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Everything posted by Oner

  1. King Arthur?
  2. Not against running zombies or when you need to kill the regular ones "Like ****ing right now!"
  3. I don't dread them. Yet.
  4. Cool:
  5. I think, a player who indulge themselves with this kind of "mischief" would probably like to see the "results"...in not a random manner. Then they set the Kill-Cam frequency to Always before detonation.
  6. And? Explosions aren't supposed to kill people?
  7. If it's not seen after every kill, when is it seen? After critical hit kills? How does it work? Ever play Jedi Knight 2-3? Assassin's Creed 2?Triggers randomly most likely.
  8. So Kirottu guessed right?
  9. Oner


    Imagine if a HL:S character were a glass. That glass is filled up with pudding and a 3 year old doodles a face-like something on it. That's how HL:S looks like.Also, quick save/load broke scripted sequences.
  10. I don't remember that spider but meh, they're in every game. Seems to be DS 2 either way. Actually, I think it's from DS1! You're probably right.
  11. Oner


    HL1 was great for it's time, it still is, but graphics & physics are it's main drawback atm. Which is why I'm thinking of grabbing HL1 Source sometime... Wait for Black Mesa instead (if it ever comes out). HL Source is ...something you shouldn't ever experience.
  12. Albatross- 18 Conrad Marburg- 11 (+1) Colossal fossil feud, unlike anything before, Henry Leland- 17 Hong Shi- 7 (-1) Half your boyz rebelled dude. Not good, not good at all. Konstantin Brayko- 18 Mina Tang- 10 Omen Deng- 21 SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 24 Sis- 22 Steven Heck- 21
  13. Albatross- 18 Conrad Marburg- 10 Henry Leland- 17 Hong Shi- 8 Konstantin Brayko- 18 (+1) Let's dance! Mina Tang- 10 Omen Deng- 21 Ronald Sung- 1 (-1) We're on a bullet and we head straight into Sung, even he'd like to end it too, SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 24 Sis- 22 Steven Heck- 20
  14. I thought the second one was pretty entertaining. It is a bit goofy, but the characters are good. The third one started off well but then turned lousy. The characters in RE 2 good? Wha?
  15. Sounds to me like they weren't honest. Or lawyers living in the capital. Insanely high cost of living, **** wages, high taxes, corrupt politicians. Hey hey, he said Finland, not Hungary.
  16. Albatross- 18 Conrad Marburg- 10 Henry Leland- 16 Hong Shi- 8 (-1) Your name rhymes with Yoshi. Unacceptable. Konstantin Brayko- 17 Mina Tang- 10 Omen Deng- 21 Ronald Sung- 3 SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 24 Sis- 22 (+2) It won't be a proper showdown if they don't start with the same number of points. Steven Heck- 20
  17. Albatross- 18 Conrad Marburg- 10 Henry Leland- 15 (+1) Bandwagons! You should jump on too! Hong Shi- 9 Konstantin Brayko- 17 Mina Tang- 10 Omen Deng- 21 Ronald Sung- 4 (-1) He sung once, but not anymore. SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 24 Sis- 21 Steven Heck- 20
  18. Albatross- 18 (+1) Hip percentage too low, must compensate. Conrad Marburg- 9 Henry Leland- 12 Hong Shi- 11 Konstantin Brayko- 17 Mina Tang- 10 Omen Deng- 21 Ronald Sung- 5 SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 24 Sis- 21 Steven Heck- 20 (-1) You sold me out! Well, it was for 5 mills, so I forgive you..this time.
  19. Alan Parker- 0 (-1) I'm sorry it came to this..*blam* Albatross- 17 Conrad Marburg- 9 Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 11 Konstantin Brayko- 17 Mina Tang- 10 (+1) Didn't vote on her yet I think. Omen Deng- 21 Ronald Sung- 6 SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 24 Sis- 21 Steven Heck- 21
  20. Alan Parker- 3 Albatross- 16 Conrad Marburg- 11 Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 11 Konstantin Brayko- 16 Mina Tang- 9 Omen Deng- 20 (+1) You are in over your head. Ronald Sung- 6 (-1) "You are already dead." SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 24 Sis- 21 Steven Heck- 20
  21. Alan Parker- 4 Albatross- 16 Conrad Marburg- 11 Henry Leland- 12 Hong Shi- 12 Konstantin Brayko- 14 Mina Tang- 8 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 22 (-1) Sis- 24 (+1) Status Quo is GOD (There, you forced me to repeat myself. Are you happy now? ARE YOU?!) Steven Heck- 20
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