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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Nope, just tons of generic MMOGs from Korea and some superhero crap. I don't know why people found it funny that KotOR Online might get good subscriber numbers. Good numbers don't need to be Blizzards scale, just one tenth of it would do just fine. Plus Warhammer 40K: Dark Millenium in 2012. (Maybe this game will cause the apocalypse.)
  2. It didn't help Star Wars Galaxies much. The game where the players were called beta testers? And when things were finally going up Sony bought the project and ****ed it up? No wonder.
  3. And then there's the never ending stream of SW fans.
  4. Not to mention that tech guys eventually get +100% money after a hack/whatever.
  5. It would've been used in the Aliens RPG.
  6. So it's his own fault if he doesn't read up on stuff?So glad you agree.
  7. It's also a fact that you didn't bother reading up on the skills.
  8. I for one, am looking forward to this. Though AP made me a bit more cautious even if it didn't really disappoint me.
  9. This game sounds awesome so far.
  10. I think he's referring to fire elementals and such.
  11. You haven't played many RPGs then.
  12. Yeah, though the supernatural explanation is at least used exclusively by Obs. Imagine how jarring it would be if it were as common as Real Wurld FPSes. To be fair, in ME 2 it was about them having regrets/being distracted by personal issues. Dunno, it was the best thing about Tribes: Vengeance's story.
  13. Give them a break, AP relied on good old manipulation.
  14. Depends. If you're talking about the C&C, the negative reviews I read didn't even mention it. Some have called the characters bland, the VO bad, etc. Thinking about it, the only thing that wasn't criticized was the music.
  15. TOR Demo Walkthrough TOR interview Bounty Hunters have a western-like storyline? Color me intrigued.
  16. Already forgot about Torchlight?
  17. Robot Mule Attack! Tuuuuuurn up the radio!And make believe with you
  18. Krezack traveled back in time to answer your question before you even posted it!
  19. Tentadrake? They could've come up with something less Pok
  20. The best TOR vid yet was when a guy hired two players to kill someone and "make it look like an accident". What do the players do? Storm the place, kill everyone, then shoot the target in the head point blank. Oooooookaaaay.
  21. Anyone know the movie's/series' title BTW?)
  22. The press might have been overly harsh on AP, but they weren't complaining about the good parts. Some/A lot of them were.
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