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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Yume stands for 'dream' as far as I remember or 'sleep'.. something related at least. And I can't play that damn game.. it's just so damn open-ended and mind screw-y... No kidding, I'm stuck in my first room (the forest).Now that you mention it, IIRC the title is supposed to be Dream Diary.
  2. Jedi Knight games. :3So IRL swordplay = jumping and running around like a headless chicken, hitting the air with the sword in hopes that the position of a FTL (to account for lag) opponent will be coincident with one's blade? Whoa, what fencing style do you practice? Me wants. Never mind that he was talking about realistic damage (ie one hit kill).
  3. Klikwerk
  4. For those with apparent dyslexia.
  5. I can suck it up and accept an ME2 style carryover (except the council thing, that was pathetic) as long as we can reply to the e-mails (plural, as in several/character ).
  6. Remote Hack is an active ability.
  7. Judging from this, I know now why there are no quest trailers for RPGs.
  8. Yeah uh, the "benefit" of not only having to debug Beth's mess, bu upgrading it too.
  9. Twisted Metal was a good ending for today's show.
  10. Yeah, sacrificing your leader was nice touch. Dude, the enemy leader.
  11. Archers, all in Robin Hood cosplay.
  12. Who gives a **** Gabe, who gives a ****! EP 3 BITCH
  13. Kevin is awesome.
  14. But that's worse than shadow boxing. Worse than an imaginary friend. At least you can say you're crazy as an excuse in case of the latter.
  15. Playing golf without the ...stick.
  16. But it would be Obs coding it, no?
  17. Ice Cream Controller! :drool:
  18. They really could answer the patch question at least with a yes/no/'SEGA people are cracking their whips when we try to'.
  19. Actually, Joseph "promised" to take pictures.
  20. So you actually don't forgive even Joseph? I moved the star to the just because I *KNEW* someone was going to misinterpret that. 1: I posted while you edited.2: Failed your joke spot check.
  21. I spy with my little eye... something cool from DS 2. To hell with you funcroc! :shakefist:
  22. So you actually don't forgive even Joseph?
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