comes together for me. Picture books are treasures to me. Explaining can be confusing. And these guys don't have anyone to show them. But I'll be taking the computer back... soon as I get over this lousy cold I've had for a week... and help them set up their internet and show them how to take care of their computer better in the future.
  11. Yeah, I was able to save the files they wanted. Before I did the reformat I deleted some old games and programs they said they were never able to get rid of. I honestly don't know what the problem was there. I guess I could do some research, but what exactly is a rootkit? And would it have worked for that above annoying trojan do you think? This I found rather telling too... Here this computer is what, 9years old and all the drivers and installation cd's were in their original sealed sleeves. So, in all this time no one has done a thing to this poor old relic. Mines been rebuilt twice in the last 4 years... but I do a lot more on it too though.
  12. I installed one of those free anti-virus programs on that computer and ran it... and ran it. It came up with over 300 things, got rid of most of it, but some things were so annoyingly there, no matter what I did the anti-virus window popped up. One in particular - TR/Small.JR.1 in system 32 nul.sgn. Whatever the heck that is. I'm so untechnical. Finally temporarily disabled the anti-virus so that I could actually do something. I ran spybot, got rid of more crap. Then re-enabled the anti-virus which immediately threw that same warning up at me. So I talked to some tech, read through similar problems at another tech forum, and eventually decided to do what I figured I'd have to do all along. Reformat. Did that last night, but still have to install drivers etc. I thought they had dial-up at their home, but they said they've had dsl for quite some time. Shows what I know... we have satellite. I guess I can still hook their computer up to that and do their internet stuff?
  13. Lol, pimpin aint easy. And here I truly thought this would be the one he would want. I'm so hurt.
  14. The computer is still not here, so all I have to go on is what they've told me, which is that they can't save anything to disk. And they said they can't even delete things. She has several folders of pictures that she doesn't want anymore but can't get rid of them at all. So, unless she is a total spacer.. which she is not, lol!.. then something is really screwed up with this thing.
  15. I totally agree. I do that with mine. I'm going to suggest they get one before I look at it in case they can transfer the stuff over. Not sure if they will be able to if the computer is that messed up. I'm not sure if I'm the best person to be looking at it for them, lol!
  16. I've got a feeling the whole thing may need a reformatting. I can do that, but I'd rather not. Especially if they can't back up any of their keepers. Like his business plans, that would be terrible to lose those. Well I guess I'll soon find out what's up with it. They're bringing it over sometimes this week. If they got an external hard drive would they have a better chance of transferring the important stuff that way? Or with one of those usb memory sticks?
  17. So what kind of coat are the people in those images wearing? Those longish white trench coats with suspicious stains on them.
  18. Yes Gfted, they are separate windows log-in's. She said she used to be able to access it her account at first (and I'm not sure what she means by that, just assuming she meant when they first got the old computer), but then suddenly it just wouldn't let her do anything. Checking the permissions is a good idea, I'll suggest that to her. Gorgon, from what I understand her husband can't back up any of the files they want from his account either. I'm assuming something is wrong with that drive.
  19. I am to help my friend get her computer up and running again. She doesn't know much of anything, and her husband even less. I guess they have separate accounts. He can access his and do his business plans etc. She can't access hers at all. He can get online and do simple things like email a friend or check the news on his homepage. She can't. But neither can backup any of their important stuff onto a disk because that doesn't work right either. I am not sure what my first step in helping her should be. Any suggestions? Oh... it's an older Dell model, at least 9 years old and doesn't have a working anti-virus anymore because it cannot update not being able to get the updates online. They have dial-up. And they said they have a spy-ware removal program, just can't remember what it is called.
  20. That conjures up some unusual images...
  21. Ah that's too bad. The style probably doesn't suit him and he just doesn't know it. Are you an attorney?
  22. I like this one >>>
  23. Yeah it was a bit tricky trying to 'be that other person' lol! I even forgot to log out of one account once and it wasn't until after I made a post as GM that I realized the mistake and quickly had to edit. Oh so close...
  24. I remember all the alternate accounts. I even had 2 besides GM that only a couple members knew about.
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