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Everything posted by Oner

  1. :hail:
  2. Shotgun should be your primary weapon and gadgets the secondary. Critical hit, Stomp, repeat. I'm using a tech/engineer in my current playthrough too, and had 0 problems. Just don't bother keeping people alive.
  3. Fallout: Tactics? : x Not sure how to "categorize" Fallout Tactics as anything other than a rts game? I was replaying to the bolded part.
  4. New Mortal Kombat fatalities (cam)
  5. Fallout: Tactics? : x
  6. I see some of 4chan's humor has rubbed off on you. I'm disappointed. For not caring how politically correct a joke is? **** puh-LEASE Unboxing Porn
  7. So if people have differing opinions from you they're fanboys that downplay flaws. That's..umm..yeah.
  8. E3 Booth Babes part 1 Good thing game journalists have their priorities straight. Disciples III E3 trailer
  9. Valve took away cutscene skipping controls.
  10. I'm not one who's very interested in themed T-shirts, but Obs people constantly running around in those cool shirts is irritating me.
  11. I'm starting to think he doesn't avoid bandwagons so much as intentionally goes against them.
  12. Isn't every hub-centered game like that? Which is the reason I don't like it.
  13. Feel the insanity!
  14. http://cdn.themis-media.com/media/global/i...78/06-15-10.jpg
  15. We want to dig it too, but we're not allowed yet.
  16. *laughs* That was terrible. The most annoying aspect of stuff like that, for me personally, is I can read the 'wall of text' 5x faster than it scrolls/is being spoken. Thank goodness most games let you press ESC these days. Yeah. You'd think reading fast is a good thing, but intros like this screw you over.
  17. But the PMC isn't evil! Only one the guys leading it!
  18. Will there be a psyker class? I hope there will be a psyker class. Don't think there will be though.
  19. You managed to quote my favorite.
  20. I miss the hit/death descriptions.
  21. And here it is: Alpha Protocol In related news,
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